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Oh they have taken my photo of the Crack-head driving the car around......apparently it is to big....being a computer blond I don't know how to make it smaller

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Fathers and Daughters.

With Russell Crowe and Amanda Seyfried. A nice film, which i enjoyed.

But not for those of you who like guns, aliens, supernatural, cars and blood and guts!! Or Vampires!!

I'm off to see the bears with Leo this afternoon.....

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Fathers and Daughters.

With Russell Crowe and Amanda Seyfried. A nice film, which i enjoyed.

But not for those of you who like guns, aliens, supernatural, cars and blood and guts!! Or Vampires!!

Any Zombies or undead?

Edited by BookMan
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Just some Doco’s that I had viewed last year—(some of them are a lot older than that—but I have just got around to viewing them) so, if they have already been mentioned or recommended –Then sorry I missed those posts.

HBO- Gideon's Army https://torrentz.eu/c6d29f8fdee19f5a7c1b8dfcd1c7bbd4e2fbda43

In 1961 Clarence Earl Gideon was arrested for stealing a can of soda & $5 from a pool hall. Being too poor to pay for counsel, Gideon was forced to defend himself at his trial after being denied a lawyer by his trial judge, & was given 5 years. Gideon, then in jail, studied the American legal system and came to the conclusion that Judge McCrary had violated his constitutional right to counsel—the short version of this is that his appeals took him all the way to the Supreme Court—where he argued & won 9-0 that a common person was at a disadvantage arguing against a trained lawyer.

And so was formed the people who call themselves Gideon’s Army --The public defenders, this small group (15,000) represent Millions of defendants each year. HBO looked at 3 of them; they are underfunded, with hugh caseloads….sometimes up to 150-180 clients at any one time. There is a lot of pressure for their clients to plead guilty etc.

It’s a long –long way from the “Dream Team” that OJ had.

I found it quite watchable—HBO do their usual professional job at making these Docs.

Tales of the.Grim.Sleeper.2014--- https://kat.cr/usearch/Tales%20of%20the%20Grim%20Sleeper/

This is HBO –but for some reason that they don’t explain, they brought a team of British Jurno’s over to do the story (Sky-Atlantic )—there are 2 movies out about it, but in both the people work with the L.A. police—The British Jurno’s do not & they were quite critical of the police work, so were not granted any interviews.

So how can someone walk around their neighbourhood & for 25 years, kill 100-180 Girls. (The LA police are holding him for the death of 10 girls, but say it could be up to 100---however he has books of photos of 180 girls none which the police have been able to trace) So how can you? According to the local community the answer may lay in the type of people he killed -Black/ Crack head/ prostitutes. The figures are even more disturbing when you realize he was dubbed the "Grim Sleeper" because he appears to have taken a 14-year slumber from his crimes, from 1988 to 2002 Then started up again….same MO same gun etc. They arrested him in 2010, & 6 years latter have still not brought him to court—that in itself must be some sort of record.

I didn’t know the story so I found it quite a compelling watch—as the jurno’s had no help from the police they turned to taking the local Crack head/Prostitutes around in their car for small payments—which had its own black humor. –but amazingly within 2 weeks had found several witnesses, girls how had been tied up raped, had their photo taken but had then managed to escape. They also managed to get an interview with his son, by sending a crack head in to speak with him---someone no one had interviewed before.


HBO 3½ Minutes, Ten Bullets—2015 https://torrentz.eu/5c3632537cc3e03d8ed65c959a33f855c1431c00

It’s the day after Thanksgiving November 2012, four boys in a red SUV pull into a gas station after spending time at the mall buying sneakers and talking to girls. With music blaring loudly, one boy exits the car and enters the store, a quick stop for a soda. A man and a woman pull up next to the boys in the station, making a stop for a bottle of wine. The woman enters the store and an argument breaks out when the driver of the second car asks the boys to turn the music down. They don’t & speak back disrespectfully the guy losses his temper, reaches into his glove compartment--3½ Minutes, & Ten Bullets latter one of the boys who was about to start collage is dead. The SUV pulls away to another part of the station to call the police & ambulance.

The court case becomes a “He said”—“They Said”

He said they pointed a gun at him & he acted in self-defense ---they said they do not have any guns---He said they must have dumped the gun somewhere when they drove off.

If you don’t follow the American news closely ( I don’t) & if you don’t know the result of the trial, it’s a quite gripping watch, I really didn’t know which way the jury would swing until the end.


