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A different story - but the fact remains: Kuwaiti hit over the head with a snooker cue!

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14 hours ago, Darcula said:


Good thing she wasn't playing ConnectFour. Abdulla would have got four stitches in a row.

do the govt still allow connect four? as bad as darts for potential gambling!!!


I see - I get it now - got drunk in Ramadan 40 virgins out the window so take the next best thing and grab a bar girl - well done Ahmed!!!!:partytime2:

3 minutes ago, fanjita said:

Nonsense post, sorry.  Doesn't make any sense.  


Are you married to a Thai lady?

Yes - been together for 10 years but that's irrelevant. All I am saying is calm down - all this talk about "blood up the walls" with your blessing is a bit over the top for me.

8 minutes ago, fanjita said:

Probably dealing with another drunk farang at the other door.  Come on, they have to put up with a lot of nonsense.  If a woman lashes out then I'll respect their feeling of vulnerability. 

These women are not "educated modest and decent" paragons of virtue that your wife appears to be. They are "working girls" and as such, as I have said before, they should be capable of handling over zealous customers in a more appropriate way than breaking a pool cue over their heads! And I am not saying that any Tom. Dick or Abdul can grope them to their hearts content, but "feelings of vulnerability" will have gone out with the garbage with the first used condom wrapper!

34 minutes ago, sambum said:

These women are not "educated modest and decent" paragons of virtue that your wife appears to be. They are "working girls" and as such, as I have said before, they should be capable of handling over zealous customers in a more appropriate way than breaking a pool cue over their heads! And I am not saying that any Tom. Dick or Abdul can grope them to their hearts content, but "feelings of vulnerability" will have gone out with the garbage with the first used condom wrapper!

Whether they're ladies of the night or not makes no odds.  If they feel threatened then they've every right to defend themselves.  


Surely the lady dealt with the over zealous customer within reason?  What would you want your wife of ten years to do?  Personally, I want my wife to defend herself.

55 minutes ago, sambum said:

Yes - been together for 10 years but that's irrelevant. 

Not irrelevant in the slightest.  Abdul and Herr Flick are almost certainly not married to Thai ladies.


If I ran into problems of my own making in LOS then my wife would pre-warn me that the situation isn't going to end well.  It would be a discreet warning and wholly in my best interests.  If I ignored her advice then that's my own lookout. 


Learn to read the signs, sambum.  


18 hours ago, mercman24 said:

with the girl on this one, i have witnessed them come into bars and paw the girls, they have no respect for the female gender , this how they treat  their women at home. i am surprised we have not seen more of these blooded <deleted>. if he came into my local and acted like that, he would get more than a cue across his head i can assure you.

...pesky cue-waitees.

  • Haha 1

don,t know what happened if ctcv was one,now deleted or broken..but i would leave it alone and walk away.it maybe better for your health and holiday.you survived  the attack so that is it


these Thai bar girl and motor bike taxi drivers are fxxxxxxg bullies id love to see the low life bar girl hit some Thai taxi driver over the head with a pool cue, he would wipe the floor with her, they only do this to farang cos 1 they know the farang really cant do much about it 2 if the farang hit her back he would be jumped by 10 of the animals or 3 get nicked by the police. the less one has to do with these animals the better off you are.

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19 hours ago, johng said:

I believe its now a licensing requirement for bars to have CCTV,  there have been a few  news reports about it over the years,  I'm possibly on the same planet as you..but not quite sure.

And just how many beer bars have licences??????

What's the name of your planet I wonder?

21 hours ago, johng said:

Should be quite easy to clear up as all bars have CCTV right ?

Sure, and all bar goers and bar workers tell the truth

  • Haha 1
20 hours ago, Nong Khai Man said:

A Kuwaiti Drunk in Ramadan,Oh Dear what will Allah make of that ??

Hypocrisy, the keystone of all religions

18 hours ago, happy chappie said:

Two options here.if it was the arabs fault there's a working cctv.if it was the bargirls fault then the cctv was not working.

those two two options are available anywhere there is a cctv camera whether an arab or girl or not; more often than not it is the latter

16 hours ago, Birdbrain said:

Thai lady is angry ,rude and most likely lying.

The foreigner is polite, gentle and probably honest.

Thai lady should be charged for assault with weapon and if owner of bar should know better and should show respect to customers at all times.

If she is owner or manager of bar, bar should be closed for 3-6 months.

