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Where Have All The Yankees Gone?


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Farang Prince, nice to meet another Bill Richardson for President supporter who clearly knows ALOT more than I do about the man. It is refreshing to hear my very positive impressions of this man confirmed by someone who really knows him. I do think he is the most qualified man running for president now in either party, not that I personally would ever vote for anyone from that other party. I know the odds are very long for his nomination, but for a dark horse, he has a lot of positives: he is from the West, he is an outside the Beltway guy, he is a popular governor, he can energize the Latino vote, he has been a fiscally conservative governer, he strongly opposes the Iraq war, he favors health care access for all Americans, and along with Biden (not my style of candidate) he is one of the few challengers to Hillary who has solid experience. If Obama or Edwards fades or stumbles, he has a very good chance of getting alot more attention.

BTW, I do wonder if he smokes CUBANO cigars (which are illegal in the US), but if he does, please don't tell us!

I was an early supporter last time of Howard Dean, back when he was polling 1 percent, and of course he became a leading candidate until he exploded (turns out he clearly didn't want it), so I have a good record of picking dark horses. Alot of Americans read this board, maybe they will have a look at Bill Richardson as an alternative to Hillary Clinton who really seems unbeatable, but surely a chink in her armour will emerge. Do we really need another political family dynasty in America?

As far as poverty and homelessness figures. Look I lived in San Francisco for ten years. There were homeless people everywhere in that city. I saw the look of horror many times on European tourists faces when seeing this spectacle. It is a real problem.

The lack of health care access to approximately 50 million Americans is well documented pretty much everywhere.

As far as poverty, this is very difficult to measure precisely, but were you watching tv during the New Orleans hurricane? The people who stayed in New Orleans were mostly black and poor, they couldn't afford transport out or even a night in a hotel if they had found a way to leave.

I don't think it weakens the US to put light on our poverty problem. Actually, I think the opposite. I think it humanizes us to foreigners, that we share the same universal problems as the rest of the world. I admire Edwards for highlighting this issue. You want a statistic? USA Today says that 12.5 percent of Americans are living in poverty in 2005. Thats about about 37 million people. A good portion in my book.

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12% according to this link. Im fairly sure the poverty in the US doesn't look like the poverty in a lot of those countries though

Interesting. In some ways, poverty in America can be worse than other countries because poor people in America are BLAMED for their poverty and they see so much wealth around them and they can't have it, it can be very hard psychologically. If you are poor and everyone else is poor, it is not as hard psychologically. Edited by Jingthing
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12% according to this link. Im fairly sure the poverty in the US doesn't look like the poverty in a lot of those countries though

Interesting. In some ways, poverty in America can be worse than other countries because poor people in America are BLAMED for their poverty and they see so much wealth around them and they can't have it, it can be very hard psychologically. If you are poor and everyone else is poor, it is not as hard psychologically.


Well...That's your take on it.........although....your earlier post would likely suggest to those not knowing better that America is awash in hunger, poverty and disease...now it's "hard psychologically" for the poor in America seeing so much wealth around them. There's poverty everywhere. Some are victims of bad luck...others are victims of poor personal decisions in their life. One thing is for sure, unlike many of the nations on that list, no one in America will starve to death or go without shelter or basic medical care....unless they choose to.

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Nova, if you really believe that ... peace. I agree about the starving part though, that is very rare.

Heres an interesting link. Hmmm. Maybe there is more starvation going on than I thought. The other disturbing thing is the huge percentage of the suffering poor Americans are CHILDREN. Now, you aren't going to BLAME them for their poverty ... or are you?


Yes, I know it is a very leftist source, but there are some interesting statistics in it and provides the credible sources for the statistics.

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Don't worry so much about us Americans. Most of us planning the exit already have our funds off shore and in other currancies. Besides Thailand will always be cheaper than the USA and a 20 to 1 baht will not deter. Beshide there are countless other reasons why a person decides to expatriate. That's another thread altogether. I realize many posts here are placed just so that some can enjoy a tee off.

By the way GO BEARS!!!!!

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It's funny to me how any American can think the poor in America, for the most part, lack the ability to pull themselves out of poverty.

Thai immigrants, generally, laugh at the idea that it's hard to find economic success in America. Same of course for any recent immigrants in America, generally. They are awestruck that American poor feel they can't make it.

