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Country shocked as rejected men resort to murder


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Violence is taught at school from a young age.  Numerous reports (and even more unreported) of teachers bashing their students in front of their class as punishment.  These teachers should be made an example of, charged with assault and banned from teaching ever again.  The reality is a quick apology fixes everything.

Once teachers stop thinking of themselves as 'demi-gods' demanding respect from everyone and get down to the job of TEACHING, a lot of these problems will go away.  Give up rote type learning and move to student centred learning (which has been advocated by the Ministry for some time) which allows students to develop their analytical skills.


I doubt whether things will change anytime soon.

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1 hour ago, impulse said:

Google "incel terrorism" and you'll find that involuntarily celibate guys are becoming a thing all over the world.   


Not just Thailand.

Yeah, but here in soapy land you needn’t stay celibate if you don’t want to. In these examples you have to ask why these guys didn’t feel comfortable calling their father or other family member to discuss and defuse. 

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4 hours ago, jaltsc said:

 "...person’s immature character or violence-prone upbringing..."


No, not individual cases of character or upbringing. It's the national culture whereby males are conditioned from birth to believe and act as though they are privileged and entitled. Then, when they become of adult age and are faced with the reality of rejection, their only response is to act like the spoiled brats they have been raised to be. When tantrums, which worked as a child, to get what they want, doesn't obtain the desired outcomes now, they up the ante with violence. Basically, these men are spoiled children in adult bodies.  

Out of eight boys under the age of 10 in my hood there are three spoiled mama boys sh#% kids. They already show all symptoms of violent aggressive disorder in association with other kids. They harass, beat and kick everyone smaller and weaker under their mom’s eyes. When I told one of my neighbors I predict each of them will be in jail for violent acts before they turn 20 he looked at me and asked “why”.
A stitch in time saves nine!

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3 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


Yes, they have guns...

Yes cornishcarlos and I guess very easy to get hold of . This first nasty piece of work visited his gf to ask for a get back toether . She said no and out came the gun. Did he expect her to say no ? If she had said yes what would of happened to the gun , would he of kept it for the next rejection ?  Mind bloody boggles.

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Shocked!  Kidding right...we see this happen here all the time but they usually kill themselves after.  It's a horrible, horrible thing to happen and this silly 'saving face' tradition that threads through Asia society needs to be addressed. RIP to the young lady and condolences to her Family and friends.

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1 hour ago, markaoffy said:

“country “ is shocked by this ? Really! It’s been going on for years.



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The " country " needs to get a grip why worry about a few inadequate members of society out of a population approaching 70m who cant hack it for whatever reason

The collateral damage they cause palls into insignificance with the daily road kill

Then of course why bother to be shocked by anything as nothing is going to change

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3 hours ago, z42 said:

Thai lads in my experience are either incredibly decent or complete nuggets. Very few tread the grey between sadly

I'm pretty sure that's statistically impossible, because any population falls out according to a bell curve between the extremes.

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3 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

What do you expect from a country where loss of face is a death sentence?

This (to my mind) is the primary cause, coupled with the fact that Thai men are so often entitled, morally devoid mumma's boy brats who have reached physical adulthood but certainly never matured past the age of about 12, cognitively speaking. Temper tantrums and laziness - what else does one expect when they get away with doing what they want all their lives and don't have to deal with the consequences, juxtapose this with the most odious and certainly most dangerous aspect of the Thai national character - inability to deal with loss of face (the definition of childishness?) and the results should be in no way surprising. I'd wager that the lack of proper parenting from the PARENTS rather than tired, old grandparents or some more distant family member, has a lot to answer for in this whole mess. Specifically the lack of enough emotionally and physically present admirable father figures for Thai children across the country is a HUGE issue too.


Far too often the parents of a child or children are too busy working (no fault of their own - they're often just being responsible parents) and the kids are left to develop without the necessary discipline or energy that a younger parent who would naturally be closest with them, can provide, unlike granny or grandpa for example.


This is a real shame for Thailand, I feel for these younger kids, it isn't their error after all. That being said PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, especially when one reaches adulthood, can never be overlooked or downplayed in such heinous situations as the ones referenced above. This is a problem that won't go away until the culture and attitudes of Thailand evolve and most importantly mature, that's my feeling.


Edited by CanterbrigianBangkoker
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Lots of very simple statements here that are merely parroting what they think they know bout Thai men and, most of all, loss of face.