I await to hear the results after the police investigation.

So, you are saying angry and rude makes you a liar; while polite and gentle makes you a truth teller?

  • Confused 1
16 hours ago, gamini said:

An ugly racist post typical of a lot of people on this forum. Firstly, how would you know if the Arab was Muslim or not? there are plenty of Christian Arabs too. Secondly,  if he was a true Muslim. he would not


I think your second possibility is that to which Nong Kai Man refers

  • Haha 1
15 hours ago, overherebc said:

I've got a feeling a lot of guys posting have never spent a lot of time in 'other' countries, only homeland and Thailand.

Spend long periods in these 'other' countries and your posts will tend to go one way.

And, what way is that?

16 hours ago, gamini said:

An ugly racist post typical of a lot of people on this forum. Firstly, how would you know if the Arab was Muslim or not? there are plenty of Christian Arabs too. Secondly,  if he was a true Muslim. he would not


Are you sure you are speaking race; or is it ethnicity.

  • Thanks 1
15 hours ago, Sprigger said:

It’s the Pitts down there a couple of years ago I ended up fighting half the bar because I complained about a watery cocktail. Nice international family resort my arse never will be.

So, half the bar poured you a watery drink, or half the bar thought you were wrong enough to fight you?

  • Haha 1
13 hours ago, Tony Hanscomb said:

Prostitution in Thailand is ilegal. 

Muslims are not allowed to drink alcohol. 


Really, I never saw anyone questioned about their religion before being served a drink here in Thailand.

  • Like 1

Another racist remark has been removed from this thread.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

12 hours ago, Top Chef said:

"Vigilantism" and  "Mob Law" are the rule of thumb for Thailand. Taking the law into their own hands may make a difference when an attempted murder or suicide is involved. But overall, this "Mob-law Justice" is an unacceptable part of the ugly underbelly of Thai society. This type of justice has been accepted because the perpetrators of these vigilante type actions, go virtually unpunished (eg. 500-1000 baht fines). (If a farlang were to act in the same manner by beating a Thai lawbreaker, the fines for such actions would undoubtedly be substantially greater. Most likely in the 5000-25000 baht range or maybe more and may include legal prosecution). Vigilantism is the order of the day here in Thailand ("The Land Of Smiles") no matter how wrong it is. Moreover, if the perpetrator happens to be a Farang lawbreaker then that's all the more reason for the thais to get "mobbed-up" so as to exact revenge and vent their hate and jealousy on the white scourge. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG


The Thai should have received jail time (2-3 months) for Assault and Battery

Well, I believe most country's legal codes allow for self-defense or defense of another against impending harm. Which may be what the police are trying to establish.

22 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Police were waiting for the tourist to leave hospital before re-interviewing Rotsukhon and Abulla and deciding how to proceed,

First we need to check the contents of your wallet; next, your visa; then we will proceed to the nearest ATM.

14 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

I don't understand all this religious obsession of other's faith or lack thereof, do you follow all the precepts of your religion ? Have you even got a religion ? Why would you care , unless you are a fanatic ???



Spot on!

Most Christians don't bother with going to church or adhere to the rules, so why expect all Muslims to be ultra devoted. You can believe in God or Allah but not buy into the "rules."

  • Like 1
6 hours ago, AlexRich said:

Kuwait is a dry country, and as a Muslim drinking is forbidden, even in Thailand. He was very foolish to make that statement. 

And Christians can't eat shellfish or wear mixed fabrics. Many Muslims drink alcohol, not all strictly adhere to the Quran.

  • Confused 1
11 hours ago, Enoon said:


Nothing, there is no Allah.


The drunk guy is well aware of that and is thumbing his nose at all the religious s*** that's laid on him at home.


The more of them who do it the better.


He should be applauded, not ridiculed.


Those who are too stupid to understand that should be ridiculed.



Well, what you say may be the case. However, I spent 12 years living and working in the Middle East and saw Muslims who visited Thailand and other SEA areas turn into sleazy drunken sexpats, as bad as the worst from any country. Then when back home they put on that pious fundamentalist facade. One group of young Saudis used to show me pictures of the girls they took while drinking and partying in Thailand and the Philippines. One group of Iranians used to take me with them to visit the bars and whores of Tehran. So, yes, they may be jettisoning their religious beliefs; or maybe they are just hypocrites.

  • Thanks 1

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