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One killed in Paris knife attack by man shouting 'Allah Akbar'


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8 hours ago, Becker said:

No, it shouldn't.


BTW, why are you even on this forum? It obviously causes you a lot of heartache as you are without a doubt the TVF poster who dishes out the most "sad' reactions to posts by a huge margin.

I like to limit my time on ThaiVisa . I have a life so I don't have time to reply to so many <"deleted"> posts. Downvoting with a "sad" reaction is efficient and quick.  For all the ones who can't handle a "SAD" ... what are YOU doing on this forum ?

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5 minutes ago, tubby johnson said:

You really are too stupid to insult. 


Can you read? Let me help you a little, out of pity.

Here's the link: http://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-overview/


The Pew Forum has plenty of the substance you keep ranting about, and it doesn't make for pleasant reading about muslims' willingness to co-exist in a modern, tolerant, peaceful and civilized world.

Yep I’ve already read that (heavy hint in my last post).


You should read it too because the graphic posted by Sukumvitnein does not come from the Pew Foundation.


So yes I can read, can you?

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1 hour ago, RickBradford said:

Ah, yes, thank you Reuters.. a "French citizen". Not a rabid Islamist immigrant at all.<snip>

Don't comprehend why you and your clique rush to denigrate first reports without pausing for security agencies to do some background checking and brief media. 


MSM has now reported the killer was born in Chechnya in 1997, moved to France with his parents, eventually granted French citizenship. Allegedly he was on a security alert list (approx 10,000 of whom are Muslims, with further approx 10,000 non Muslims) with the same level security flag as football hooligans.  It would be extremely challenging for French security to identify when someone is likely to move to actual violence, must be devastating for them when murder/s occur, yet all people like you do is post sneering negativity and defeatist comment.



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23 minutes ago, chippendale said:

The definition of stupidity: When you've screwed up, look ridiculous, yet you keep coming back for more.


Not at all.


I’ve asked sukhumvitneon where he got the graphic from.


I’ve not yet had a response that answers that very simple question.

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31 minutes ago, fanjita said:

This is too radical, I know.  How about treating all potential terrorism suspects as just that and interning them on some remote island.  


I'm open to consultancy services for European governments.  It won't go down well but I know what I'm talking about.

What are you talking about?

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So, a random nutter, probably unemployed, without anything to hope for, freaks out and start stabbing random people on the street, shouting "Allah akbar "  ( he could have shout " give me a beer ! )

... And then you have people talking... Islamist, terrorist blahblah..

I want to ask, all those random shooters in USA and to a lesser extent, Europe, are they branded Christian terrorists ?

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2 minutes ago, fanjita said:

Forget the US, Islamic terrorism's a big problem in Europe and will continue to be for some significant time to come.

Well, i am not likely to buy that, fanatics can be terrorists, and use religion as an excuse, but talking about Islamic terrorism is wrong for all the millions of peaceful Muslims living and working in Europe.

If you kick them all out of Europe, the economy would collapse, btw.

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Just now, mauGR1 said:

Well, i am not likely to buy that, fanatics can be terrorists, and use religion as an excuse, but talking about Islamic terrorism is wrong for all the millions of peaceful Muslims living and working in Europe.

If you kick them all out of Europe, the economy would collapse, btw.

You are deviating now, mau.  I hope you or your family don't get caught in a terrorist attack as must be absolutely terrifying. 


Who said anything about kicking all the Muslims out?

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1 minute ago, fanjita said:

You are deviating now, mau.  I hope you or your family don't get caught in a terrorist attack as must be absolutely terrifying. 


Who said anything about kicking all the Muslims out?

You seem oblivious to the fact that your reactionary responses are playing right into the part the terrorists have in mind for you.

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3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

You seem oblivious to the fact that your reactionary responses are playing right into the part the terrorists have in mind for you.

Cool.  I'll placate them from now on, according to you.  Maybe a cup of tea and a sit down is in order.  That's fine, but is that before they shoot me, stab me, blow me up and run me over or afterwards?

Edited by fanjita
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11 hours ago, Different said:

I would blame it on the west for keeping Muslims under totalitarian regimes loaded with extreme bull*it knowledge. They should have knew why Muhammad was the last messenger 1400 years ago to clarify that all religions are basically one most humans share in common which is never harm others and honor your loved ones.

Mohammed appeares to have had different slants on treatment of other religions at different periods of his career.  The Koran reflects this and like the other bible is full of contradictions.  In his earlier period before he became so powerful he was more accomodating to others.  So like other religions you can tout the bits you like from your holy book and ignore the bits that contradict them: As mistranslated, misunderstood or anomalies of their time.  All the nice things people attribute to Mohammed make it hard to understand the hard line ISIS types' interpretation of the religion of peace until you accept this.



Edited by The Deerhunter
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1 minute ago, RickBradford said:

The " millions of peaceful Muslims" are irrelevant.


It's the small percentage of Muslims who slaughter concert goers with bombs and AK-47s, drive trucks into holidaying crowds, stab people randomly in the street, on trains, in railway stations, that people are concerned about.


If you think that merely talking about Islamic terrorism is wrong, then you are part of the problem, not the solution. At the very least, desperately trying to bury the subject and pretend it doesn't exist, as the media tries to do, merely encourages the rise of far Right-wing thuggery.

Well, i am talking exactly about that, so i am not part of the problem.

The millions of peaceful Muslims are not irrelevant, if you carry on fuelling the Christian-Muslims hate, then we might have a much bigger problem.

Surely, nobody is burying the subject, still we should try to be reasonable in the debate.

Wars are about economics, and religion is too often brought up as an excuse.

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29 minutes ago, fanjita said:

I've already stated what I'm talking about.  Please elaborate.

Everyone is a potential terrorist suspect.  Terrorist suspects are terrorist suspects, not potential terrorist suspects.  You can't ship the entire population of France off to Devil's Island for crimes that they might commit.  Potential terrorist suspects are no more a threat than potential suspects of crimes of passion, or potential suspects of drink driving.

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Wars are about economics, and religion is too often brought up as an excuse.

Be under no illusion, this is a war, and religion is the theme.


It is a war that is being fought by economics, politics and legal means, the violence, at this stage is minimal, merely a reminder.

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3 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

Everyone is a potential terrorist suspect.  Terrorist suspects are terrorist suspects, not potential terrorist suspects.  You can't ship the entire population of France off to Devil's Island for crimes that they might commit.  Potential terrorist suspects are no more a threat than potential suspects of crimes of passion, or potential suspects of drink driving.

I never mentioned shipping off the entire population of France.  This is getting silly.

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2 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

Anybody with an ounce more sense than a tennis ball can tell that the mainstream media would rather gargle battery acid than admit that Europe has a problem with Islamic terrorism.


If history has taught one thing, it should be that appeasing extremists doesn't work -- it simply emboldens them. How much more of a "bigger problem" do you want? Isn't the body count high enough for you yet?


And to suggest that Islamic terrorism in Europe is about "economics" is too risible to even bother answering.

Instead of getting personal, and teaching what " history have taught " you could have an unbiased look at history.

And i am not appeasing extremists, Muslims or Christians, they are all rubbish to me and the rest of the world.

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14 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

Everyone is a potential terrorist suspect.  Terrorist suspects are terrorist suspects, not potential terrorist suspects.  You can't ship the entire population of France off to Devil's Island for crimes that they might commit.  Potential terrorist suspects are no more a threat than potential suspects of crimes of passion, or potential suspects of drink driving.

No, they are not.


The entire population of France are not terrorist suspects, only about 10,000 are.


Of course 10,000 can be shipped off to a secure location.

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