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Trump cancels summit with North Korea's Kim, warns that military ready


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13 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

"North Korea's arbitrary action to dismantle this facility on its own, this is not something that we can believe is part of North Korea's declared aim of denuclearization. It's nothing more than destroying evidence."


An "arbitrary action" is not backtracking.  He said he would do it, and he's done it.  That's more than we can say for Trump.

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10 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


With all due respect, you are delusional. You've still got time to edit your post. 

Watch and learn.


NK is already playing Trump’s withdrawal, painting the US as unreliable and insincere.


Amongst the cards on the table is the reputation of the US as a trusted international partner.


China is undoubtedly winning here.

Edited by Chomper Higgot
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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Watch and learn.


NK is already playing Trump’s with withdrawal, painting the US as unreliable and insincere.


North Korea started the ball rolling by saying they were going to de-nuclearize the Korean Penninsula. They have since stated they have no intention of giving up their nuclear weapons and you are calling the nation that withdraws from the talks that were predicated on that de-nuclearization unreliable and insincere. In your Bizarro World that must mean Kim is a paragon of integrity and virtue. 

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3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:



Can the international community trust the US and if not who will become the trusted international partner of choice?




The US has been the international partner of choice because its partners know that they will reap the same rewards but almost none of the risks and a disproportionately small portion of the cost of that partnership. The US has historically been willing to screw its citizens for the benefit of its partners. Good luck finding another international partner that stupid.

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3 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


The US has been the international partner of choice because its partners know that they will reap the same rewards but almost none of the risks and a disproportionately small portion of the cost of that partnership. The US has historically been willing to screw its citizens for the benefit of its partners. Good luck finding another international partner that stupid.

I’m sure that makes sense to you.


Nations observing the behaviour of the US under this President may think otherwise.

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5 minutes ago, attrayant said:


This is just factually wrong.


Long sought by North Korea, summit holds risks for Trump administration


"Now, as a summit unexpectedly appears possible, analysts fear U.S. President Donald Trump’s understaffed administration may lack the expertise to successfully turn a political spectacle long sought by Pyongyang into a meaningful opportunity to convince North Korea to abandon its nuclear program.


South Korean officials said Friday Trump almost immediately agreed to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, without preconditions, by the end of May. Even proponents of a diplomatic approach towards North Korea worry the administration could be rushing into a summit with little time to prepare."


Without preconditions.


I believe the specific steps to de-nuclearization are the preconditions not required. The meeting is predicated on the elimination of nuclear wepons on the Korean Penninsula as pledged by Kim to Moon.



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10 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I believe the specific steps to de-nuclearization are the preconditions not required. The meeting is predicated on the elimination of nuclear wepons on the Korean Penninsula as pledged by Kim to Moon.



From the link you gave:


The two nations — technically in a state of war for more than six decades — would work toward a permanent peace treaty and the elimination of nuclear weapons from the peninsula.”


The term ‘work toward’ is the key to understanding where you are getting this wrong.

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12 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

From the link you gave:


The two nations — technically in a state of war for more than six decades — would work toward a permanent peace treaty and the elimination of nuclear weapons from the peninsula.”


The term ‘work toward’ is the key to understanding where you are getting this wrong.


"Work toward" indicates there is a result in mind. When that result is taken off the table what are you then working toward?

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Trump was not played. On the contrary, Trump encouraged  North Korea to come and talk, and he is the first world power to have done so without imposing pre-conditions.  If anything he deserves praise for  taking the risk and reaching out to Kim

All that Pence did was to be truthful. The North started hemming, hawing and hesitating. Pence simply said what a possible outcome would be if the North did not consider discussing a peaceful, amicable resolution. Trump went out of his way to reassure Kim and to praise him.

The North Koreans have been playing the west for decades and for the first time since Truman, the USA has a  President who wasn't going to be played.  The North is in trouble and our friends the Chinese intervened to derail any peace talks between the North and the west.


The fact of the matter is that Japan is not going to sit by while the North Koreans fire nuclear missiles at it. People assume that the USA is pushing the  hardline.  It's Japan. And btw, the experts in South Korea  predicted this would happen and at the time of the meeting announcement, said Trump would have to be firm. He actually followed their advice. It's a nice change.

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53 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


North Korea started the ball rolling by saying they were going to de-nuclearize the Korean Penninsula. They have since stated they have no intention of giving up their nuclear weapons and you are calling the nation that withdraws from the talks that were predicated on that de-nuclearization unreliable and insincere. In your Bizarro World that must mean Kim is a paragon of integrity and virtue. 



how dare you refer to participants of the worlds leading think tank bastion of academia and intellect, tv forum, as living in a "bizarro world" !!!

Edited by atyclb
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Pyong Yang's 'open hostility'- he should be briefed on what his own men Bolton and Pence have said over the past week. This was on the cards for ages. I'm surprised fatty didn't tell him to stuff the summit up his backside.


To do it on the day the DPRK blows up its (already wrecked) nuclear installation is just another of the Orange Buffoon's foot in mouth moments. 


As a pundit pointed out last month a summit was never going to work. First you sent the staffers in to do the grunt work, THEN you send the leaders in to make the announcements- in Trump-World the opposite is happening.


He has ballsed up Iran, the Koreans have seen what happened in Libya (not on his watch I know) as well. The only person with a hard-on for him at the moment is Benny the Thug.


Edit: noting the comments about Trump above its clear who the Americans and non-Americans are!

Edited by Psimbo
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4 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Nope, Kim is now backtracking. 



Yes, this is the card I think Trump was playing (pun intended). By doing this he has removed NK's ability to play brinkmanship with the meeting. Kim will be under tremendous pressure to come back to the table. Trump's letter was still full of praise for Kim, so he will be able to come back without losing too much face if he handles it right.

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1 minute ago, Credo said:

Some interesting points, however, Trump failed to get his ducks in order, diplomatically speaking.   He's been making his threats to China (mostly Trade) and without them being on the same page, it was going to fall apart quickly.   


What we have now is a Kim who is seen, to some degree, as a victim and sanctions are going to be hard, if not impossible to enforce.   We already know that Russia was breaking the sanctions along with China.   I am sure Iran will be more than happy to resume a friendly relationship.   We are exactly back to the axis of evil days.   


Trump was played.   


If what you are saying is true then it looks like we never left.

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