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Downtown Chiang Mai swamped by flash floods


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3 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:
11 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

When all of these long established newspapers and and channel are all owned by the same small group of people ...


3 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:


No, they're not.





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Recap – Seven Reason You Should Avoid Arguing Online

• It creates enemies in our minds that don’t really exist
• It makes it harder to let go of unhelpful beliefs and opinions
• It brings out our worst qualities
• It is a waste of our precious energy
• It hurts other people
• It is reinforcing our need to be right all the time
• We become less able to judge ideas on their own utility


Now what IDIOT came up with this BS ?    He doesn't know what the hell he is talking about !  RUMAK............better print his out:   my remark is sarcasm  

Edited by rumak
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1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

Yes, a great deal of media consolidation has occurred, in the US at least as a result of industry deregulation, and some owners (such as Rupert Murdoch) tend to meddle in the news organizations they own. I agree with you that this is a discomforting trend. That said, I have greater faith in the independence of most news organizations from their corporate owners, and in the integrity and professionalism of individual journalists (I know several personally) working for those organizations, than I do in random bloggers, whose agendas I don’t know and whose sources might be wholly invented. I might read such blogs as opinion pieces or for entertainment, but not for hard news.

As a quick example, one friend of mine informed me that the aforesaid Murdoch is Jewish. I eventually convinced him that this wasn’t the case (and, even if he were, so what?, but that’s another argument), and my friend said simply that he had read “somewhere” about Murdoch’s alleged Jewishness. I know the kinds of websites my friend reads, and they’re not accountable to anything, least of all the truth. A New York Times reporter (or one from Fox News for that matter) would be unable to print such a lie.

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15 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:

I might read such blogs as opinion pieces or for entertainment, but not for hard news.

Because you buy in to their claims of neutrality because that is how you are programmed. Independents are less likely to be feeding you propaganda, yes they may have an agenda, most do, but sometimes that agenda is digging for the truth and not stuffing the pockets of the global elite while enslaving the masses with fear mongering. If they are telling pork pies than you can work that out by following their arguments and checking their facts.  You know media is a business right? 

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It rains every year in C M, and the city administrators never prepare for it. That's the problem

You must understand that huge amounts of water gets dropped on CM , the drains do actually get cleansed out , but its just the sheet volume of water dropped in such a short time span .

   It rains for a few hours , it floods and takes a while for the water to drain away , everythings back to normal after an hour or so , no big deal really

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45 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

Because you buy in to their claims of neutrality because that is how you are programmed. Independents are less likely to be feeding you propaganda, yes they may have an agenda, most do, but sometimes that agenda is digging for the truth and not stuffing the pockets of the global elite while enslaving the masses with fear mongering. If they are telling pork pies than you can work that out by following their arguments and checking their facts.  You know media is a business right? 

Thank you, but I am well confident in my power of judgment. However, your use of hysterical catch-phrases like “enslaving the masses” makes me wonder who’s been “programmed” here. I agree that fear mongering occurs, but it’s deployed not by the professional media but with increasing success by xenophobic politicians and the bloggers who are enthralled by them. You have a good day, OK?

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9 hours ago, Cory1848 said:

Your post didn't ask any questions. In fact, beyond a few scattershot references to "Jezuit"-owned universities and the so-called New World Order, your post said nothing at all. You can go on about those non-things if you wish, but please excuse me if I change the channel. There's a rather colorful American expression that applies here, having to do with urinating outdoors in blustery conditions ...

That says it all. Goodbye lefty. Channels are closed. Win win situation.

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10 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I was pointing out the literacy of your post. That's not labelling, just an observation. If you want to argue a particular point of view, it needs to be done coherently to have credibility.

Argument ad hominem, i.e. by calling people libtards is just one of the forms of dishonest argument explained by R.H.Thouless in his book "Straight and Crooked Thinking". I don't consider myself elite just because I've read a book.

Well, you used a latin word in an all English language forum and I have  just a small feeling that more people around this forum didn't know what it meant. Sorry, but if you come foreward with latin words here, I tend to think you are acting as a hi so.

So sorry I didn't read the R.H. Toothless (pun) book as I might have different views on what to read. Talking about dishonest argument, I know at least where to look in this world (not you I mean). Salute you.

