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British boxer found in a bloodbath after altercation with Thai wife in Lampang


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4 minutes ago, Hogs said:


WOW you came to that conclusion all from some BEDSHEETS WOW I think you have confirmed your the one that is not too bright 

And what do you think we think WITH YOUR NAME AS CHIPPENDALE 


Mr. Thomas Chippendale is a very famous cabinet maker from the 1700s. Some of his furniture is worth a fortune now. 


Not Chip and Dale. 

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7 minutes ago, GarryP said:

Mr. Thomas Chippendale is a very famous cabinet maker from the 1700s. Some of his furniture is worth a fortune now. 


Not Chip and Dale. 

I was actually thinking of the Gay Chippendales ya know the stripper group 

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Very drunk, so they immediately took blood samples?

'Always' something someone can't proof unless urine or blood has been taken in time. very drunk.........could be , but it could be a shady excuse for attacking him with a razor blade in  a fit of rage and/or jealousy ......


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2 hours ago, Happy enough said:

how do you know he punched her?


2 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

Mentioned in the article 


From the article:


she claimed that her husband tried to hit her


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4 minutes ago, hgma said:

Very drunk, so they immediately took blood samples?

'Always' something someone can't proof unless urine or blood has been taken in time. very drunk.........could be , but it could be a shady excuse for attacking him with a razor blade in  a fit of rage and/or jealousy ......


So why didn't he stop his blood flow if he was sober....?

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16 hours ago, Bullie said:

That's the reason why I have a full-blown cutthroat razor lying right next to the bed, at all times.


To defend myself against my drunken spouse.

If so maybe "she" the wife actually is a "he" and the razor was "his"....:shock1:

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17 hours ago, sanemax said:

Thats he reason why I dont keep any knives, razors or sharp objects in my house

..i like my knives and keep my partner outside away from them..i mean it doesnt get cold here does it.

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I wonder if the wife just made up a story to tell the police to give some protection to her husband. I think that quite probably a failed although very close attempt at suicide. Many signs are there; alcohol, large 10cm. gash on left arm (possibly self inflicted if he was right handed which is statistically possible). I guess that we will never know.

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7 hours ago, sanemax said:

If you are in a small room and you try to hit someone  , it would be very unlikely that you would not connect with them .

   Its quite probable that she is lying , trying to plead self defense and get off attempted murder charges 


The wound is too small and accurate. Probable suicide attempt. Wife is providing cover story. All pure speculation. But this doesn't seem like self defense cut. Deep and small and accurate. On LEFT arm. 

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21 hours ago, robblok said:

Probably because it was mentioned in the OP


"His Thai wife, aged 35, said that he had come home very drunk."


I think like you it has nothing to do with wife or gf, just don't get married or in a relation with the crazy type. 


I don't fear much but I fear crazy irrationale people who don't think through their actions. You know the kind that would stab or shoot you. 


All Thai women are like that when mad, Hi-So or Low-So.

Indonesian, Philippinas etc the same.

Grabbing a knife and stabbing you when mad.

The Thai male does'nt wait to get stabbed and floor them right away.

Years ago an Indonesian friend of mine warned me to never dare an Asian armed with a knife.

Be it woman or man.

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5 minutes ago, bandito said:


All Thai women are like that when mad, Hi-So or Low-So.

Indonesian, Philippinas etc the same.

Grabbing a knife and stabbing you when mad.

The Thai male does'nt wait to get stabbed and floor them right away.

Years ago an Indonesian friend of mine warned me to never dare an Asian armed with a knife.

Be it woman or man.

utter nonesense

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she didn't do anything mate. told me to let the dogs out and and went back to sleep. no slashing. must have found a good un haha. won't try it again though. she'll probably stab me 555

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