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So here is the dilemma, if not Thailand then where?


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I've got some probably decent updated information on the Ecuador retirement situation.

At this point in time long stayers are definitely required to show some for of health cover. That's not necessarily a bad thing if you can get it.

They were playing around with requiring cover for even just tourists, but they've dropped that for now. 

For the retirement / residence thing you can go private or you can go into the Ecuadorian national system.

For private preexisting conditions and of course age goes into it and you could be rejected but I think there are still options for most people just as higher rates and conditional.

The bigger news is about the public system. 

Previously they wouldn't allow people over 60 to enter it.

Now there is no age restriction and no exclusions for preexisting conditions (though there may be a waiting period to use it for that).

The cost for Ecuadorians is based on a formula related to the wages there, currently about 70 dollars a month monthly rate for all.

For foreigners there is now a fun grey area. A rule was passed that foreigners must pay 17 percent of the income they stated in their residency application.

So if your income is high, the monthly premium would also be high (with no upwards limit!) but if it was low like 1000 dollars a month (which is enough to qualify for residency there) it would still be much higher than 70 dollars for relatively lower. 

There are some lawyers there that have found a loophole that don't believe that method is constitutional and they are getting foreigners signed up online with the local's rate. 

Probably sooner or later they'll resolve that ambiguity one way or another. 

Edited by Jingthing
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On 5/17/2018 at 6:23 AM, Hummin said:

Sri Lanka anyone? I have googled that country from time to time, and it have nice beaches and all that kind of stuff, but living there? And where ? 

SriLankans are not nice like Indians or Nepalese. Otherwise it is a beautiful country but the people.... not.


Nepal has some of the nicest scenery in the world as well as great, friendly people and culture. They speak English which is a major plus.

Unfortunately there are a lot of developmental problems in the country  will make it a tough choice for any long term expat's.   Cool climate, low crime  rate.


Thailand is way too hot for me, nothing to do but hide from the sun most of the day.  In Nepal you get natural exercise hiking in the mountains all day if you want and can have fun talking to locals. Overall a much richer experience.  Pollution can be a problem.

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On 5/2/2018 at 4:56 PM, Brunolem said:


Personally, I have no alternative to Thailand, that comes even close. For me, Burma would be almost as bad as the Philippines. Never gonna happen. Really poor infrastructure, military is way worse than here, genocidal government, food not as good, difficult to travel, as most hotels in smaller cities will not and cannot accept foreigners as guests, etc, etc. Not even close. The PI sucks. The entire country feels like Tijuana. Food is some of the worst in the world, as the PI people do not have the culinary gene, like the Thai people. Security is horrendous. Always looking over your shoulder. The only reason to be in the PI is the women. And the english skills too. Been to Vietnam a few times. Find alot of the people there to be like cold fish. Just not appealing at all. 


So, where else? If I was wealthy, I would probably spend four months of the year here, two months in the US, three months in Spain, and three months elsewhere, traveling around. 

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11 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Personally, I have no alternative to Thailand, that comes even close. For me, Burma would be almost as bad as the Philippines. Never gonna happen. Really poor infrastructure, military is way worse than here, genocidal government, food not as good, difficult to travel, as most hotels in smaller cities will not and cannot accept foreigners as guests, etc, etc. Not even close. The PI sucks. The entire country feels like Tijuana. Food is some of the worst in the world, as the PI people do not have the culinary gene, like the Thai people. Security is horrendous. Always looking over your shoulder. The only reason to be in the PI is the women. And the english skills too. Been to Vietnam a few times. Find alot of the people there to be like cold fish. Just not appealing at all. 


So, where else? If I was wealthy, I would probably spend four months of the year here, two months in the US, three months in Spain, and three months elsewhere, traveling around. 

well you can get anything you want anywhere. in the end it all boils down to money.


its not really a hard equation. if you cant decide the choice will even be made for you.


shoot to high you will be forced down, shoot too low most people will move up.


we can see this happening with expats running out of money and being pressured to move to other provinces or countries (like cambodia or isaan); and also with people who constantly complain but cant afford to move up to places like europe or more developed countries.


so make the move, or just stay where you are. sooner or later somethings got to give and you find your level, or you jump off a balcony trying. welcome to hell.

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availability of female companionship is highly important. the country must also have a low cost of living.  i think if you've got the cost of living & income equation worked out, there will be plenty of females "available".  if not thailand, i'd probably be in philippines or cambodia.  maybe malaysia since it's got great infrastructure but still inexpensive and visas are easy to come by.