The barrier to American poor, generally, is that they don't know or believe they can make it. Generally, American society has condescended to the poor as inept, stupid and otherwise inferior. We sold them short, and as a result, they tend to lack hope and belief in themselves. Just as real a barrier as other barriers, at least in some ways, but important because it points to different solutions.

On point, I share the view that the ties between the world's economies is sufficient to protect the dollar against too dramatic a slide, absent world depression.

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I appreciate that this may not apply to the poster individually but frankly the American population voted for george bush, they they unbelievably re-elected him (apparently, inter alia, on the basis of 'moral values').

Ummmm, the votes the American public make don't actually decide who wins the presidency. I suggest you do some reading on something called the electoral college. :o

I'm sure you're very intelligent and appreciate that how the electoral college votes is determined by how the american public vote in each particular state. so in truth the american public do decide who wins the presidency. In very close elections because of the way the electoral college works this system can skew the result so that the person with the most votes (by the public) may not actually win the election. for George Bush's reelection this was not the case and it was his relection that was the most shocking action by the american public so frankly your point is both irrelevant and misleading. In any event, even if it had been relevant - who put together the american constitution? The american people. And who has the power to change it? The american people via the very stringent provisions of the american constitution. So if the electoral college system is at fault frankly the american people should have campaigned to put it right long ago - its been around long enough.

For citizens of this country to then bleat about how unfair it is that their dollar is falling in value is a bit rich frankly. If they as a people could put an end to the masssive amounts being spent on their senseless wars they may see the dollar strengthen. What have the American's on this board been doing to put an end to the wars?

Are you kidding me? You think the American people actually have the power to do anything? I can't begin to explain all of this to you for it would take forever.

Also, as an American myself, I am not bleating or complaining about the falling dollar. I support it.

Personally I'd credit large sections of the american people with the ability to overeat, make incredibly ill-advised voting decisions and thereby stir-up anti-american sentiment worldwide. Beyond that, given what Jingthing has indicated about the average american's world view, perhaps you are right - they have no power to do anything. This isn't an attack against all american's, I appreciate that some are fantastic, friendly, educated, worldly individuals, its more of a despair against the majority who have brought about such a terrible situation in world politics at present. There have been a number of posters moaning about the falling dollar and how it means they won't be able to live in LOS anymore - you reap what you sow and not everyone will be sheading lots of tears if there are few Yankees in LOS. I also remind myself that a number of the worst parts of thailand in terms of sleaze are a direct result of good old American influence during R&R breaks during yet another great american war - the Vietnam conflict.

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I also remind myself that a number of the worst parts of thailand in terms of sleaze are a direct result of good old American influence during R&R breaks during yet another great american war - the Vietnam conflict.

Another genius.

Yes, you are right once again, the U.S. imported prostitution to Thailand. :o

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If Obama or Edwards fades or stumbles, he has a very good chance of getting alot more attention.

Knowing the Americans very well, I believe it is possible that Obama (Barack Hussein Obama) if nominated to run for the office of President of the United States will not be elected due to the silent majority.

I have no doubt that the people of the United States are ready for an Africian-American President.

However, I doubt that this is a good time for the people of the United States to elect someone with the following background:

- born to Islamic parents

- step-father Islamic

- attended a radical Islamic school

- Named Hussein

- admits using marijuana and cocaine

- only Allah knows what else will be uncovered if he is on the Presidential Ticket.

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Personally I'd credit large sections of the american people with the ability to overeat, make incredibly ill-advised voting decisions and thereby stir-up anti-american sentiment worldwide. Beyond that, given what Jingthing has indicated about the average american's world view, perhaps you are right - they have no power to do anything. This isn't an attack against all american's, I appreciate that some are fantastic, friendly, educated, worldly individuals, its more of a despair against the majority who have brought about such a terrible situation in world politics at present. There have been a number of posters moaning about the falling dollar and how it means they won't be able to live in LOS anymore - you reap what you sow and not everyone will be sheading lots of tears if there are few Yankees in LOS. I also remind myself that a number of the worst parts of thailand in terms of sleaze are a direct result of good old American influence during R&R breaks during yet another great american war - the Vietnam conflict.

Americans have brought about a terrible situation in world politics? Regular, normal, everyday American citizens are responsible for whats going on the world? Are you serious? Don't tell me they are responsible because of who they voted for either because that just doesn't hold water. Our votes are meaningless sir.