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21 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Labels are very useful when one wants to argue ad hominem. The literacy of the post of hugocnx makes me wonder

who is babbling.

If you read my post well, you might see that I was not labelling, but I was noticing what is happening and as such named some possibilities or stereotypes.

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10 hours ago, Cory1848 said:

Your post didn't ask any questions. In fact, beyond a few scattershot references to "Jezuit"-owned universities and the so-called New World Order, your post said nothing at all. You can go on about those non-things if you wish, but please excuse me if I change the channel. There's a rather colorful American expression that applies here, having to do with urinating outdoors in blustery conditions ...

Yes, my post asked two questions. A question mark at the end of a sentence means that sentence is a question and the question marks were put in a reply to one of your posts.

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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It's amazing to me that a problem caused by lack of maintenance or not providing sufficient drainage has been infiltrated by the climate change mob. It rains every year in C M, and the city administrators never prepare for it. That's the problem, not the average temperature.


BTW, though I ask on every climate change thread for ideas as what to do about it, the pro CC mob never have any realistic suggestions. Seems that they think if they just talk about it enough, and have enough conferences the problem will fix itself.

In responce to my reply? I don't get it, but concerning your need for realistic suggestions, I can think of some if you allow me.

The Thai people say Mai Phen Rai, the French say Laissez faire, maybe the Americans say What the F and I would say what can you ultimately do against forces of nature.

If one thinks it is possible to defend living creatures against nature, then one is wrong.

Is the opposite true? Can HAARP cause hurricanes and earthquakes or other dissaster?


Then, there is absolutely no climate change as pushed upon us for special agenda's sake as only the change of nature is by nature's will itself. But since there is no talking to the pro climate change lobby, it's ending up as a bad marriage, fighting till the end.


Sofar the climate change issue has let to nothing but waste of precious time talking about it to much and taking the wrong action, like enforcing the whole world with expensive measures for the sake of the multinationals and for sucking the working class for tax money.


Of course we must be alert to things to come but what do you think a tropic/subtropic country like Thailand can do against nature. At this very moment reservoirs are already filled to the max and water must be released. Next year there is drought. How to pay for all of that? So, one should maybe accept things can turn out bad when nature has a go on us.

I don't like it when the mains goes out at every little thunderstorm. I can curse what I want, but that won't change the way it goes in Thailand or where ever.


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19 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It's amazing to me that a problem caused by lack of maintenance or not providing sufficient drainage has been infiltrated by the climate change mob. It rains every year in C M, and the city administrators never prepare for it. That's the problem, not the average temperature.


BTW, though I ask on every climate change thread for ideas as what to do about it, the pro CC mob never have any realistic suggestions. Seems that they think if they just talk about it enough, and have enough conferences the problem will fix itself.

It's already happening. The way of the future is wind and solar power, coupled with advanced battery storage. That cuts carbon dioxide emissions and heat emissions significantly.

Unfortunately, considerable funding is still going into the "clean coal" canard which will eventually go the way of scientific hoaxes such as Piltdown Man and phlogiston theory.

Bear in mind there are huge vested interests in maintaining the status quo. Power companies are shitting themselves, because when every household can generate and store its own power independently, a large slice of their profitability disappears. Not to mention the companies engaged in mining coal.

IMHO anyone who doesn't think climate change is happening, in the face of all the evidence, is behaving like an ostrich.

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12 hours ago, hugocnx said:

Well, you used a latin word in an all English language forum and I have  just a small feeling that more people around this forum didn't know what it meant. Sorry, but if you come foreward with latin words here, I tend to think you are acting as a hi so.

So sorry I didn't read the R.H. Toothless (pun) book as I might have different views on what to read. Talking about dishonest argument, I know at least where to look in this world (not you I mean). Salute you.

Very amusing that you should regard me as a hi-so - think that's the first time I've ever been called that anywhere. Again, a convenient label.

I really don't understand what your complaint is. As you have said yourself, if you can't comprehend a word there is always Google to help out.

So, what is your favoured reading?

Edited by Lacessit
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On ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 11:36 AM, JCauto said:


Certainly it would be spurious to attribute this particular incident to climate change, and no doubt the wonderful Thai attitudes to maintenance would contribute if not be the primary cause of the flooding problem.