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17 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Personally, I have no alternative to Thailand, that comes even close. For me, Burma would be almost as bad as the Philippines. Never gonna happen. Really poor infrastructure, military is way worse than here, genocidal government, food not as good, difficult to travel, as most hotels in smaller cities will not and cannot accept foreigners as guests, etc, etc. Not even close. The PI sucks. The entire country feels like Tijuana. Food is some of the worst in the world, as the PI people do not have the culinary gene, like the Thai people. Security is horrendous. Always looking over your shoulder. The only reason to be in the PI is the women. And the english skills too. Been to Vietnam a few times. Find alot of the people there to be like cold fish. Just not appealing at all. 


So, where else? If I was wealthy, I would probably spend four months of the year here, two months in the US, three months in Spain, and three months elsewhere, traveling around. 

Thanks for the post, can you tell me a bit about Spain? Been to Mexico many times but never Spain, I wonder about the food? Love Mexican food but Tappas...?

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On 8/19/2018 at 10:39 AM, DavidB4 said:

Thanks for the post, can you tell me a bit about Spain? Been to Mexico many times but never Spain, I wonder about the food? Love Mexican food but Tappas...?

mexico is a toilet unless your in a gringo ghetto enclave or a tourist destination like cabo or puerto vallarta where prices are comparable to the usa


anything else in mexico is too dangerous and not managable for the average bloke.


could not get laid for the life of me.


went down there for six months, left after four. and i was used to places like cambodia and vietnam.


say hi to the taco bell chiwawa dog if you pass through there.


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On 8/19/2018 at 10:39 AM, DavidB4 said:

Thanks for the post, can you tell me a bit about Spain? Been to Mexico many times but never Spain, I wonder about the food? Love Mexican food but Tappas...?


Spanish food is incredibly diverse these days. Some of the top rated restaurants in the world are now located in Spain. Not like the old days. And the wine. It can be sublime. And reasonable. People are cool, though it helps alot if you speak spanish. Spain is totally different than Mexico. Decades ago Mexico used to be really nice. Now it is far more expensive than it used to be, and the security issues are not worth it, in my opinion. Spain is fairly safe. Quite scenic. It can be on the conservative side (alot of conventionally minded people) But, expensive like the rest of Europe, unfortunately. 

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On 8/19/2018 at 4:48 AM, Dick Crank said:

well you can get anything you want anywhere. in the end it all boils down to money.


its not really a hard equation. if you cant decide the choice will even be made for you.


shoot to high you will be forced down, shoot too low most people will move up.


we can see this happening with expats running out of money and being pressured to move to other provinces or countries (like cambodia or isaan); and also with people who constantly complain but cant afford to move up to places like europe or more developed countries.


so make the move, or just stay where you are. sooner or later somethings got to give and you find your level, or you jump off a balcony trying. welcome to hell.


No need to make the move. I never for a nanosecond said I did not love Thailand and especially the Thai people. I have a really good life here. Was simply saying if I were wealthy, I would spend less months here per year. That is all. 

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23 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


Spanish food is incredibly diverse these days. Some of the top rated restaurants in the world are now located in Spain. Not like the old days. And the wine. It can be sublime. And reasonable. People are cool, though it helps alot if you speak spanish. Spain is totally different than Mexico. Decades ago Mexico used to be really nice. Now it is far more expensive than it used to be, and the security issues are not worth it, in my opinion. Spain is fairly safe. Quite scenic. It can be on the conservative side (alot of conventionally minded people) But, expensive like the rest of Europe, unfortunately. 

Damn, you ruined it at the end there...expensive? I thought Spain was supposed to be quite reasonable. How about Portugal then? Thanks for your input!

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4 minutes ago, DavidB4 said:

Damn, you ruined it at the end there...expensive? I thought Spain was supposed to be quite reasonable. How about Portugal then? Thanks for your input!


I have not been in some time. Perhaps some others on this forum who have been more recently can comment on how expensive Spain is right now. I have heard second hand how expensive it has become. I still think you can get decent deals on property, if an hour away from the tourist areas, and I think rentals are affordable if outside the tourist areas. But, it is still going to be alot higher than in Thailand. And, the rest is expensive, from what I have been told. 


Perhaps this handy chart might help:




and according to this post, it is quite reasonable, but only in comparison to other spots in Europe.





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20 hours ago, Don Chance said:

You guys need to check out Johny's files




Dont bother. I watched it for you. It is 25 minute rant about gold diggers, and the futility of internet dating sites to meet a good woman. Nothing new here. Same old, same old. 

