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Just watched the latest politically correct episode of the worst series of doctor who that has been written sorry rubbish of the first degree

Yeah this series has been copping an absolute pasting everywhere I read about it, so glad I didn't get caught up in that fad... Original Doctor Who still the best..

Cute assistant though!

You can say that again

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Thinking about one great film with an all star ensemble cast made me recall another one I liked a lot..."That Championship Season", the original 1982 production, not the later made for tv remake. It's another filmed play, which some people can't abide in a film. It got a low rating on IMDB, but so what. I know one thing--this is NOT a film most women would like at all. They are discussed a great deal in the film, but never seen.

It's the 24th annual get-together of the state championship (Scranton PA) basketball team, at the home of coach Bob Mitchum. That's right, Badass Bob himself. Four of the starting five are in attendance: Bruce Dern (one of my favorite actors) who is now the Mayor of Scranton, worried about his re-election chances; Martin Sheen, who has turned into a local drunk, Paul Sorvino, now a bigshot local developer, and Stacy Keach, now a high school principal. The fifth man never shows up, due apparently to some intentional foul the coach had him or another teammate throw in the game. Win at any cost. His absence casts a long shadow over the proceedings.

The play won a Pulitzer prize, and here the guys all get to shine, as happens in most plays. I once lived in a small town where they were still talking about their "trip to the State Finals in '55," in Kentucky, where basketball is King. The star guard had turned into a drunk, still wearing his varsity jacket and living at the pool hall. None of the other players had achieved any distinction on the college teams that had awarded them scholarships. My ex-high school in California has a very active website where mostly the people who were "stars" back then still want to write about their glory days, and refuse to discuss what is happening in their lives today.

A forgotten classic, largely unseen. My vote: 8/10

Would love to watch That Champion Season but a look at the normal places reveals no results. Do you have any thoughts on how I can get this movie please?

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Just watched the latest Liam Neeson crime thriller [ A walk among the Tombstones]. This guy is the energizer bunny of crime tough guy action drama flics. At age 62 he's holding up better than Charles Bronson, though Bronson was tougher, grittier, and dumber obviously....

Anyway, the movie, a middle of the road, watchable flick if you have time to spend and like Neeson (which I do). It gets a 6.8 in IMDB and I would probably rate it somewhat lower, but still above 6, so not a waste of time if you like the genre.

Good copy on PB (juggs [ETRG].

Edited by keemapoot
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Just watched the latest Liam Neeson crime thriller [ A walk among the Tombstones]. This guy is the energizer bunny of crime tough guy action drama flics. At age 62 he's holding up better than Charles Bronson, though Bronson was tougher, grittier, and dumber obviously....

Anyway, the movie, a middle of the road, watchable flick if you have time to spend and like Neeson (which I do). It gets a 6.8 in IMDB and I would probably rate it somewhat lower, but still above 6, so not a waste of time if you like the genre.

Good copy on PB (juggs [ETRG].

Similar to the Taken movies?

Taken 3 is nearly out.

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Just watched the latest Liam Neeson crime thriller [ A walk among the Tombstones]. This guy is the energizer bunny of crime tough guy action drama flics. At age 62 he's holding up better than Charles Bronson, though Bronson was tougher, grittier, and dumber obviously....

Anyway, the movie, a middle of the road, watchable flick if you have time to spend and like Neeson (which I do). It gets a 6.8 in IMDB and I would probably rate it somewhat lower, but still above 6, so not a waste of time if you like the genre.

Good copy on PB (juggs [ETRG].

Similar to the Taken movies?

Taken 3 is nearly out.

Don't get on Liam Neeson's bad side......

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Just watched the latest politically correct episode of the worst series of doctor who that has been written sorry rubbish of the first degree

Absolutely agree, as soon as I saw who had been picked as the new Doctor I had a feeling it was going to be bad, but its worse than bad, also whoever cast Mr Pink needs a new job, no chemistry between the characters, none

Sooner we get a "regeneration" again the better

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There is a new 'old style' Western out. Baddies are baddies and goodies kill baddies.

The Salvation

It is a Danish movie, but mainly English is spoken

Quite enjoyed it. 7/10 on the Bookman scale


One of the better westerns in recent times. Another little western gem that few know about is a 2013 movie called Sweetwater aka Sweet Vengeance with Ed Harris. Highly recommend.

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Just watched the latest Liam Neeson crime thriller [ A walk among the Tombstones]. This guy is the energizer bunny of crime tough guy action drama flics. At age 62 he's holding up better than Charles Bronson, though Bronson was tougher, grittier, and dumber obviously....

