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Second-hand smoke exposes Thais to health risks


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57 minutes ago, gr8fldanielle said:



More fake news,  This can't be Thailand,  this sort of behaviour would never go on here.

or be tolerated by the conscientious Police force of Thailand.

This must be Cambodia or Lao !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry :burp:


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Now, how about addressing two other things: the villagers who burn trash every night that drifts into the house making a choking nuisance, and the Thais country-wide who set fire to Thailand every year from mid-February until the rains fall hard enough to curtail the burning. 

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5 hours ago, jaltsc said:

"Second-hand smoke exposes Thais to health risks"

It also exposes non Thais to heath risks too. As with most laws and regulations, the "Do Not Smoke" signs are ignored since the law is not enforced. When was the last, or  for that matter, first time anyone has been fine 2000 baht for smoking in a restaurant or public venue?

And those who choose not to smoke inside, usually sit themselves at the front entrance and smoke. Thus exposing everyone entering and leaving to their noxious second hand fumes.

Don't expect anything to change. Since, in Thailand, just printing an article is considered equivalent to taking actions and solving problems.


The front entrance is where they put the smoking section! I'm Japan, home to the world's longevity champion population, they post signs against smoking outside and advise you to enter a restaurant or bar to partake.

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8 hours ago, Get Real said:

And this is something they found out now? Like 30-40 year after the rest of the world.

Anyway, it´s great news that they finally managed to see the connection.

What makes you say that "they" just found out about this?  Nowhere does it state that the author of the comments is claiming this to be a new discovery.  These are just comments that he made ahead of a conference, do you think that the subject should never be mentioned again after the years-old confirmation was made?

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6 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

Will you look at that: second-hand-smoke concept has arrived in Thailand..., next they will claim they invented it.

Will you look at that!  Next you will claim that you can read and accurately interpret posted articles. 

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4 hours ago, seajae said:

maybe if they enforced the no smoking rules in restaurants it would help, the amount of times I have had to stand up and and start to leave the restaurant when the idiots on the table next to us light up while we are eating is beyond a joke. The owners come running over and we tell them that unless the smokers put their cigarettes out or leave we will leave as well  as its illegal for them to be smoking. There owners usually get upset but do tell the smokers to stop, we get dirty looks but I refuse to simply let it slide because just because they are inconsiderate ar*eholes. Why have laws if they are not going to enforce them, something Thailand is very good at as the police refuse to leave their offices

Do what I used to do back in the UK, when someone smokes in a restaurant, wait till they start eating, then walk up to their table and start picking your nose in front of them.

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6 hours ago, gr8fldanielle said:

the smoke from cooked meat is carcinogenic, why is that not addressed? Maybe the second hand smoke causing all these deaths is coming from grilling pigs and chickens.


Wow, who is smoking there?

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22 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

What makes you say that "they" just found out about this?  Nowhere does it state that the author of the comments is claiming this to be a new discovery.  These are just comments that he made ahead of a conference, do you think that the subject should never be mentioned again after the years-old confirmation was made?

No absolutely not. You are right! It´s really worth talking about, instead of acting on something they in that case already know.

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6 hours ago, rossd said:

I am 72 years old and have been smoking for 56 years. I do not smoke in the house and I am very conscious of those around me when I eat out. 

Second hand smoke is not as dangerous as made out!  The most accurate and latest longitudinal studies concluded point to passive smoking not causing lung cancer in the average household.  It is an irritant though, and can cause allergies.


I can't see there would nearly be enough nicotine in the room to cause the problems described.


But following their logic, why on earth do they allow smoking, but ban e-cigarettes?  Maybe their health officials could telephone Health England.  But I suspect this is more to do with tax

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3 minutes ago, gandalf12 said:

So is the standard of driving on the roads. Probably it is a far greater health risk

Oh dear! You just made the spreading of second hand smoking look like nothing at all.

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4 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

How do you figure that out?


Did you even bother to read what I quoted, and how I reacted on the comment i quoted. Maybe then you would understand that it was more like a joke. 
Relax, take a beer and look at life from the bright side. I mean, you can even take a cigarette if you feel like it. :cheesy:

Edited by Get Real
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18 minutes ago, Get Real said:

Did you even bother to read what I quoted, and how I reacted on the comment i quoted. Maybe then you would understand that it was more like a joke. 
Relax, take a beer and look at life from the bright side. I mean, you can even take a cigarette if you feel like it. :cheesy:

Still, not much the wiser!!  

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Given that the various WHO  study reports fail to differentiate  the  exposure effect in isolation  from  the general impact  of  total environmental airbourne pollutive  factors and then contrived  an exponential  statistic this  is  just the  continuation  of  a farce.Even to the  point where it has  been  claimed second hand  cigarette  smoke is more  dangerous than that inhaled  by a  smoker !

Smoking tobacco is  negative  to health in general  terms! And regardless of  "harm" smokers  should be  considerate of   non  smokers .

And  yes it is a factor  in  cardiovascular  issues  etc.

But  it  is  not  the main factor.

So if  it  could come to be that smoking tobacco was inhibited, illegalised, curtailed, whatever........the  percentage of the population  who even in  the  untainted future  generation/s who  suffer  the illnesses currently  mostly attributed  to  tobacco smoke will  never  decrease and are more likely  to increase due to   air  pollution components  already  known to  be of  greater harm.

And it is  for that reason that  although  being  claimed  to  be a  social  "menace" it  is   not  made  illegal  but  simply  taxed  to  ludicrous levels way in excess of  that applied  to  alcohol which has a much  more  identifiable negative  impact across  the  social spectrum.







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21 hours ago, jaltsc said:

"Second-hand smoke exposes Thais to health risks"

It also exposes non Thais to heath risks too. As with most laws and regulations, the "Do Not Smoke" signs are ignored since the law is not enforced. When was the last, or  for that matter, first time anyone has been fine 2000 baht for smoking in a restaurant or public venue?

And those who choose not to smoke inside, usually sit themselves at the front entrance and smoke. Thus exposing everyone entering and leaving to their noxious second hand fumes.

Don't expect anything to change. Since, in Thailand, just printing an article is considered equivalent to taking actions and solving problems.


Nothing more obnoxious as people whinging about people smoking. In Bangkok the nagging is especially hilarious, as the air pollution most certainly is a much bigger health hazard than the 10 seconds  you are exposed to our second hand fumes. walk faster and you could do it in three seconds..

Edited by sjaak327
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