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New Thai law to pave way for same-sex partnerships


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4 hours ago, d2b2 said:

The only thing worse than being misinformed, is being misinformed and spreading that misinformation 


So one study of 95 female couples by telephone survey in your mind is an extensive study, similar to alcoholic and drug families. 

The children were only asked about to the age of 17 which is hardly indicative. 

How many male male studies have been done. 

And not with one phone call either. 

In depth study? 

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4 hours ago, greenchair said:

So one study of 95 female couples by telephone survey in your mind is an extensive study, similar to alcoholic and drug families. 

The children were only asked about to the age of 17 which is hardly indicative. 

How many male male studies have been done. 

And not with one phone call either. 

In depth study? 

There are numerous studies showing similar results whereas most studies showing otherwise lack per review and support. It is like climate change. A bunch of bunk studies without peer review are cited by those who want to live in the dark and the relavant studies be dammed.  Google the question yourself. There are plenty to find if understanding the issue is what you seek, otherwise stay in the dark. 

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7 hours ago, newnative said:

     So, gay parents don't have aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents?  A child of gay parents would just be missing a mother or a father--and there are many children being raised well with a single male or female parent figure.

Stupid question. Work it out for yourself, can`t be bothered to explain.

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5 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Well, our 3 boys all grew up with their 2 gay fathers.. and they all turned out straight.  


People like you would probably have taken our children away from us because for some reason you think gay parents are not healthy for children.  


Would you also like to take children away from single parents, after their partner died or left?  How about taking kids off mixed race marriages, or parents of different religions while you are at it?


You would like to put them in a loving Christian Family to teach them family values.. where they would be brainwashed into religion, or molested by some pervert priest.  But you would still think that was better than letting 2 loving decent human males to raise them.


And, I read other posters on here think my partner and I should be murdered..and the rest of our gay friends.... like they do in Saudi Arabia... because we are gay?  Right?  Wow!  Some evil, nasty little people on here... and YOU would prefer children be raised by people like that rather than a gay couple?!  







I didn't say any of the over the top paranoia that you are suggesting. 

I said there needs to be studies done. And any gay loving father would want that for their children to give them the best start in life. Just as there are many studies on heterosexual families, that are welcomed by their loving parents. You obviously have done a great job and created a healthy family with unusual circumstances.but that is exception. The nature of a male is to be a polygamist wonderer and that is enhanced greatly when males double up. I have seen a few gay males in long term relationship that are stable and really no different from heterosexual norms. But mostly gays are promiscuous, have been sexually abused as children themselves , suffer from depression , sometimes find it difficult to find work and spend their nights in gay bars. 

So,  in most cases, I would say the gays shouldn't be raising children or adopting children . 

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8 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

And, I read other posters on here think my partner and I should be murdered..and the rest of our gay friends.... like they do in Saudi Arabia... because we are gay?  Right?  Wow!  Some evil, nasty little people on here.

A little dramatic no? Murder? I don't see anyone here advocating murder. You have just juiced the reality up to add some drama.

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4 hours ago, greenchair said:

. But mostly gays are promiscuous, have been sexually abused as children themselves , suffer from depression , sometimes find it difficult to find work and spend their nights in gay bars. 

So,  in most cases, I would say the gays shouldn't be raising children or adopting children . 

You sure you are not speaking about your own problems ?

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2 hours ago, Fish Head Soup said:

A little dramatic no? Murder? I don't see anyone here advocating murder. You have just juiced the reality up to add some drama.

He isn't actually. There was a post here advocating Saudi style laws. They have the death penalty for being gay there. What, you didn't know that? Other nations as well. Well, anyway, now you know. 


Where is it illegal to be gay?


The legal status of people in same-sex relationships depends very much on where they live. At one end of the spectrum there are those countries that punish homosexuality with the death penalty - Iran, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Yemen - as well as in parts of Nigeria and Somalia.





12 Countries That Will Kill You for Being LGBT


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16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

He isn't actually. There was a post here advocating Saudi style laws. They have the death penalty for being gay there. What, you didn't know that? Other nations as well. Well, anyway, now you know. 

Yes I'm aware that Saudi has the death penalty for being homosexual. I said earlier in the thread that they have it right.


The death penalty isn't murder.


Murder is the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. The death penalty is premeditated, and it is indeed the killing of another person, but it's lawful. If the majority have agreed to give the government conditional power to kill with their permission and they elect the civilian leaders who order the executions, then it is not murder.


