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New Thai law to pave way for same-sex partnerships


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On 4/26/2018 at 8:24 AM, jak2002003 said:

Well, our 3 boys all grew up with their 2 gay fathers.. and they all turned out straight.  

Possibly the same way that children who grow up with alcoholic parents often are non drinkers when they are older.


My son would certainly not be staying over at a friends house if it was that kind of set-up with regards to parenting. It's simply not worth the risk.

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I actually do think this ever-growing string of letters is really rather silly and invites unnecessary ridicule. The term 'gay' is good, as it can refer both to men and women (one can speak of 'gay men and gay women'). I personally would like to see the term 'gay+' adopted. Why? Because of the various 'alternative' sexualities, gays (men and women) are probably the most numerous and were historically the first to 'come out' and challenge the sexual orthodoxy. Calling the smaller percentage of transgenders, unsures, etc ' Plus', strikes me as in no way demeaning or disrespectful - in fact, it is according members of these groups a 'Plus' sign - so is literally positive!
The problem with the LGBQQIU etc, etc. thing is that it is becoming laughably long and unwieldy as a name - and just keeps getting longer. 
No, stick to something more compact, sensible and manageable as a nomenclature. Otherwise we might as well just reel off the entire alphabet. And that would not be doing anyone any favours. It would just turn the whole thing into a joke - which it most definitely should not be.
It's too late really and gay doesn't fit transgender people at all.
It's not as if there is an official committee that makes these decisions.
Things just developed this way organically and the chances of going back only to gay or only to gay and lesbian are very remote.

I think much more important issues to discuss that matter so much more. Such as equal rights and combating homophobia.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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Yes, well that was then and this is now. 
Fat people used to be bullied. Christians used to be beaten up. Black people couldn't get jobs. White people were put on slave ships. Here we are today. It's impossible for the gays to fully integrate.
Why would they want to. 
Gays have their own world of which hetro can never be a part of. 
Blacks have their world. 
Christians have their world.
Addicts have their world. 
Muslims have their world. 
Smokers have their world. 
Each to their own. 
I am against the promotion of any of it to children. Because the children have no understanding of what they are truly agreeing to. 
So you're a segregationist.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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9 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

Seriously ??....there is a name for a group who do not have a clue what sex they are..........gosh I am to old for this Sh1t...................:omfg:

It's out of control;







A police officer has become Britain’s first gender-fluid officer and is using separate male and female identities while at work.

On some days the officer goes by the name Callum — and on other days goes by the female name of Abi.

The transgender PC has two warrant cards, one in their male name, the other in their female identity.




Edited by metisdead
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49 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's too late really and gay doesn't fit transgender people at all.
It's not as if there is an official committee that makes these decisions.
Things just developed this way organically and the chances of going back only to gay or only to gay and lesbian are very remote.

I think much more important issues to discuss that matter so much more. Such as equal rights and combating homophobia.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

I understand what you mean, Jingthing, and I certainly agree about the greater need to combat homo-hatred and similar and to stand up for equal rights. There is no reason, however, why one cannot concern oneself with both aspects of the matter (terminological and rights-related).


I just don't think that we should blindly and uncritically parrot names and slogans which sound rather daft. We should always exercise critical, independent thinking and not just fall into line with some new verbal trend (which need not yet be fixed in stone). It is still relatively early in these matters - and I for one will not be using this ever-expanding agglomeration of initials.


But of course - different people will have different views on this matter, and that is as it should be. (By the way, I don't see why 'Plus' in the phrase 'gayPlus' cannot refer to transgender people, as part of a larger 'marginalised' sexual/ gender-identity group. It is not insulting at all).


At the end of the day, however, I do agree with you that there are more important questions to address - but that does not mean that this one is altogether unworthy of mention and reflection. 



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21 minutes ago, greenchair said:

It's becoming rediculous. They are terms that can be respected and used within the gay community, where everyone understands what means what. It's not part of my corner and I don't need it to be. Muslims don't eat pork, so now we can't serve pork in schools. It used to be that Christians forced us to say prayers in school. But that was taken out because not everyone wants to be involved. 