Your anti-American sentiment is shining through bright and clear. Now we are responsible for bringing sleaze to Thailand too eh? You mean to tell me that if it were any other country fighting in Vietnam besides America that the soldiers wouldn't have come to BKK for their R&R and looked for prostitutes? :o

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If Obama or Edwards fades or stumbles, he has a very good chance of getting alot more attention.

Knowing the Americans very well, I believe it is possible that Obama (Barack Hussein Obama) if nominated to run for the office of President of the United States will not be elected due to the silent majority.

I have no doubt that the people of the United States are ready for an Africian-American President.

However, I doubt that this is a good time for the people of the United States to elect someone with the following background:

- born to Islamic parents

- step-father Islamic

- attended a radical Islamic school

- Named Hussein

- admits using marijuana and cocaine

- only Allah knows what else will be uncovered if he is on the Presidential Ticket.

Chief, Obama is a fascinating phenom. I think it is obvious the vast majority of Americans don't really know if he is left wing, middle wing, or right wing. He talks in platitudes about hope and has almost no experience or record to peg much of anything on him. The media has propped him up and he is more of a pop star now than a serious politician. Interestingly, super rich left wing moneyman George Soros is bankrolling Obama and this will clearly keep the momentum going. I tend to agree that he will not ever be president and the main reason I think beyond the lack of experience (the presidency is not an entry level position) is that he comes off as just too foreign and yes, foreign in a vaguely Muslim way. Just a political reality.

I don't think his half-blackness is really a political problem, he is the kind of black man that does NOT threaten the white American power structure, unlike a man like Jesse Jackson, who does. The only problem about that for him is actually carrying the black vote in the primary; so far, it appears to be more with Hillary Clinton.

I personally might consider supporting him, if I had anything more than a vague idea of what he stands for, but I don't, and thats kind of troubling,

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Was this about the baht, or American politics? As an American, I notice every discussion, whether it's about ancient pottery shards or Ethiopian agriculture, eventually turns to American politics.

Quo vadis, baht? Where's it going, versus the US$? When will the rate at the ATM exceed 36:1 again?

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If Obama or Edwards fades or stumbles, he has a very good chance of getting alot more attention.

Knowing the Americans very well, I believe it is possible that Obama (Barack Hussein Obama) if nominated to run for the office of President of the United States will not be elected due to the silent majority.

I have no doubt that the people of the United States are ready for an Africian-American President.

However, I doubt that this is a good time for the people of the United States to elect someone with the following background:

- born to Islamic parents

- step-father Islamic

- attended a radical Islamic school

- Named Hussein

- admits using marijuana and cocaine

- only Allah knows what else will be uncovered if he is on the Presidential Ticket.

Ah, very subtle. Nice sockpuppet for the right, are you making any money in the oil, pharmaceutical or arms industry, etc.? If not, what's your angle?

That being said, I don't believe a black man (nor a woman, sorry Hillary) can win Presidential election in the US currently.

I think that Obama is as good or better than the other candidates, probably my second choice after Edwards.

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I also remind myself that a number of the worst parts of thailand in terms of sleaze are a direct result of good old American influence during R&R breaks during yet another great american war - the Vietnam conflict.


Thailand had "prostitution" thousands of years before the American Troops set foot in the LOS.

Due to a strategic withdrawal 99.9% of the Americans and Allied Forces left Vietnam in 1974.

The Last R&Rs were in 1974.

Due to a Coup in the Government of Thailand in 1975, 99.9% of Americans left the LOS in 1975. In fact most were gone by August 1975.

Who filled the gap since 1975 (32 years) and allowed the prostitution to continue?

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If Obama or Edwards fades or stumbles, he has a very good chance of getting alot more attention.

Knowing the Americans very well, I believe it is possible that Obama (Barack Hussein Obama) if nominated to run for the office of President of the United States will not be elected due to the silent majority.

I have no doubt that the people of the United States are ready for an Africian-American President.

However, I doubt that this is a good time for the people of the United States to elect someone with the following background:

- born to Islamic parents

- step-father Islamic

- attended a radical Islamic school

- Named Hussein

- admits using marijuana and cocaine

- only Allah knows what else will be uncovered if he is on the Presidential Ticket.

