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Danish parliament bans the wearing of face veils in public


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38 minutes ago, wabothai said:

On the other hand the photo could be and probably is shopped.

Of course it's shopped, it's a joke just to show how rediculous the burqa appears to most people, but not to the usual clique it would seem.

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4 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

You keep arguing that women have a choice and don't have to follow society or there fathers or husbands rules. This is simply wrong thinking! If they ever did get rid of the Veil and I am sure there are many modern fathers and husbands who would not care. But the present social pressure prevents them for doing otherwise. 


In Saudi Arabia for example they have many Religous Police who wonder the streets to make sure women are indeed following the dress code and rules and that all shops close during Prayer Call. They can arrest any woman without warrant and bring her in front of a magistrate for a simple violation of not following the dress code, or being in the company of a male who is not a close relation to her.   

I'm well aware of the religious police and strict adherence to the rules. Though I'm sure we can both agree this isn't the case EVERYWHERE in the Islamic world.


I don't know how to make this any clearer but my point is more about the nature of women and less about Islam.

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7 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

I'm well aware of the religious police and strict adherence to the rules. Though I'm sure we can both agree this isn't the case EVERYWHERE in the Islamic world.


I don't know how to make this any clearer but my point is more about the nature of women and less about Islam.

I don't know how to make this cleared either but this discussion has always been about the Face Veil for Women and in many cases them not having the choice if they want to wear it or not, and never about Islam. It is only you who males this connection. But yet it has already been pointed out long ago by me, and others. that women covering there face is not written in the Koran to do so. 


This topic is on the Danish Governement banning the wearing of a Face Veil in Public. It doesn't matter if this woman is Muslim or Christian, and it does not mention that woman have any choice in this, and as you keep mentioning. It is the Law and anyone caught breaking this new law will be treated accordingly. 

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9 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

I don't know how to make this cleared either but this discussion has always been about the Face Veil for Women and in many cases them not having the choice if they want to wear it or not, and never about Islam. It is only you who males this connection. But yet it has already been pointed out long ago by me, and others. that women covering there face is not written in the Koran to do so. 


This topic is on the Danish Governement banning the wearing of a Face Veil in Public. It doesn't matter if this woman is Muslim or Christian, and it does not mention that woman have any choice in this, and as you keep mentioning. It is the Law and anyone caught breaking this new law will be treated accordingly. 

Ok fair enough I did derail the topic. I still maintain my positions as reflected by human nature but I'll just leave it at that and not continue to derail the thread. Just have to leave it for another day!

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23 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

Unlike many of the unruly women we have in the West, Muslim women know to keep themselves in check. As much as I dislike Islam there are SOME respectable practices and values in that religion.

"....women know to keep themselves in check".  Reactionary misogynist masquerading as some type of progressive. Veil just one tool to tick for these guys.

Edited by SheungWan
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5 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

"....women know to keep themselves in check".  Reactionary misogynist masquerading as some type of progressive. Veil just one tool to tick for these guys.

Progressive? Ugh I nearly lose my lunch every time I hear that word! ?

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23 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You have it wrong. In Saudi, women voluntarily wear the things, and even wear 2 layers so no man can look on their face. They also wear gloves so no man can see their skin.

It might be a shock to you, but not all Muslim men are fanatics about controlling their women, and some of them have perfectly "normal" marriages, and even love their female family members.

There are guys here just itching to keep women under wraps. The subtext is that women are a risk by their very physical presence in a so-called man's world. A veritable appreciation society for medieval reaction. There are always some. Don't quite expect them to come out of both the right and left-side woodwork but there it is.

Edited by SheungWan
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20 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

I recall a serious conversation I had once wth a Young Saudi Trainee. I asked him what he would do if his sister refused to wear the veil and walked around open faced. Without a second of hesitation he told me he would kill her.

On our orientation I was told that if I went in a female's room by myself, her father/ husband would be within his rights to kill me. I believed that was true.

I was assaulted in a lift just for standing "too close" to a female by her male escort. He was lucky I didn't respond in kind, but I didn't fancy a Saudi jail. Still rankles years later.

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Wonder why most banks/petrol stations and many other public places insist customers should not wear a motorcycle crash-helmet in their premises?
Nothing anti religious/race-hate in that,is there?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Gees, what a GREAT way to fight Islamofascism !!


Noooot !  Assuming this wil be sort of the norm in Western Europe, all that will be done is to make sure that some brainwashed Muslim women won't be able to wear the burqa or full-veil or whatever outdoors.


And, then......problem solved ?! Of course not.


The West (I mean the politicans there) is a bunch of hypocrites. For example, they still do business of all sorts (including selling of arms to Turkey) with the Turkish dictator-president Erdogan, whom I feel is the number one threat from the so-called Islamic world. He has been openly supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, letting the jihadis pass freely from all countries to Syria via the Turkey-Syria border, and until recently, turning a blind-eye to Isis  terrorists. Not to mention that through Turkish state-sponsored mosques in various European cities, he has been poisoning the minds of young Muslims there.


And, the West basically gave green light to Erdogan's army to invade northern Syria and capture Kurdish lands (with hundreds of civilian casualties) in the Afrin area. The Kurds of YGP had been the most successful unit against Islamofascist terror groups in Syria, as, I am sure, some of you know.


Of course, the list goes on.....eg. he has been imprisoning all sort of political and academic activists in Turkey in recent years ! So, why still do business with this dictator ?! Taking the veil off some  brainwashed 'Aisha's and 'Amina's in Copenhagen and elsewhere in Europe will solve the problem ?! ?  Seriously ? Gees !


Stop doing business with Erdogan, man !



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