Now the gays want marriage. 

Now they want to adopt children. 

Now they want a gay man and a gay woman in every school. Now they want transgender toilets. And teenage boys to wear dresses to school. Now they want us to buy into this vocabulary that changes every year . now they want all sorts of special laws. Now they want homosexuality to be included in sex education. I'm happy that you are all free to be who you want to be. But honestly, where is the line. 

You know what's really annoying and perhaps you don't even realize it.

You talk as if because you're obviously straight that you deserve the power to draw the line. You talk as if you think you're a superior human being just because you are straight. That is pure BIGOTRY and IGNORANCE. It's the same disgusting idiocy that racist white people in the U.S. feel even if they're objectively the scummiest of people over non-white people. I call B.S. on you. :post-4641-1156693976: You're not superior just because you are straight. You may indeed represent people that have the power to "draw the lines" as you put it, but that doesn't mean you deserve that power.


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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You know what's really annoying and perhaps you don't even realize it.

You talk as if because you're obviously straight that you deserve the power to draw the line. You talk as if you think you're a superior human being because you are straight. That is pure BIGOTRY and IGNORANCE. It's the same disgusting idiocy that racist white people in the U.S. feel even if they're the scummiest of people objectively over non-white people. I call B.S. on you. You're not superior because you are straight. You may represent people that have the power to "draw the lines" as you put it, but that doesn't mean you deserve.


I've politely and respectfully expressed my views on a chat site specifically created for people of all races to express. I have at no time called anyone names or ridiculed anyone. Certainly your use of the word scum to refer to white people is racist and if I posted that about a black person, I most likely would cop a ban. I don't represent anyone, we are all having a discussion about the new style that the gay+ community want and I am expressing how that negatively effects me and my son. 

I can feel the anger seething out of you. You should address that before your blood pressure bursts. 

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7 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

There's nothing to think about. As long as a child is cared for, loved an brought up in a positive environment it shouldn't make any difference. How many heterosexual couples have been caught abusing their own children? Countless. Meaning sexual orientation has no bearing on the matter. That's a dumb argument. One of my sister's has a gay couple (male) living next door and they have a 9 year old daughter, who's a great kid. Best friends with my nephew (I think he's in love with her), and the parents (the male couple) are great people.

I generally don't leave my son alone with males full stop. Hetero males seem to understand and not think too much about it. 

Gay males accuse me of being homophobic and lecture me about how safe my son would be. 

They just don't get it really. 

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8 minutes ago, greenchair said:

I've politely and respectfully expressed my views on a chat site specifically created for people of all races to express. I have at no time called anyone names or ridiculed anyone. Certainly your use of the word scum to refer to white people is racist and if I posted that about a black person, I most likely would cop a ban. I don't represent anyone, we are all having a discussion about the new style that the gay+ community want and I am expressing how that negatively effects me and my son. 

I can feel the anger seething out of you. You should address that before your blood pressure bursts. 

What a total crock.

You have repeatedly posted vile hate speech against gay people repeatedly on this thread and over the years. Your list of idiotic false myths which you try to infect other people with such as your total lie that most gay men were molested as kids.

You just lied about the post you were replying to. That is SLEAZY. I never said all white people were racists. I did say that racist white people even when they are very low quality people think they are superior to all non-white people just because they are white. I made that comparison because I see the exact same kind of bigotry from you and other extremist homophobes. They seem to think they are superior to gay people just because they are straight. They might be high quality people based on merit and good works, but certainly not just for being straight (or white). I don't believe that you didn't get that. It is NOT OK for you to invent things that I didn't say.



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On ‎4‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 8:25 PM, possum1931 said:


I am not a bigot, nothing wrong with homosexuals or homosexual weddings as long as they keep their business private. If I was sitting in the company of people and found out that there were a couple of homosexuals in the company, I would be happy to have a conversation with them as long as they were not effeminate.