Chief, Obama is a fascinating phenom. I think it is obvious the vast majority of Americans don't really know if he is left wing, middle wing, or right wing. He talks in platitudes about hope and has almost no experience or record to peg much of anything on him. The media has propped him up and he is more of a pop star now than a serious politician. Interestingly, super rich left wing moneyman George Soros is bankrolling Obama and this will clearly keep the momentum going. I tend to agree that he will not ever be president and the main reason I think beyond the lack of experience (the presidency is not an entry level position) is that he comes off as just too foreign and yes, foreign in a vaguely Muslim way. Just a political reality.

I don't think his half-blackness is really a political problem, he is the kind of black man that does NOT threaten the white American power structure, unlike a man like Jesse Jackson, who does. The only problem about that for him is actually carrying the black vote in the primary; so far, it appears to be more with Hillary Clinton.

I personally might consider supporting him, if I had anything more than a vague idea of what he stands for, but I don't, and thats kind of troubling,

Do not talk that way to me.

I already pegged you as a ........ chap and now you are showing me that you are informed. (Unlike many)

Jesse Jackson will never be a canidate because he tried it once and was torn apart because his prevous actions a a member of the "Black Panthers."

Ted, good ole Teddy, is incapable of acquiring any political office outside of Massachuttes because of the famous accident where he drove into the river with a female and called 911 a couple of hours later after he got his family and laywers aware of the tragic accident which took the life of the young girl that was with him. The fact he was drunk was not an issue because the time it took to get the police involved and the time his lawyers ate up not allowing their client to experience additional trauma he was sober!

My SWAG (Scientific Wild Assed Guess) is that the Republicans will run McCain and the Democrats will run an "Unknown" because their current front runner (Hillery) cannot win.

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Well, I think Hillary can win, and probably will win, especially if she gets to run against a dinosaur like McCain. Heck I think any democrat other than Kucinich could win this time. Tie to Thailand? Rumor is Hillary likes a mean green curry.

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Well, I think Hillary can win, and probably will win, especially if she gets to run against a dinosaur like McCain. Heck I think any democrat other than Kucinich could win this time. Tie to Thailand? Rumor is Hillary likes a mean green curry.

And Bill likes a bit of thai style political rewards known as BJ's.

Dems like the thai system promise to give benefits to the underclass for votes.

Rep use religion and business.

don't vote, don't care but also believe radical religion must be faced head on these days.

I do not believe the Dems have the stomach to more than massage the situation and reward the lazy/uninspired for being that way.

The demise of the dollar could be worse than the colonization that the europeans still have a hidden

value of. Embrace their academically superiority and ways and conduct yourselves as peasants of their values and be snubbed as not a true blood. The socialist regimes and protectionist will shine and the world being a free place to travel and enjoy will become very limited and only for the few. Advancements in living standards will take a back seat if all the world does not work together and have democracy.

It is not cheap and many want to exploit it but few pay their fair share and dues for it.

Work hard and reap the rewards, acedemics are over rated and boring snobs.

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My SWAG (Scientific Wild Assed Guess) is that the Republicans will run McCain and the Democrats will run an "Unknown" because their current front runner (Hillery) cannot win.

The Democrats would do better to groom a person like a Governor who appears moderate. This is where Richardson could fit in. Hillary is un-electable on a national level. She will win Cali, the northeast....and that's about it. Pretty much the same states that Kerry won. I don't think mainstream America will vote a black man in as Prez yet although I believe Obamas short time in the Senate is an advantage in a national election....with his minimal Senate voting record to attack. That's probably why Governors do so well in national elections...and why a sitting Senator hasn't been elected President in almost 50 years.

Thailand will always be a cheaper alternative than the USA unless one has a champagne lifestyle in which case nowhere is cheap. I don't think Americans come half way around the world to Thailand because of cost. That may be one factor but if it were a primary factor, there are other places closer to the US with a low cost of living and good weather....

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usa debt is 2 trillion dollars

that is 2 000 000 000 000

if population is 250 000 000

than this is a debt of 8000 usd for every us citizen

who was it said

if i borrow a 100 usd from a bank and dont pay it back, i get a problem

if i borrow 100 million from the bank and dont pay bak, the bank gets a problem

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so what was the original topic? I do not think it was political :o and who cares who wins. :D

The original topic, SV, was where have the yankees gone. Well, they're smarter than people think and if they aren't there you can bet they've found somewhere better. Improve your life, befriend a yankee before they become extinct

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usa debt is 2 trillion dollars

that is 2 000 000 000 000

if population is 250 000 000

than this is a debt of 8000 usd for every us citizen

who was it said

if i borrow a 100 usd from a bank and dont pay it back, i get a problem

if i borrow 100 million from the bank and dont pay bak, the bank gets a problem

Actually it is over 8 trillion.