The use of the word murder in the original post was an attempt to dramatize the consequences of breaching the social code, a breach of the rules upon which a society has more or less agreed upon. The use of the word 'murder' was a crude attempt at playing victim.


Even though the death penalty is available to the authorities in Saudi it is rarely used for the crime of homosexuality, the punishment is more likely to simply be flogging or prison time.

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If same sex marriage is going to be accepted the same as marriage between opposite sexes will people be able to register their marriage legally?

What about citizenship? Can marrying a Thai citizen qualify you for citizenship later on? Will you be able to have children using IVF? Can you adopt children? What about land ownership?

The legal side must also be the same for same sex marriage if it is truely going to be taken seriously.

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6 hours ago, Fish Head Soup said:

Yes I'm aware that Saudi has the death penalty for being homosexual. I said earlier in the thread that they have it right.


The death penalty isn't murder.


Murder is the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. The death penalty is premeditated, and it is indeed the killing of another person, but it's lawful. If the majority have agreed to give the government conditional power to kill with their permission and they elect the civilian leaders who order the executions, then it is not murder.


The use of the word murder in the original post was an attempt to dramatize the consequences of breaching the social code, a breach of the rules upon which a society has more or less agreed upon. The use of the word 'murder' was a crude attempt at playing victim.


Even though the death penalty is available to the authorities in Saudi it is rarely used for the crime of homosexuality, the punishment is more likely to simply be flogging or prison time.

So sorry, dude.

I hadn't realized before that it was YOU that has outrageously supported the death penalty for gay people.

You're splitting hairs with your it isn't murder B.S. You support killing gays only for being gay. Others, soak that in. 

Edited by Jingthing
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I wonder how many of the nedative comments are being posted by men who have realtionships that are subject to the judgement of society. Older men with young wives, cross racial, arranged....

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37 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

So sorry, dude.

I hadn't realized before that it was YOU that has outrageously supported the death penalty for gay people.

You're splitting hairs with your it isn't murder B.S. You support killing gays only for being gay. Others, soak that in. 

Yes (agree with the above post): as I said in my earlier comments - supporting murdering someone just because they are gay is HORRIFIC and UNBELIEVABLE!



Edited by Eligius
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On 4/26/2018 at 8:05 AM, mfd101 said:

Given that probably 99% of gay people are the children of straight parents, how does your argument stand up in those cases?

According to extensive studies, children that grow up to be gay overwhelmingly have been sexually abused as children, have parents that were drug addicts, parents that are alcoholics or have been physically abused. Of course there are some that do not fall into any of those categories. But then if a child was abused at 2 or 3 years old, there's a chance he /she wouldn't remember it. So who knows. Generally speaking there are few gays that didn't have some kind of serious trauma in their childhood. 

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On 4/25/2018 at 10:55 AM, WinnieTheKhwai said:


But still limited to just one person right?  It reeks more of Western liberal imperialism than an actual step forward. 


Why don't governments just stay out of marriage completely.  Just stop micromanaging and documenting the way people choose to live together.


"Why don't governments just stay out of marriage completely.  Just stop micromanaging and documenting the way people choose to live together."


I suspect that what same sex proponents are basically seeking.      I gather they simply want the legitimizing of whatever relationship they choose.


Seems reasonable to me..

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I have always believed that 2 people of the same sex should absolutely have the right to be just as miserable as 2 people of the opposite sex. I think for the most part, Thai people are much more free and willing to accept other peoples sexuality. Seems to be a much healthier attitude than in the west, and no I am not gay.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Your entire post is filled with disgusting lies. Pure 100 percent anti-gay hate speech. I've confronted you before for sources for your troll attempts to convert people to your hate filled POV towards gay people and all you've ever posted are links from blatant anti-gay hate sites. Again, SHAME ON YOU. Anyone that buys your filth, check the souces yourself. greenchair won't bother posting them again because he knows how WORTHLESS they are. 


Yes, Jingthing. The claim that gays 'overwhelmingly' have been sexually abused as children and have alcoholic or drug-addicted parents is LUDICROUS! No serious and sober scholar would give any credence to such absurd and wild allegations.


I can only say that of the many gays I have known and do know in my life - virtually none fit into these prejudice-generated categories. They are baseless sweeping generalisations. Utterly ridiculous. Might just as well say: 'Most heterosexual men are known to be murderers and rapists and have alcoholic fathers and prostitute mothers'. Why not? It is little more ludicrous than the claims made above about gays.


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