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1 hour ago, DavidB4 said:

Damn, you ruined it at the end there...expensive? I thought Spain was supposed to be quite reasonable. How about Portugal then? Thanks for your input!

Portugal is cold most of the year, cold atlantic water compare to Thailand, and if you go to Portugal, why not Brasil? I know the violence in Brasil, but,,,,,,,,,, the girls is lovely if that is important, 


There is no place as Thailand, and Thailand will still be nr 1 for a long time still. 

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:


I have not been in some time. Perhaps some others on this forum who have been more recently can comment on how expensive Spain is right now. I have heard second hand how expensive it has become. I still think you can get decent deals on property, if an hour away from the tourist areas, and I think rentals are affordable if outside the tourist areas. But, it is still going to be alot higher than in Thailand. And, the rest is expensive, from what I have been told. 


Perhaps this handy chart might help:




and according to this post, it is quite reasonable, but only in comparison to other spots in Europe.





As mentioned before, for non-E.U. people a downside of Portugal is that you are required to buy very expensive private health insurance to get legal long term residence. Not sure about Brits after Brexit ... (ha ha). 

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'' As mentioned before, for non-E.U. people a downside of Portugal is that you are required to buy very expensive private health insurance to get legal long term residence.''

That's not a downside, it's an upside as it keeps out the flotsam and jetsam ?

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1 hour ago, Hummin said:

Portugal is cold most of the year, cold atlantic water compare to Thailand, and if you go to Portugal, why not Brasil? I know the violence in Brasil, but,,,,,,,,,, the girls is lovely if that is important, 


There is no place as Thailand, and Thailand will still be nr 1 for a long time still. 

I recently spent a winter in Portugal and it never got below 20c which is well warm enough for us Brits.

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9 minutes ago, fasteddie said:

'' As mentioned before, for non-E.U. people a downside of Portugal is that you are required to buy very expensive private health insurance to get legal long term residence.''

That's not a downside, it's an upside as it keeps out the flotsam and jetsam ?

If you can afford it, sure. 

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2 hours ago, KhunFred said:

Great choice FOR ME!!!! You may prefer Burkina Faso.


Philippines, Cambodia or Portugal

How come you had to state this one more time? It doesnt make any sencse, or what? 


Philippines will be owned by the Chineese as Vietnam, and other Neigbouring countries. So if you are not in your last 5-10, and have at least 15 to go, you should think about that as an factor!

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

If you can afford it, sure. 

Here in the Netherlands you have to have medical insurance by law, the basic package costs me €100 euro a month but as I am retired I get €95 back each month from the tax authorities.Everybody has to have the insurance and insurers are  obliged to take on anybody who register's with them.Its only a matter of time before a similar system will arrive in the UK. 

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40 minutes ago, adammike said:

Here in the Netherlands you have to have medical insurance by law, the basic package costs me €100 euro a month but as I am retired I get €95 back each month from the tax authorities.Everybody has to have the insurance and insurers are  obliged to take on anybody who register's with them.Its only a matter of time before a similar system will arrive in the UK. 

Well, the last time I checked the cost of private insurance for non-EU expats in Portugal, it was about 500 USD per month. 

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11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Well, the last time I checked the cost of private insurance for non-EU expats in Portugal, it was about 500 USD per month. 

Same I have to pay in Thailand age below 50! For a decent insurance from a company who do not kick you out first incident, or because of age if you sign before 55 first time!

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Portugal is served by two oceans the Atlantic and the med. Portugal has three distinct climactic zones. It is a very hot country in the summer. The north and even Lisbon is chilly in the winter. The far north has snow and skiing. There is plenty of very cheap rural accommodation and living  in places like the Duro valley etc. City accomodation is naturally more expensive. Although the Algarve coast is expensive for accomodation a few miles inland is cheap. Beer is cheaper tham Thailand. Nightlife is snobby and aimed at young people and can be expensive.  Food is plainish but there is also a lot of seafood. Spanish food is better. There are some charming medieval towns and quaint villages.  It is not as cheap as Thailand, there is no girly scene, it is not as much fun. Spain is more fun with many more festivals and a wilder party atmosphere. Both countries have enlightened drug laws so drug related crime has been reduced but street crime is an issue in Spanish cities. Neither are a substitute for Thailand in terms of P4P, cost of living and cultural extravagance.

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1 hour ago, Hummin said:

Same I have to pay in Thailand age below 50! For a decent insurance from a company who do not kick you out first incident, or because of age if you sign before 55 first time!

Medical Insurance in Thailand is 25k baht for under 65. Year.

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