BBC -- The.Eichmann.Show.2015 https://torrentz.eu/068e663fc7ec27dbe0a663f27cd53bc21eac0286

It’s really 2 stories—The Trial of Eichmann after he was Kidnapped (or Captured) & brought back from South America---& the fight by Milton Fruchtman,--to keep it on American TV as Audience figures plummeted. First he employs the formerly blacklisted (left wing) director Leo Hurwitz, but the trial was all being interpreted from Hebrew to English—it’s dry—it’s boring. On one station they are losing audience share to Yuri Gagarin’s spaceflight, the very first man in Space, & also on the other station Fidel Castro is running around taking over Cuba—all of it live. While at the trial the prosecution is getting bogged down with Eichmann----- Eichmann was head of transportation & the deportation in Germany, that much was known, how could he be blamed for what went on inside a concentration camp he argued.

They needed something that would grab their Audience share back---or the plug would be pulled on it.

I don’t think it’s a spoiler—to say what that was…its history I am sure everyone knows what happened mid trial to change all that & the ratings. But in case they don’t I’ll leave it.

2 really good actors-- Martin Freeman as --Milton Fruchtman & Anthony LaPaglia played- Leo Hurwitz,


Meant to post 9 Doc's but ran out of time.....(slow at typing) ....will do the rest latter...............

British Jurno's letting their crack head informant drive the car around in LA as payment---"Tales of the grim sleeper"....

Great list!

Found "The Eichmann Show" rather good. Normally, I do not watch drama that has the holocaust as its main theme. I think the only cinematic way to cover KZ-horror is documentation (not minding anybody watching "Holocaust" or "Schindlers List", though. It's just not for me). But this was more about the trial and it's importance for the public in Israel and all over the world, but certainly including some moving scenes.

Liked the "Tales of the Grim Sleeper". Seems that LAPD has a few officers who do not deserve to be called Police ("NHI", seriously?).

Where is the rest of your list? smile.png

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Tv Series - The Red Road

This is a six part series and I'm half way through it.

Really enjyoing it so far.

Season 2 is being released later this month.

IMDB: Revolves around a sheriff struggling to keep his family together while simultaneously policing two clashing communities:

the small town where he grew up and the neighboring Ramapo Mountains, home of the Ramapo Mountain Indians.

After a terrible tragedy and coverup occurs involving the sheriff's wife, an unholy alliance is forged between the sheriff

and a dangerous member of the tribe that will come back to haunt all involved.



Series 2 of the excellent The Red Road is out there.

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For us Brits ,series 3 of the police series Shetland has just started , the first two series were not bad ,set in the wildes of the Shetland isles ,

Can Aussies watch it as wellsmile.png

It's great if you have trouble getting to sleep.

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Trumbo (2015)

Diane Lane seems to show up in a lot of these "remember when" pictures. Remember her as George reeves' girlfriend in Hollywoodland?

This film didn't move me much, and I'm not sure why. I have studied for years the whole "Witch Hunt", anti-Communist sad era of American history of the 50's. On top of the world heap, strangely enough, this i believe is where our long, painful decline began. The construction of a monstrous war machine, interfering and fomenting strife all over the globe, from Iran to Guatemala to Vietnam, and a few hundred lesser known "hot spots", manufacturing myths about our "greatness" and American exceptionalism", it all got rolling in 1947 with the creation of the "National Security State." The documents creating that monstrosity are now public, spelling out how the USA was going to be Top Dog Forever, by any means necessary. Look it up.

Yesterday's allies became today's Godless Menace. If you were any sort of a "lefty", it was time to run scared. NAMES, Give us NAMES!

To fight against fascist toads like Senator Tail Gunner Joe McCarthy, an infamous drunkard and liar, was to put yourself at serious career risk. The House Un-American Activities Committee was a disgrace. Secret drag queen J. Edgar Hoover ignored organized crime and made a living on going after "com-symps" and "fellow travellers". A vile period, that was, and yet, fascism is on the rise again in America.

Kudos to brave men like Trumbo and the Hollywood Ten screen writers, for what they endured. Still, the movie is predictable and sheds no new light on those times.

EIGHT, for a worthy effort.

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Trumbo (2015)

Diane Lane seems to show up in a lot of these "remember when" pictures. Remember her as George reeves' girlfriend in Hollywoodland?

This film didn't move me much, and I'm not sure why. I have studied for years the whole "Witch Hunt", anti-Communist sad era of American history of the 50's. On top of the world heap, strangely enough, this i believe is where our long, painful decline began. The construction of a monstrous war machine, interfering and fomenting strife all over the globe, from Iran to Guatemala to Vietnam, and a few hundred lesser known "hot spots", manufacturing myths about our "greatness" and American exceptionalism", it all got rolling in 1947 with the creation of the "National Security State." The documents creating that monstrosity are now public, spelling out how the USA was going to be Top Dog Forever, by any means necessary. Look it up.