Perhaps you fear what you've always desired?

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5 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

I think you have a problem. Hope your son doesn't inherit it.

Of course he will unless he turns out gay in which case he will have drawn the unlucky lottery of having a Daddy with an EXTREME case of homophobia.


He says, hilariously, that gay men accuse him of being homophobic. Of course they do! He obviously is. There is zero doubt. This is a character that his been posting his nasty list of anti-gay propaganda talking points for years now. It's not insulting to call such a person homophobic. It's a matter of obvious FACT. 

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On ‎4‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 8:40 PM, possum1931 said:

I would not expect to talk to them about their sexuality, I would want to treat them as normal, and have conversations about, ie football, music, movies etc.

Although I'm not gay myself, one of my closest friends is, and it is actually possible to have a conversation with him without his sexuality cropping up. But I guess he must be the exception. Strangely enough, my sexuality doesn't crop up when I meet him for a beer and a chat either. I guess we're both exceptions. Our other good friend takes his kid to visit him as well, and surprisingly enough, he's never once molested the child. Again, must be an exception.

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Just now, greenchair said:

What is the problem that I don't leave my child with males. 

Your motivation. It shows how you think, which is creepy. You mean you don't have good male friends or relatives?  Or you do but you don't trust them because suspect them all of being potential kiddie-fiddlers?

Either way I'd say that's a problem.

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

What a total crock.

You have repeatedly posted vile hate speech against gay people repeatedly on this thread and over the years. Your list of idiotic false myths which you try to infect other people with such as your total lie that most gay men were molested as kids.

You just lied about the post you were replying to. That is SLEAZY. I never said all white people were racists. I did say that racist white people even when they are very low quality people think they are superior to all non-white people just because they are white. I don't believe that you didn't get that. It is NOT OK for you to invent things that I didn't say. You don't post as a honorable person. You post as someone obsessed with spreading hateful false myths about gay people. That is toxic and disgusting. You think you can do that without being called on it? No.

Scum, sleazy, low quality people, toxic, disgusting, now imagine the HooHaa if I was to refer to a gay person by any of those terms.

What I said over the years is that all of the gay people that I have met both men and women were abused by an older person before 15. Considering that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 5 boys are statically recorded as being sexually abused. Then it stands to reason that a great deal of those would be gay. Although there are just as many women that abuse children . At a guestimate One male might abuse 10 boys to one female abusing 1 boy. These are the facts of our society. 

I can sense your blood is boiling and your gasgit is going to explode any minute. 

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On ‎4‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 6:10 AM, greenchair said:

There have been significant studies of children raised by single parents, drug addicted parents, alcoholic parents. In general most go on to emulate their parents and have extremely difficult lives. There have been few, if any, studies on the children that have grown to adulthood raised by the gay community. Mostly because gay people would scream discrimination if serious studies were implemented. But if the other fringe of societies families are anything to go by. The child most likely will emulate the parents and go on to have a difficult life on the fringes of society. 

The resident expert sexpat has spoken. There have been "studies" no less!

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13 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

Perhaps you fear what you've always desired?

Well that is the oldest myth in the book. 

You use it to stop people from speaking their truths. The accusation to someone that they are must be secretly gay because they have an opinion that you don't like is a great way to shut that person up. 

Maybe all the gays that want to get married as a man and a woman are secretly wishing to be a heterosexual. 

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3 minutes ago, greenchair said:

Well that is the oldest myth in the book. 

You use it to stop people from speaking their truths. The accusation to someone that they are must be secretly gay because they have an opinion that you don't like is a great way to shut that person up. 

Maybe all the gays that want to get married as a man and a woman are secretly wishing to be a heterosexual. 

I agree with you. You're not gay. Thank God we dodged that bullet.


On the other hand, in history some of the most virulent anti-gay authority figures have turned out to be gay and have used their public anti-gay actions as a cover. I would never say all virulently anti-gay people are closet gays, but yes, some of course are. 

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