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What is the Limit on bringing cash into Thailand?


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5 hours ago, soistalker said:

$20,000 per person? Are you sure? And I do not need to declare that amount?

If less than you not need to declare. But why you want avoid the declaration as it have only advantages. So It would be easier to bring it outside again if needed. I don't see any disadvantage in the declaration except that you spend about 5 minutes at the customs at Survanabumi.

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However the caveat here is that there are not many places you can leave with $20k without declaring.

Europe is €10k
USA is $10k
China is $5k
Vietnam is $5k or 15 million Dong
HK is HK$120k

Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk

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A million Euros should weigh just over two kilos, well within hand-baggage limitations.




US dollars are not so efficient - a million bucks would be ten kilos.


I would advise against checking in suitcases with large amounts of cash.

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A million Euros should weigh just over two kilos, well within hand-baggage limitations.
US dollars are not so efficient - a million bucks would be ten kilos.
I would advise against checking in suitcases with large amounts of cash.
I don't think anyone would be suspicious of anyone carrying a million euros in €500 notes....;)

But you would have to be quick as the ecb is trying to get rid of them due to the fact that they are mostly used in criminal situations.

The 1000 Swiss Franc note does a better job and there is no requirement to declare any amount on exit from Geneva or Zurich Airport.

Sent from my SM-N9500 using Tapatalk

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If your leaving the US then the most you can take out of the us is $10,000 Anymore than that they can confiscate it.Thailand might allow more but you need to be careful of what country your leaving and which country your going to.

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2 hours ago, thrilled said:

If your leaving the US then the most you can take out of the us is $10,000 Anymore than that they can confiscate it.Thailand might allow more but you need to be careful of what country your leaving and which country your going to.

"The United States does not limit the amount of cash you can take into or out of the country. But anything over $10,000 has to be reported."

From Google.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I checked this recently for my flight, but forgotten already. The information is on several web sites if you google, but as noted on another post, the amount allowed out of a different country may be less. However, most would allow any amount as long as declared if over the limit. I was always over the home country limit when travelling to Thailand and under the limit for LOS on arrival.


If you can get a local bank account, easiest to transfer bank to bank, though obviously there is a fee for doing so. Safer than carrying loadsacash though.

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22 hours ago, mogandave said:

I do not think there is a limit on what cash you take out of the US.

If there is, where/when would you declare it?

One normally declares it when passing through emigration, and a customs officer comes with a form. I always obtained the form from a customs office prior to travelling to save time at the airport. 

Local customs will inform anyone asking as to local procedure. They are just a phone call away.

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One normally declares it when passing through emigration, and a customs officer comes with a form. I always obtained the form from a customs office prior to travelling to save time at the airport. 
Local customs will inform anyone asking as to local procedure. They are just a phone call away.

There is no customs or immigration when departing the US.

I understand how to declare when bringing money into the US.
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One normally declares it when passing through emigration, and a customs officer comes with a form. I always obtained the form from a customs office prior to travelling to save time at the airport. 
Local customs will inform anyone asking as to local procedure. They are just a phone call away.

There is no customs or immigration when departing the US.

I understand how to declare when bringing money into the US.
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