The discussion with respect to climate change started when one poster made an observation about how weather had changed significantly in his 20 years in Thailand, and then indeed blamed anthropomorphic causes for the changes. The evidence that the climate has significantly changed in the last 20 years is clear, abundant and conclusive. To expect there to be no effects of this on Thailand would be absurd. So discussing climate change in the context of this event, despite its not being the primary cause, is relevant.


As to your question with regard to ideas about what to do about it, there are a number of ongoing efforts. One, indeed, is awareness-raising, and it, indeed, has had a major impact on people both becoming aware of the issue and changing their practices to reduce their carbon footprints. This is spurring a market in alternative carbon-neutral energy and other eco-friendly products. This has had such an impact that coal is no longer viable economically while the cost of solar and wind continues to plummet as investment in clean technology spurs improved efficiency - note that this is happening without coal being penalized for their carbon costs. Countries are progressively implementing carbon taxes, both as a way to generate revenue to support the shift of the economy away from fossil fuels and to move towards an economy where all costs are accounted for so that people can't extract benefits without leaving problems for others. Does that answer your question?

Whether C C has had an effect on weather here is irrelevant in the context of "flash floods swamping downtown C M". The monsoon has always brought a lot of rain, and every city in LOS should be prepared for it, but they are not, for all the usual reasons nothing in LOS is ever "prepared", not least actually cleaning out the drains already in place and clearing the drain covers.


As for the last paragraph, I dispute that "people both becoming aware of the issue and changing their practices to reduce their carbon footprints" is happening, especially in LOS. How many alternative energy power plants do you see? They do use gas, as it's available off shore, but they are doing ZERO to reduce use of carbon to power every vehicle in LOS or get people to use decent public transport. Often, public transport is so badly maintained that it is itself a major polluter.


I also claim that probably not a single TVF poster is travelling by sailing ship to avoid using carbon to get to and from LOS ( I do not include those that sail for pleasure ) or ride horses to avoid travelling by IC engine power. I'm sure some use bicycles, but probably not for commuting ( with perhaps some few exceptions ).


If you know of any large scale government initiatives to provide alternative power generation, or a move to require non fossil fuelled vehicles, I'd be interested to learn about them.


As I always say in such threads, the largest contributor to pollution on planet earth is human overpopulation, and till that is reversed with a significant reduction in numbers nothing else is going to make any difference.

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9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Whether C C has had an effect on weather here is irrelevant in the context of "flash floods swamping downtown C M". The monsoon has always brought a lot of rain, and every city in LOS should be prepared for it, but they are not, for all the usual reasons nothing in LOS is ever "prepared", not least actually cleaning out the drains already in place and clearing the drain covers.


As for the last paragraph, I dispute that "people both becoming aware of the issue and changing their practices to reduce their carbon footprints" is happening, especially in LOS. How many alternative energy power plants do you see? They do use gas, as it's available off shore, but they are doing ZERO to reduce use of carbon to power every vehicle in LOS or get people to use decent public transport. Often, public transport is so badly maintained that it is itself a major polluter.


I also claim that probably not a single TVF poster is travelling by sailing ship to avoid using carbon to get to and from LOS ( I do not include those that sail for pleasure ) or ride horses to avoid travelling by IC engine power. I'm sure some use bicycles, but probably not for commuting ( with perhaps some few exceptions ).


If you know of any large scale government initiatives to provide alternative power generation, or a move to require non fossil fuelled vehicles, I'd be interested to learn about them.


As I always say in such threads, the largest contributor to pollution on planet earth is human overpopulation, and till that is reversed with a significant reduction in numbers nothing else is going to make any difference.

Oh, you were referring only to climate change efforts in Thailand? Yes, I would agree that they're hardly even attempting to dress the windows.


I would also agree about over-population being a huge underlying problem that nobody seems to be willing to even discuss. Seems the religious object to it.

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15 minutes ago, JCauto said:

Oh, you were referring only to climate change efforts in Thailand? Yes, I would agree that they're hardly even attempting to dress the windows.


I would also agree about over-population being a huge underlying problem that nobody seems to be willing to even discuss. Seems the religious object to it.

Yes, only discussing LOS.


Worth noting that the snow line has been rising in New Zealand since the mid 1970s, so it's been going on a very long time in human terms. Plus, the world population was probably a few billion less than now. More to it than just human activity, IMO.