Anyway, the movie, a middle of the road, watchable flick if you have time to spend and like Neeson (which I do). It gets a 6.8 in IMDB and I would probably rate it somewhat lower, but still above 6, so not a waste of time if you like the genre.

Good copy on PB (juggs [ETRG].

Watched this one last night as well.. Couldn't help but think it was a blooper real of Taken, or what happens when Taken goes wrong... Not that I didn't like it, particularly enjoyed the whitty black kid..

But yeah a 6 for me as well..

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There is a new 'old style' Western out. Baddies are baddies and goodies kill baddies.

The Salvation

It is a Danish movie, but mainly English is spoken

Quite enjoyed it. 7/10 on the Bookman scale


One of the better westerns in recent times. Another little western gem that few know about is a 2013 movie called Sweetwater aka Sweet Vengeance with Ed Harris. Highly recommend.

Thanks for that giddyup, I would have missed it otherwise. Watched it last night and it was a good one. Surprised I had not heard about it before.

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There is a new 'old style' Western out. Baddies are baddies and goodies kill baddies.

The Salvation

It is a Danish movie, but mainly English is spoken

Quite enjoyed it. 7/10 on the Bookman scale


One of the better westerns in recent times. Another little western gem that few know about is a 2013 movie called Sweetwater aka Sweet Vengeance with Ed Harris. Highly recommend.

Thanks for that giddyup, I would have missed it otherwise. Watched it last night and it was a good one. Surprised I had not heard about it before.

Happy to share.

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Just watched "City of Ghosts" again last night.

I pretty much like everything about the movie from the acting to the authenticity of the scenes.

I was in Phnom Penh the first time I saw it and a lady I knew there was familiar with some of the movies local characters including the fellow playing the doorman who copped Matt Dillan's sun glasses.

I especially like the film's sound track.

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I guess, only a few people around here and the rest of the world will care, but „Intruders“ came to an end last night. BBC has not decided about a second season, yet. The humble ratings would probably speak against a continuation. But the show still has to air in Britain. So, maybe, the BBC will postpone a decision until the British audience will (undoubtedly smile.png) confirm that „Intruders“ is a great show!

I liked it right from the beginning, although, admittedly it started rather confusing. But step by step, episode by episode, the fog cleared and with the finale we now have a rather good picture of how the „Revertii“-universe works. So, even without a second season the story came to a good ending that leaves room for more episodes but that can also be seen as a decent closure of an interesting fantasy story. Anyway, I am hoping for more!

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3 episodes into Homeland, and some observations. The series has gotten a lot more realistic feeling, the location shooting seems very realistic as Islamabad (streets, cars - old VWs, newer Honda Citys & US embassy Chevy Captivas), though I know they shot it in S. Africa. This year has a more film quality feel to it, and is very high quality in terms of scripts and story so far. The pace is not as quick as prior years perhaps, but seems very tight and good arc.

They keep inserting Saul into the story, which is a bit awkward, but is ok, it works. Claire Danes is really carrying the whole series on her back more than ever, and she is up to the task.

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I guess, only a few people around here and the rest of the world will care, but „Intruders“ came to an end last night. BBC has not decided about a second season, yet. The humble ratings would probably speak against a continuation. But the show still has to air in Britain. So, maybe, the BBC will postpone a decision until the British audience will (undoubtedly smile.png) confirm that „Intruders“ is a great show!

I liked it right from the beginning, although, admittedly it started rather confusing. But step by step, episode by episode, the fog cleared and with the finale we now have a rather good picture of how the „Revertii“-universe works. So, even without a second season the story came to a good ending that leaves room for more episodes but that can also be seen as a decent closure of an interesting fantasy story. Anyway, I am hoping for more!

For me, the first episode was so confusing that I never wanted to watch it again and I didn't.

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3 episodes into Homeland, and some observations. The series has gotten a lot more realistic feeling, the location shooting seems very realistic as Islamabad (streets, cars - old VWs, newer Honda Citys & US embassy Chevy Captivas), though I know they shot it in S. Africa. This year has a more film quality feel to it, and is very high quality in terms of scripts and story so far. The pace is not as quick as prior years perhaps, but seems very tight and good arc.

They keep inserting Saul into the story, which is a bit awkward, but is ok, it works. Claire Danes is really carrying the whole series on her back more than ever, and she is up to the task.

And I was wondering which South-Asian looking country would be safe enough to shoot a show like "Homeland". I would not have thought of South Africa.

I am glad that Saul is back. I find him to be the most likable character of the show. Hoping to see more of him. And I am glad that Carry's baby is more or less out of the picture (sorry). I found the resemblance of Brody rather disturbing. Is that Damian Lewis' real child?

And another question: is there an explanation why episode 3 is available through the usual sources although it has not been aired in the US, yet?

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