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Have you ever been a victim of "Non-Violent Crime" in Thailand???

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I replied today as you will read below to another post today about "Have you ever been a victim of violent crime in Thailand?"


Sorry if you read this already.


However, on reflection I realise that my reply was probably not directly relevant to the question, but I feel it deserves an airing in its own right and welcome your replies if the moderators post it.


The only violent crime I have experienced personally was being kicked in the shin by a ladyboy with platform shoes (which caused internal bleeding leading to cellulitis and 11 days in hospital on IV antibiotics) and a 20,000Thb bill.


However, I have been the victim of other "non-violent" Thai crimes.


I was threatened by a street vendor with a knife for unwittingly parking my car on his patch just as he was arriving with his "Mobile Restaurant". When he pulled a knife I jumped into my car with him yelling some Thai unutterables...mostly E-HEEYA (however you spell it)? :smile: and as I drove off he knifed my car leaving a forty inch scratch across 2 door panels.


Another time when my passport had been lovingly laundered by my girlfriend with my shorts, I got ripped off for a bribe at Samui immigration by "Mr. Angry"  the Head bloke (whom I believe is now in Jail for corruption? Please feel to confirm or disagree....just a rumour I heard).


I went to get my extension of stay based on retirement. At first he refused to give me the extension as many of the the stamps had been washed out. After getting my friendly Visa Agent involved (H****rt) if you live on Samui you will know who I mean......he agreed to do it,

but charged me 11 Grand....A non-violent crime?


My original reply was as follows:


Been here (mostly Samui) 12 years on and off.


About 5 years ago I picked up a bar girl and we "got on" pretty well or so I thought and she became a regular over-nighter.


Then she left Samui but called me several months later from somewhere up North and said she wanted to come for a holiday on Samui to see some friends and asked if she could stay with me for a few days. So I said okay.


So she came and we had fun for a few days but shortly after she left I was at the ATM and noticed my Balance was much lower than I expected.


So I went to my bank and got statements (KTB do not issue them to me automatically) and went through the transactions and noticed several withdrawals of 20,000 Thb around the time she had stayed with me. I always keep a minimum of 1m Thb in my account for retirement extension purposes and I noticed that suddenly I was down to about 900k.


It transpires she had secretly watched me at the ATM, observed my PIN and took my card, stole the money and returned the card to my wallet without me knowing. The mistake she made though was I had put a maximum withdrawal limit of 20k per day on the card and just before she left she got greedy and did an ATM transfer for 60k to her own account. In total she had taken 160k.....could have been much worse.


So I went to the tourist police in Chaweng about 10km from where I live as the local police do not speak English and were not interested anyway. I devised a sting to catch her and they agreed to do it.


So I invited her to come back to Samui for a few days and arranged to meet her a a local bar in Lamai at 1:00pm. The plan was I would buy her a drink and once she was settled go to the toilet and call them (they were waiting round the corner).


So she arrived and it went like clockwork. When they arrested her she went ballistic screaming she was innocent and they struggled to bundle her into the cop car. She even jumped out of the offside door to try and escape so I "rugby tackled" her and stopped her. They were going to take her back to Chaweng to charge her and asked me to sit in the back with her.


I politely refused as by now she was a "wild cat" and said I would go on my motorcy and meet them at the Police station in Chaweng some 30 minutes drive away.


I duly arrived, but there was no sign of the cops or the girl. After waiting 20 minutes or so I asked the desk sergeant what was happening so he called them and they said they had been delayed enroute. I waited another 30 minutes and still no sign so I said to the DS I was going for a coffee round the corner and asked him to call me when they arrived,


After another 30 minutes or so I had not heard anything so I went back to the cop shop. The two cops were there but no girlie. They told me she had got out of the car and run away when they had stopped at some traffic lights (they had not handcuffed her).


I let them know that I thought they were bullshitting and had taken a bribe at which point they "Advised " me to leave or face arrest myself.


Admittedly this was not physically "violent" but it will be if I ever see her again.:laugh:


Never heard from them or the girl again and KTB said it was my fault and refused any compensation.....What do you think??????:whistling:


Edited 1 hour ago by Mario666


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