Yesterday's allies became today's Godless Menace. If you were any sort of a "lefty", it was time to run scared. NAMES, Give us NAMES!

To fight against fascist toads like Senator Tail Gunner Joe McCarthy, an infamous drunkard and liar, was to put yourself at serious career risk. The House Un-American Activities Committee was a disgrace. Secret drag queen J. Edgar Hoover ignored organized crime and made a living on going after "com-symps" and "fellow travellers". A vile period, that was, and yet, fascism is on the rise again in America.

Kudos to brave men like Trumbo and the Hollywood Ten screen writers, for what they endured. Still, the movie is predictable and sheds no new light on those times.

EIGHT, for a worthy effort.

Agree with 8. But bearing in mind im no buff on the period and it was a biography thought it was a bit harsh calling it 'predictable 'as for shedding no new light on the period, bit much to expect a drama to do, it never stuck itself up as a investigative doco but thb for me as i said although aware Im no bbuff on the period it was informative and i didn't know of Robinsons involvement or trumbles story in general.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Finally went to see star wars in 3 d imo overall a poor effort. Given its subject and budget poor use of.3 d and some less than average acting

But as we saw from franks opinion of trumble, millions loved star wars its all down to opinion. :huh:

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For us Brits ,series 3 of the police series Shetland has just started , the first two series were not bad ,set in the wildes of the Shetland isles ,

Can Aussies watch it as wellsmile.png

Only if your a good boy and eat your porridge

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For us Brits ,series 3 of the police series Shetland has just started , the first two series were not bad ,set in the wildes of the Shetland isles ,

Can Aussies watch it as wellsmile.png
Only if your a good boy and eat your porridge
Not anywhere near as good as eveglibs one liner :D

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I found it quite watchable—HBO do their usual professional job at making these Docs.

Tales of the.Grim.Sleeper.2014--- https://kat.cr/usearch/Tales%20of%20the%20Grim%20Sleeper/

This is HBO –but for some reason that they don’t explain, they brought a team of British Jurno’s over to do the story (Sky-Atlantic )—there are 2 movies out about it, but in both the people work with the L.A. police—The British Jurno’s do not & they were quite critical of the police work, so were not granted any interviews.

Great list!

Found "The Eichmann Show" rather good. Normally, I do not watch drama that has the holocaust as its main theme. I think the only cinematic way to cover KZ-horror is documentation (not minding anybody watching "Holocaust" or "Schindlers List", though. It's just not for me). But this was more about the trial and it's importance for the public in Israel and all over the world, but certainly including some moving scenes.

Liked the "Tales of the Grim Sleeper". Seems that LAPD has a few officers who do not deserve to be called Police ("NHI", seriously?).

Where is the rest of your list? smile.png

I enjoyed Grim Sleeper. Bit of a change from other serial killer documentaries, in that it interviews the living, those who lived in the area around Lonnie, and his friends and some family.

Certainly looks like the police don't care if they pin any more killings to Lonnie or not.. astounding amount of time LAPD allowed it to go on without going public.

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For us Brits ,series 3 of the police series Shetland has just started , the first two series were not bad ,set in the wildes of the Shetland isles ,

Can Aussies watch it as wellsmile.png

You'll need subtitles smile.png

No you won't. The Scottish language is the purest of all of the Anglosaxon languages. In fact, the Inverness dialect is the softest and most beautiful of dialects.

If we can understand Oz, you can understand Scottish.

Talking of that, i really enjoyed Last Cab to Darwin. And i did not need subtitles.

Call the Midwife - was great as usual.

Still trying to get into War and Peace. I watched the first one on the telly, and have downloaded the last two. Tomorrow a rainy day. Three hours to spare.

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For us Brits ,series 3 of the police series Shetland has just started , the first two series were not bad ,set in the wildes of the Shetland isles ,

Can Aussies watch it as wellsmile.png

You'll need subtitles smile.png

No you won't. The Scottish language is the purest of all of the Anglosaxon languages. In fact, the Inverness dialect is the softest and most beautiful of dialects.

If we can understand Oz, you can understand Scottish.

After reading this I had to head over to YouTube to watch a Billy Connolly sketch. I like his humor but really have to strain to get most of it. Can't say his dialect is soft but maybe Glasgow is different. biggrin.png

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