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Trump to visit Britain, hold talks with UK's May July 13


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Just now, Hogs said:

Just like they got the BREXIT POLLS WRONG and the Trump Hilary Polls WRONG and you still quote polls 

LOL keep hoping and praying DUDE 

Polls were asked for and now you don't want polls. Bizarre. In any case, the U.S. election polls were not that wrong. They predicted Clinton would win the popular vote by about two percent which is exactly what she did. 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

So any opinion on the actual source -- OPINIUM POLLS?!? 


Proven to be WRONG OVER AND OVER AGAIN but you keep believing them 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

So any opinion on the actual source -- OPINIUM POLLS?!? 

I have edited my post . But polls are useless tbf. Esp ones reported by main stream outlets like the guardian or express.  Let’s just agree , like brexit the view on trump is split near down the middle. 

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1 minute ago, Hogs said:


But we are used to lefties ignoring Facts.

Do not comprehend the constant defeatism; ridiculous. Met Police will get issues under control, in the past few months achieved outstanding arrest record for murders, just a matter of time.


Trump's moronic alt right agenda is not a solution for problems in the US or elsewhere.


Not a 'leftie', Centre Right ex Londoner.

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Just now, goldenbrwn1 said:

I have edited my post . But polls are useless tbf. Esp ones reported by main stream outlets like the guardian or express.  Let’s just agree , like brexit the view on trump is split near down the middle. 



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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:



Envious much?

"The capital generates 22% of UK GDP despite accounting for only 12.5% of the UK population. "

"Inner London's GDP per head was 328% of the European Union average in 2010, compared with 70% in west Wales - the biggest gap in any EU state, said the European Commission's statistics agency Eurostat."

"In 2013 it was estimated that in property terms London's top 10 boroughs were worth more than all of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales combined."





The BBC. Are you sure it wasn't The Guardian.

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12 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


Londoners did not choose anything of the kind. Diversity was forced upon them and there's very little unity as is obvious to one and all when we have race riots and terrorist attacks.

One matter is certain, attitudes expressed by a core group on this forum (plus it seems returning members who have previously been banned) only encourage and exacerbate discord; as does Trump.

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3 minutes ago, Hogs said:

Funny thing is the lefties NEVER LEARN even when proven wrong time after time they continue doing the same thing 


What lefties are they?  Can you even define a leftie?  Labour supporter?  Conservative like me?  You feel you have to label people based on their views so how do you label yourself?  Actually don't bother. It would just be more waffle

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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

Actually my post was mean spirited and I apologise for that.  If you prefer Bristol though, I am sure there will be plenty of opposition there too.  Seems to be quite a few demonstrations planned throughout the country so no need to travel to London to find one if you don't want to.  Anyway, maybe we will be facing each other in London.  You can't miss me, I will be one of the 40,000 (that's the commitment so far) in the anti-Trump camp.


Doubt the demonstrations will have much of an effect,  Last time I went on one was to try to stop the invasion of Iraq and that had no effect even though a million people were involved.  Before that it was Grosvenor Square and the anti Vietnam demo.... But I am showing my age now so better to leave it there!


Please make sure you lot have a shower before you come to London. The whole Metropolis stank to high heaven for several days after your Rentamob chums came down for the poll tax rioting.


They had to fumigate Trafalgar Square and get Rentokil in to clear the body lice from the entire underground system. It cost London's rate payers a national debt.

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1 minute ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

Il take moron ..... I wondered when you were going show up..?

Come on you can do better than that 

You see the difference between you and I is that I am not hurt in the slightest by being called names :) 

Unlike all the snowflakes that are offended by name calling 

Your words cannot harm me haha 

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4 minutes ago, Hogs said:

Come on you can do better than that 

You see the difference between you and I is that I am not hurt in the slightest by being called names :) 

Unlike all the snowflakes that are offended by name calling 

Your words cannot harm me haha 

Oh come on I’m jesting . Iv been called all sorts .... but poor no , il not take that. I’m minted mate . ? 



Thats also a joke by the way ?

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2 hours ago, Hogs said:

POPPYCOCK you lefties have waster over a year trying to dig up stuff on trump and have STILL FAILED you can only DREAM of his ever being impeached but you keep wishing because fairytales sometimes come true.

You know NOTHING about the UK and you can think what you like but just as with BREXIT there are Millions of Brits (not racists or any other derogatory name you want to call them) that will support Trump 

We still need our own Trump but its OK one is coming 

I think you will find that Trumpsters and Brexiters map quite nicely on to one another. Such a shame that half the UK are indeed morons.


I think we've all heard more than enough of Trump and I for one don't want to hear anymore of his sleazy, mobster, embarrassing ways. I think that the man is a corrupt useless moron.


The words tits and bore hogs come to mind ?

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24 minutes ago, Aj Mick said:

Will the Donald still be POTUS come 13 July 2018?


Most likely. 


He wouldn't be impeached and convicted by then (if ever) so only "health" issues or resignation (to be even closer to Ivanka) would cause his exit by then. 


As far as the trip, well with that you never know. 


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4 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

If I was him I wouldn't go to the UK. Much friendlier reception to be had in other countries. 

Yes, and why do you think he's put it off for so long?

Even to the point of lying about how bad the new U.S. embassy is as an excuse not to show up for the opening.

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1 hour ago, Hogs said:

Cos its already full of them 

That's a bit of a non sequitur; explain


My point is that London is a real kaleidoscope what with all the arts, museums and refreshment. However, it is rather expensive and if the obvious attractions don't appeal then that's a pity. I love it; in moderation ?

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