The debt's a problem, but but it has been worse before!


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I also remind myself that a number of the worst parts of thailand in terms of sleaze are a direct result of good old American influence during R&R breaks during yet another great american war - the Vietnam conflict.

Another genius.

Yes, you are right once again, the U.S. imported prostitution to Thailand. :o

You need to read the quote a bit more closely - I didn't suggest that the US imported prostitution to thailand. If you knew a bit more about these things you'd realise that the majority of prostitution in Thailand is Thai based not Farang based. Nevertheless genius some of the particularly sleazy farang based parts of Thailand are a direct result of US R and R during the Vietnam War.

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Personally I'd credit large sections of the american people with the ability to overeat, make incredibly ill-advised voting decisions and thereby stir-up anti-american sentiment worldwide. Beyond that, given what Jingthing has indicated about the average american's world view, perhaps you are right - they have no power to do anything. This isn't an attack against all american's, I appreciate that some are fantastic, friendly, educated, worldly individuals, its more of a despair against the majority who have brought about such a terrible situation in world politics at present. There have been a number of posters moaning about the falling dollar and how it means they won't be able to live in LOS anymore - you reap what you sow and not everyone will be sheading lots of tears if there are few Yankees in LOS. I also remind myself that a number of the worst parts of thailand in terms of sleaze are a direct result of good old American influence during R&R breaks during yet another great american war - the Vietnam conflict.

Americans have brought about a terrible situation in world politics? Regular, normal, everyday American citizens are responsible for whats going on the world? Are you serious? Don't tell me they are responsible because of who they voted for either because that just doesn't hold water. Our votes are meaningless sir.

Your anti-American sentiment is shining through bright and clear. Now we are responsible for bringing sleaze to Thailand too eh? You mean to tell me that if it were any other country fighting in Vietnam besides America that the soldiers wouldn't have come to BKK for their R&R and looked for prostitutes? :o

Of course I'm serious - that's the basic premise of a democracy. The US's behaviour is unfortunately becoming one of the best arguments against pro-democracy movements. I'm not anti all american citizens, some are great people. I am very much anti the pathetic foreign policies of the Bush regime and the unbelievably ignorant individuals who re-elected him. Try travelling around the world a bit this year and see how many other of the world's citizens share similar views - unfortunately the US has demonstrated that it doesn't give a monkey's about them. As for the Vietnam war fortunately other countries weren't as stupid to get involved. Unfortunately the US don't appear to have learned the lessons of the Vietnam war as their actions in Iraq demonstrate. Nor do they appear to have learnt the lessons of Afghan history (both Russian and British failed attempts to subdue the Afghans). I'm very much anti all this because 100s of thousands of innocent people are suffering terribly in these countries. Trying to defend this type of activity is fairly shocking, and the 'it wasn't my fault' brigade are hardly blame free - those who aren't part of the solution are part of the problem and there don't seem to be many people in the US solving these problems, nor wider transnational problems such as the disastrous degredation of the global climate. Instead we have these wonderful citizens bleating about the falling value of the dollar - boo hoo.

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so what was the original topic? I do not think it was political :o and who cares who wins. :bah:

The original topic, SV, was where have the yankees gone. Well, they're smarter than people think and if they aren't there you can bet they've found somewhere better. Improve your life, befriend a yankee before they become extinct


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I also remind myself that a number of the worst parts of thailand in terms of sleaze are a direct result of good old American influence during R&R breaks during yet another great american war - the Vietnam conflict.

Another genius.

Yes, you are right once again, the U.S. imported prostitution to Thailand. :o

You need to read the quote a bit more closely - I didn't suggest that the US imported prostitution to thailand. If you knew a bit more about these things you'd realise that the majority of prostitution in Thailand is Thai based not Farang based. Nevertheless genius some of the particularly sleazy farang based parts of Thailand are a direct result of US R and R during the Vietnam War.

If you really work at it 1Lucky, you can probably blame all the world's ills on the Americans. Since I was in Vietnam for two glorious years in the 1960's, you can probably personally blame me for spreading venerial disease and making babies all over Thailand...hel_l, all over the world. By the way, where are you from? I might be your daddy.

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