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Stem Cell Therepy for Fibromyalgia


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I have just watched an interview on YouTube(Joe Rogan) on stem cell treatment.

It seems amassing.Then I saw the Regeneration Center in Bangkok and have filled out there online form.

They will contact me soon.


I just opened this post to see if anybody has any information about them.Are they good

or can anybody recommend a better place to go.


The price is going to be important for me.If anybody knows a cheaper place to get stem cell treatment

I would love to know.

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Be advised that they are operating against the regulations of the Thai Medical Council, which banned this sort of thing after several deaths occurred.


In addition, there is no evidence that stem cell treatments are effective in fibromyalgia and no reason to expect that they would be, since fibromylagia (unlike, say, Alzheimer's or Parkisnons diseases) is not a condition in which there is cellular damage as far as is known.


There are a lot of dubious clinics, in Thailand and elsewhere (often popping up then getting shut down in short order)  that advertise online claiming their treatments will cure essentially everything. Some do not even actually inject stem cells at all, and pretty much all of them are fraudulent in their claims.


I continue to advise that you consult a doctor specializing in this condition. I have previously given you details of same.


This website s a good resource for FM  https://www.fmcpaware.org/treatment.html



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