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Hard Brexit faction in UK PM May's party deny issuing threat over customs union


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14 hours ago, malagateddy said:

Neither my friends nor I are particularly wealthy..nor do we" doff our cap " at anyone.
Anyone who will standup to the fraudulent corrupt jobsworths over in brussels will do me just fine.
JRM would not take any sh-t from brussels..that's why right now he would be a good PM for the UK imo

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"Neither my friends nor I are particularly wealthy..nor do we" doff our cap " at anyone.
Anyone who will standup to the fraudulent corrupt jobsworths over in brussels will do me just fine."


Agree almost entirely.


JRM doesn't appear to represent ordinary people in any way though, so I'm far from convinced about him being a good PM.


I'm one of the few that had a lot of respect for Tony Benn.  Yes, he came from an extremely privilged background, and was derided by the media as pretty much a communist..... - but he genuinely supported the ordinary working 'man' IMO.

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14 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I don’t dispute what’s in your heart, it’s the cap doffing, forelock tugging and eagerness to play the groveling surf for such a shining example of an English ‘toff’ that amazes me.


Unless these lifelong friends of yours are wealthy enough to be counted in the top 0.25% then Rees-Mogg is is not doing anything for them.


He’s a paid up signed up member of the Tory elite, he’s looking after his chums.

Hardly, as the elite almost 100% support remain!


I've no idea as to JRM's motivations, other than wondering whether he is hoping to be the 'knight in shining armour' that rescues those that voted to leave against the government and MPs that are determined to remain (or leave in name only)?  His one shot at becoming PM?

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10 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Not at all - regardless on where you stood on the principle of EU membership, you were bombarded with lies and misinformation. So to say that the Rees Mogg scenario is what the country voted for is patent nonsense - nobody had a clue what we were voting for. Every one of us was sold a pig in a poke by people who were putting their own self interests first.

"people who were putting their own self interests first."


Agree 100% - and the vast majority of media/politicians supported remain, and continue to do so....


We can argue until kingdom come about who came out with the worst propaganda/lies during the campaign.


Although for some reason remainers prefer to ignore Osborne's promised 'punishment budget' and the doom foretold if the vote was to leave by most of the media and politicians - preferring to rely on the bus slogan as their best example of lies that fooled un-educated folk....

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28 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Hardly, as the elite almost 100% support remain!


I've no idea as to JRM's motivations, other than wondering whether he is hoping to be the 'knight in shining armour' that rescues those that voted to leave against the government and MPs that are determined to remain (or leave in name only)?  His one shot at becoming PM?

The hedge fund managers and the five billionaire/multimillionaires who funded Brexit are the people Rees-Mogg is working for.



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2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The hedge fund managers and the five billionaire/multimillionaires who funded Brexit are the people Rees-Mogg is working for.



I am sure the Brexit supporting non-dom / tax avoiding newspaper barons are also pulling a few strings.

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13 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"people who were putting their own self interests first."


Agree 100% - and the vast majority of media/politicians supported remain, and continue to do so....


We can argue until kingdom come about who came out with the worst propaganda/lies during the campaign.


Although for some reason remainers prefer to ignore Osborne's promised 'punishment budget' and the doom foretold if the vote was to leave by most of the media and politicians - preferring to rely on the bus slogan as their best example of lies that fooled un-educated folk....

Well we can now point at the broken promisses to the fishing industry, and every other ‘redline’ lie from Davis And May.



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58 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

I'm astonished by the discrepancy between how indignant Brexiteers were about George Soros contributing to Brexit oppostion and how complacent they've been about Robert Mercer, the American hedge-fund billionair and right wing loon, and his pro-brexit contribution.


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18 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"people who were putting their own self interests first."


Agree 100% - and the vast majority of media/politicians supported remain, and continue to do so....


We can argue until kingdom come about who came out with the worst propaganda/lies during the campaign.


Although for some reason remainers prefer to ignore Osborne's promised 'punishment budget' and the doom foretold if the vote was to leave by most of the media and politicians - preferring to rely on the bus slogan as their best example of lies that fooled un-educated folk....


3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Well we can now point at the broken promisses to the fishing industry, and every other ‘redline’ lie from Davis And May.



I agree, and have been saying for a long time that the govt. is working towards 'leave in name only'.....


At best (from their POV) is paying the same or more, but allowing them more entitlement to reduce UK worker rights....


I hope to be proven wrong, but doubt it :sad:.

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13 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Well we can now point at the broken promisses to the fishing industry, and every other ‘redline’ lie from Davis And May.



No you can't. It's not done yet.

