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Govt ponders plan to transform U-Tapao into Eastern Aviation City


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Govt ponders plan to transform U-Tapao into Eastern Aviation City




BANGKOK, 5 June 2018 (NNT) - The Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) Committee has convened for the first time after the Eastern Economic Corridor Act was passed to acknowledge a 10-year plan on the development of the "Eastern Aviation City". 

Secretary-General of the EEC Committee Khanit Saengsuphan clarified the plan at the meeting, saying that the plan includes the development of the 6,500-Rai U-Tapao airport with the construction of a passenger terminal, cargo facilities and an aircraft maintenance center. The construction is expected to begin in January next year and be completed approximately at the same time as a high-speed train project in 2023. 

The Royal Thai Navy will be responsible for finding consultants to conduct studies on the airport's development. 

Minister of Industry Uttama Savanayana said the ministry will conduct roadshows abroad to attract foreign investors, particularly those in South Korea and Japan, to invest in the EEC after a plan to construct infrastructure in the EEC solidifies.

-- nnt 2018-06-05
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2 hours ago, Cadbury said:

So what happens if their roadshows doesn't attract any investors? Their U-Tapao dream collapses?

Investors may have heard tales about someone who has something called Article 44 which has been used to take businesses from foreign investors; regardless of trade agreements. That might be a turn-off.

Perhaps also foreign investors may be a bit wary of investing in a country that has a military government which is trying to legitimise itself by holding a contrived election. 

Still there is no harm in trying to flog a crippled horse.

And of course there still is the 49% ownership rule, most certainly the biggest hindrance.

And don't forget most investors look to a good return, and b*ll*cks to what type of government there is.

Your comment is driven by your dislike of this government, and most certainly not by economic reality.

Edited by hansnl
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I think all those land around U-Tapao are either owned by the military or the generals. Could this be the reason for the drive to develop that area? Landowners will laughing all the way to the bank. Lucky bas....,
Yes that seems highly likely.
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25 minutes ago, Cadbury said:

Yes indeed; like a lot of others my comments are certainly driven by my dislike for this junta military government and it's self appointed leader. No debate about that.

I am rewarded that I have touched a nerve and that your sensitivity causes you respond to such criticism. ?. I call that a win.

I urge all junta lovers to try to accept some reality of what is happening to the people outside the big metropolis of Bangkok. 


There are people outside of Bangkok?

Gracious me, whatever do they do?


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11 hours ago, Cadbury said:

Yes indeed; like a lot of others my comments are certainly driven by my dislike for this junta military government and it's self appointed leader. No debate about that.

I am rewarded that I have touched a nerve and that your sensitivity causes you respond to such criticism. ?. I call that a win.

I urge all junta lovers to try to accept some reality of what is happening to the people outside the big metropolis of Bangkok. 



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15 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

I think all those land around U-Tapao are either owned by the military or the generals. Could this be the reason for the drive to develop that area? Landowners will laughing all the way to the bank. Lucky bas....,

Yep, i reckon the generals would be in there somewhere. But in reality, they could really make this a great international airport considering all the tourists they get here. Take the pressure off Bangkok. I think its a great idea. I hope they mean it or its just another pie in the sky to make them look good

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11 hours ago, JAG said:

There are people outside of Bangkok?

Gracious me, whatever do they do?



Well, certainly not working in wife's restaurant She is at desperation stage to get staff. Come on Junta open up the labor market more and let people from Laos. Cambodia. Maymar work in shops. Do that and you can stay in power for 20 years I don't care because we are very short. Your argument saying shop jobs are for Thais only well try telling the lazy Thais that. There, Motto is NO WORK is the best WORK. All we see is Thai young people racing their bikes on the main street They never seem to work. Wife is a good boss and easy to work for and pays well but Thais hate work I know that for sure now. Oh they can get free feeds also lol Tastes better than the food they scab out of the rubbish bins

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Should probably focus on the fundamentals first, like education, police, law enforcement, justice system,l, corruption...

make it a place that investors want to come to instead of roadshows-how corny

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