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Police Commander dissatisfied with police officers Songkran results


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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Police Commander dissatisfied with police officers Songkran results

A better headline might have been: '419 grieving families dissatisfied with Police Commander Chakthip's ability to manage his massive workforce to the point that they show the first signs of meaning business in enforcing the road laws that have been 'in force' since year-dot. Drunk-driving's illegal, speeding's illegal and so is biking, baat (*) helmet, but, if the Police don't appear the slightest bit interested, why should the public?

(* Thanks to Ilkley Moor, of course, for this form of 'without')

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I wouldn’t be dissatisfied I’d be disgusted - and what will happen <deleted> - few moved to offices  - inactive post - then 7 days later after BIB in inactive post pay money to higher up BIB  - yeah no worries carry on as normal 

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1 hour ago, Jonmarleesco said:

There's a saying, General Chakthip, about a buck and with whom it stops. You and Prawit might like to look it up.


Agree. In other words their performance is the result of poor leadership, maybe they should all be rounded up for a haircut, that'll teach them to toe the line ...




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