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U.S. hits EU, Canada and Mexico with steel, aluminium tariffs


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30 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

they obviously dont agree  with your analysis. In the long run the world might well turn out to be a better place if america is taken down a peg or two.


Not seeing much by way of reasoned counter-analysis on offer. Even the above amounts to a one-liner assertion, which rests on "in the long run" and "might" - without actually addressing anything in a meaningful way. What "a better place" amounts to, or how the US being taken "down a peg or two" may contribute to such, aren't discussed.


It is understandable many people would like to see things "changed" - even if they do not agree on what these changes ought to be. IMO, this desire for change if easily harnessed and co-opted, and not necessarily in service of something which leads to anything "better".


What is on offer nowadays,  are mainly populist memes and positions. It's one thing to support a reform, a whole different ball game when advocating anarchy and chaos.

Edited by Morch
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6 minutes ago, Morch said:


Not seeing much by way of reasoned counter-analysis on offer. Even the above amounts to a one-liner assertion, which rests on "in the long run" and "might" - without actually addressing anything in a meaningful way. What "a better place" amounts to, or how the US being taken "down a peg or two" may contribute to such, aren't discussed.


It is understandable many people would like to see things "changed" - even if they do not agree on what these changes ought to be. IMO, this desire for change if easily harnessed and co-opted, and not necessarily in service of something which leads to anything "better".


What is on offer nowadays,  are mainly populist memes and positions. It's one thing to support a reform, a whole different ball game when advocating anarchy and chaos.

hardly the place for a discussion of the pros and cons

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43 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

hardly the place for a discussion of the pros and cons


Thanks for making my point once more. Many posters do favor populist views, one liners and emotional outbursts over "discussion". As we've been there, done that - didn't really expect any coherent or meaningful reply.

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13 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

perhaps if you tried  looking for an actual discussion group or seminar on the subject where you might find someone interested in your ideas??


Perhaps if you stopped trolling, an actual discussion would be possible. Alas...


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31 minutes ago, Morch said:


Perhaps if you stopped trolling, an actual discussion would be possible. Alas...


well, I've seen your opinion and a detailed discussion of it doesnt interest me. sorry

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Just now, Morch said:


No one is forcing you to comment, then. And yet...


last time I looked, the rules said nothing about a requirement for engaging in discussion of subjects commented on. perhaps you could steer me to it?


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8 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

last time I looked, the rules said nothing about a requirement for engaging in discussion of subjects commented on. perhaps you could steer me to it?



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Washington, what are you trying to say ??

Supposedly, China is the enemy, and you're trying to hold back China. Well, why don't you just put up tariffs against China, and tell Walmart to reduce the amount of stuff it imports from China.

Why on earth are you putting up barriers against Canada, Mexico, Europe and Britain ?  Britain exports steel to America, and you want to reduce the amount of steel Brtain is going to export ??  The way how this is going, you're actually building a fence surrounding America, a fence that will seperate America from the rest of the world. Don't do this, Washington, you will be sorry if you do.

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On 6/1/2018 at 10:20 PM, dunroaming said:

This is Trump showing the world that he is clueless beyond belief.  But it's a bit late because we were all to aware of it anyway.   Actually nothing new here. He will continue on his road to the destruction of the USA until he is stopped.

America has a system of checks an balances. However Republican Congress and others are complicit in this disgusting traitor's actions/being. Boy I hope he moves on from this world soon. 

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On 6/1/2018 at 1:48 PM, Basil B said:

It is time we in the UK hit back at American companies in the UK, time to tax them hard, starting with The Trump Turnberry...

That is exactly what Trump wants. If you tax them hard then they will move back to the U.S. Then there will be more jobs for Americans. 

Good plan. I hope you implement it. 


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On 6/1/2018 at 4:53 PM, MrMuddle said:

No ! Trump is the president America deserves. I hope he gets re-elected, and continues to show the rest of the world what the US really is, a country that wants to dominate everywhere, either by bullying, trade or force. He's already made plenty of enemies, by recognising Jerusalem as the capital of israel, now he's expanding the numbers of those against America, by his trade tariff policy.
Hopefully those he has targetted with his latest brainwave, will retaliate by stopping buying ALL goods made in the US.

I hope he gets re-elected also.  MAGA

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On 6/2/2018 at 12:18 AM, AYJAYDEE said:

there's been enough global chaos and now some folks are anxious to see america reap a bit of what it has sown. a natural reaction


1 day ago from CNBC


The US economy suddenly looks like it's unstoppable

  • Friday's economic data provided evidence the U.S. economy is heading into the second half of 2018 with strong momentum.
  • Nonfarm payrolls beat expectations while manufacturing and construction indexes both showed accelerated growth.
  • Economists are slowly ratcheting up expectations for growth through the end of the year, with widely followed measures putting the second quarter at between 3.6 percent and 4.8 percent.
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9 minutes ago, PhonThong said:

1 day ago from CNBC


The US economy suddenly looks like it's unstoppable

  • Friday's economic data provided evidence the U.S. economy is heading into the second half of 2018 with strong momentum.
  • Nonfarm payrolls beat expectations while manufacturing and construction indexes both showed accelerated growth.
  • Economists are slowly ratcheting up expectations for growth through the end of the year, with widely followed measures putting the second quarter at between 3.6 percent and 4.8 percent.

i wasnt referring to the economy


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Just now, nausea said:

As I understand it this is a no-win/no-win situation; the US may lose less but they'll still lose.

Just what is it that they are going to lose? Easy to make accusations without anything substantial to back it up.

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31 minutes ago, PhonThong said:

the US may lose less but they'll still lose


Seems like an accusation to me.

Here you go. Hopefully you will learn something..


  1. a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.
    "accusations of bribery"
    synonyms: allegation, charge, claim, assertion, imputation; More
    • the action or process of accusing someone.
      "there was accusation in Brian's voice"
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Once CNBC and Jim Cramer start crowing things usually go south.


1+ Trillion in CC debt

1+ Trillion in student loan debt 

1+ Trillion in auto loan debt


Larry Kudlow will be back doing coke again.


Interesting that the jobs numbers are now "real".



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48 minutes ago, Becker said:

Here you go. Hopefully you will learn something..


  1. a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.
    "accusations of bribery"
    synonyms: allegation, charge, claim, assertion, imputation; More
    • the action or process of accusing someone.
      "there was accusation in Brian's voice"


Edited by PhonThong
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2 hours ago, PhonThong said:

I hope he gets re-elected also.  MAGA

Another one.


This question has been asked many times, never to be answered, but maybe you can: what does Make America Great Again entail?

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