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On 5/26/2018 at 1:02 AM, canuckamuck said:

When all of these long established newspapers and and channel are all owned by the same small group of people, why wouldn't you want to get your news from outside sources. At least as a control to being managed and manipulated. If Bob the blogger can prove his point, why shouldn't he have a platform to speak? Is truth less true when it comes from an independent source? 

Different people own The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Economist, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, Bloomberg, etc. 


However I do agree that Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, and much else, and Sinclair Broadcasting, owner local television news stations in the US that reach 40% of households,   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinclair_Broadcast_Group have too much influence, and too many pundits presenting opinions as news.  However these are both controlled by conservative, pro-Trump, climate change skeptic people. 

Edited by heybruce
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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Yes, only discussing LOS.


Worth noting that the snow line has been rising in New Zealand since the mid 1970s, so it's been going on a very long time in human terms. Plus, the world population was probably a few billion less than now. More to it than just human activity, IMO.

Of course there is more to it than human activity. The difference is that the human activity is a factor that didn't exist before (or was basically negligible) and that it pushes things only in one direction (towards warming), whereas naturally occurring cycles tend to go in both directions depending on the activity.

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On ‎5‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 2:47 PM, Just1Voice said:

Yes, and over 90% of those experts have totally debunked the "Global Warming" theories.


Well it doesnt matter what U both argue over and who is right, someone put all the pollution in the air and that can't be benificial, it ceratinly wasn't the kangaroo.

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22 hours ago, JCauto said:

Of course there is more to it than human activity. The difference is that the human activity is a factor that didn't exist before (or was basically negligible) and that it pushes things only in one direction (towards warming), whereas naturally occurring cycles tend to go in both directions depending on the activity.

No disagreement. Humans have poisoned the oceans, poisoned the land and poisoned the air, and are not going to stop doing so any time soon.

I'll not believe governments are serious about doing anything meaningful till they do something to reduce human numbers significantly, and build more nuclear power plants ( windmills and solar panels are just not enough on their own ) till nuclear fusion is viable.

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On 5/24/2018 at 12:48 PM, Just1Voice said:

You appear to be one of those who blame Man for the change in weather when, in reality, it's a natural thing.  There have been 5 major Ice Ages in Earth's history, and they all happened long before Man ever arrived.  It's a Natural thing.  


Thank you Mr. Drumph.

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On 5/24/2018 at 1:48 AM, Just1Voice said:

You appear to be one of those who blame Man for the change in weather when, in reality, it's a natural thing.  There have been 5 major Ice Ages in Earth's history, and they all happened long before Man ever arrived.  It's a Natural thing. 

Natural climate change takes place over centuries, allowing the ecosystem to adjust.  The current climate change is happening ten times as fast.


It's kind of like the difference between a 6 mph collision and a 60 mph collision.

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On 5/24/2018 at 7:35 AM, thevich2710 said:

After over 20 years in Thailand the weather is and has completely changed. Thank you HAARP and all other unnatural weather altering manipulating <deleted>-ries  US UK biggest contributors. 

No, I 100% desagree with you. I stay here since 1981

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The geo engineering is world wide as can be seen on various sky watcher channels like this one.


The actual control of clouds and storms can be seen on various channels such as this one that concentrates on So Cal.



While the CIA etc are involved it's more pointing to NWO due to the scope of the operations and fact geo engineering is occurring in countries the CIA does not control such as Russia and China.

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On ‎5‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 1:14 AM, heybruce said:

Natural climate change takes place over centuries, allowing the ecosystem to adjust.  The current climate change is happening ten times as fast.


It's kind of like the difference between a 6 mph collision and a 60 mph collision.

IF it's mankind's fault that the weather is changing ten times as fast, perhaps it's a self inflicted injury. Humans have been exceedingly bad caretakers of the planet, have polluted everything and overpopulated the planet. Humans have exterminated thousands of other species and exploited natural resources to exhaustion. The seas are polluted and fish at the tipping point from overfishing. Every part of the planet is polluted.

The question now, is will humans do what is necessary to reverse pollution and overpopulation, or will they continue on the path to destruction?


NB population reduction is the single most important thing that can be done to ensure the survival of the human race. Windmills and solar panels are so minor as to be insignificant.

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