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6 hours ago, bartender100 said:

Jacob Rees-Mogg will be PM before Christmas IMHO, and lead this country to the right Brexit we voted for

if so, I really hope you like it. For us living in Thailand will see the GB pound go down to 29 bt and a lot of other problems. Good luck to you

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Jacob Rees-Mogg will be PM before Christmas IMHO, and lead this country to the right Brexit we voted for

Brexit was the right direct for the U.K. i do like JRM however he won’t be PM by Christmas.

Besides, get Brexit sorted first, that’s priority.

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What Brexit did we vote for? I don't recall too much detail being presented at the time, just Boris Johnson's big red bus of lies and guff about bendy bananas.

Didn’t engage with what was said by both sides if you only saw a bus! But more likely that’s the excuse you want to spout after losing !

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6 hours ago, nauseus said:

A very confusing site with some votes mixed together. But he seems to be with the maj most of the time so singling him out is just a personal attack.   

I think we know that there is a worryingly large proportion of morons in England thank you.

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4 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Maybe you can enlighten me then - can you show me the documentation issued by the Brexit camp prior to the vote which detailed what leaving the EU would actually mean at a working level? Can you show me their published exit strategy, impact assessments, contingency plans etc?

Plans are for Jessies.  If you can't wing it as you go, you shouldn't be flying the plane.


Who sets out on a journey knowing what it's going to be like at the destination? Commuters.  Do you want the country run by mundane commuters?  No, Britain wants, NEEDS, adventurers.  People like Lawrence of Arabia, Clive of India, Scott of the Antarctic, Anybody of Anywhere Far Away who will gladly leave our shores to escape... maybe that wasn't the right path to go down....


Anyway, I am sure that you see my point that plans are for the timorous and unimaginative,



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One of the curiosities of Brexit is watching the very people who are being shafted by Brexit cheering it on.

Who is being shafted by Brexit, especially curious as negotiations are ongoing & the U.K. hasn’t legally left yet.

As for cheering it on, many I know are ‘relieved’ the U.K. had the spine to no longer be under the EU dominance and seek a change not a status quo.

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28 minutes ago, citybiker said:

Who is being shafted by Brexit, especially curious as negotiations are ongoing & the U.K. hasn’t legally left yet.

As for cheering it on, many I know are ‘relieved’ the U.K. had the spine to no longer be under the EU dominance and seek a change not a status quo.
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Whatever you want.

We are not part of Europe.

We dream, we long to be free! *

But I fear our dreams of independence may melt away.  Where will it end?
Maybe we should not go

Say what you want, but some of us liked the Status Quo.

Edit: *: Something old, something new...

Edited by StreetCowboy
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We are
But I fear our dreams of independence
Say what you want, but some of us liked the Status Quo.

Very good, I’ve seen them live too but I prefer Iron maiden or AC/DC.

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3 minutes ago, citybiker said:

Very good, I’ve seen them live too but I prefer Iron maiden or AC/DC.

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Aye, sure, but what did they have to say about Brexit?


There's some late edits that you missed, bytheway.  I apologise for the pictures, the post would have been better without them, but they only appear after posting the post, so to speak.

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18 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Rees-Mogg, champion of zero hour contracts, enemy of workers’ rights.... worshipped by cap doffers.


But of course he ticks all important boxes ‘Old Etonian, Oxford, Multimillionaire Hedge Fund Manager and he talks posh’.


The perfect patrician for the surfs to grovel to.


Not content to simply know their place, eager to show allegiance to their ‘rightful master’.... as he shafts them.... again!

Worth £150 million , has a hedge fund and thinks raped women should carry a pregnancy to term - how did we get to the point that he is listened to ....doff your cap ...don't forget do it properly you should crawl on the floor to royalty.....the Thai way !

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7 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

One of the curiosities of Brexit is watching the very people who are being shafted by Brexit cheering it on.


The JRM lick-spittle cap-doffers - their pensions will be the first in the melting pot particularly if the live overseas .....unpatriotic parasites ...come back home there is work to be done once we've kicked the hard working Europeans out who have helped keep this economy stumbling on.


Image result for eton miners

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Not fussed about pictures, memes and YouTube clips to be fair.

I mainly discuss Brexit on forums, it's often a controversial subject within whom I frequent face to face, including family.

SNP debates are also barred, deservedly so.

Aye, sure, but what did they have to say about Brexit?
There's some late edits that you missed, bytheway.  I apologise for the pictures, the post would have been better without them, but they only appear after posting the post, so to speak.

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6 minutes ago, citybiker said:

Not fussed about pictures, memes and YouTube clips to be fair.

I mainly discuss Brexit on forums, it's often a controversial subject within whom I frequent face to face, including family.

SNP debates are also barred, deservedly so.


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I like your Avatar - sound  politics.

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