What we read here is shocking and indefensible and not in the least bit peculiar to Thailand. That does not in any way suggest that I excuse all such killings by Thai men or anything like it. I just did a search on this topic and easily found https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2017/07/homicides-women/534306/ and https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/real-life-stories/eighty-six-women-were-killed-7024881

Some men, some women too, simply cannot be rejected by anyone: it's probably due to the way they were brought up but not entirely.

I have watched several programmes/series on Netflix on this topic.  These stories are tragic and it is often the case that the ultimate victim has tried to enlist the help of the police but it does not always help, does it.

Forget your Thai bashing, your loss of face trope and your idle way of parroting what others are saying. This is a serious problem and it's a world wide problem.

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well it shock the country ?!

Last day on thai tv some people were laughing about a young thai killed by a van... I think that accident has shocked all normal people in the planet !

But who care ? Things will never change.

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Ok, this might help. It is a bloody sad situation when this is starting to become the trend Break it off with me sweetheart and you will pay the price. But not only young people are doing it. What about the idiot who was 57 shooting his wife 55 because he thought she was having an affair.

Here are some of my thoughts


Get some of these guys to get a job. They lay around all day and the biggest part of there day is picking the g/f up from school or from her job. Maybe the g/f looks at this lazy guy and thinks geez if I am stuck with him all my life I will have a hard life and no future. Might have been ok 50 years ago but girls are becoming more educated and have more freedom

2/ Bring in gun control Well at least try. Looks to me everybody can get a gun in Thailand easy. Am I wrong?


3/ Stop the bloody violent movies on TV I have Mono 29 station Omg nearly every movie has killed in it. Thais look at that and think its ok to just go around and shoot somebody who they think is doing the wrong thing, In this case, its the g/f doing the wrong thing by dumping him.


But as I said it will not be easy to try and stop this. Really as somebody said " Much to do also lose the face attitude" Just so sad two young girls lost their lives. Sorry mate in the hospital  who shot his g/f please don't wake up from the coma you have done enough damage in your life



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I think in Thailand in particular, this and other major problems are the direct result of the "greng jai" custom.


Even elite-educated, most articulate people are pathologically unable to communicate directly - particularly on intimate level - even when asked or prompted to do so directly.


That leads to long roads to nowhere due  to protracted chains of misunderstandings in any kind of business, of which intimate relationships involve the most charged and high-value negotiations and deals.


Seems to me that greng jai has slowed and damaged societal progress in "The Land of Smiles" for hundreds of years.


So much also  for the false political narrative regarding gratuitous gun violence due to "easy access to guns".


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12 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

This (to my mind) is the primary cause, coupled with the fact that Thai men are so often entitled, morally devoid mumma's boy brats who have reached physical adulthood but certainly never matured past the age of about 12, cognitively speaking. Temper tantrums and laziness - what else does one expect when they get away with doing what they want all their lives and don't have to deal with the consequences, juxtapose this with the most odious and certainly most dangerous aspect of the Thai national character - inability to deal with loss of face (the definition of childishness?) and the results should be in no way surprising. I'd wager that the lack of proper parenting from the PARENTS rather than tired, old grandparents or some more distant family member, has a lot to answer for in this whole mess. Specifically the lack of enough emotionally and physically present admirable father figures for Thai children across the country is a HUGE issue too.


Far too often the parents of a child or children are too busy working (no fault of their own - they're often just being responsible parents) and the kids are left to develop without the necessary discipline or energy that a younger parent who would naturally be closest with them, can provide, unlike granny or grandpa for example.


This is a real shame for Thailand, I feel for these younger kids, it isn't their error after all. That being said PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, especially when one reaches adulthood, can never be overlooked or downplayed in such heinous situations as the ones referenced above. This is a problem that won't go away until the culture and attitudes of Thailand evolve and most importantly mature, that's my feeling.


Well said mate spot on

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I know of several westerners and Thais in Thailand that have become totally emotionally dependant on their Thai wives or girlfriends, these women become their be all and end all. If any of these women decided to leave those guys I believe it would crack them up.


The problem is that some men can become obsessed, jealous and controlling. In many cases these women are afraid to walk away from these type of potent relationships in fear of repercussions. This is why some women find themselves trapped in situations of domestic violence and abuse.


It can work both ways, with men and women, that some people are too emotionally charged.


I`m no expert and don`t know what the answers are, except to try and avoid getting involved in any toxic relationships. As in the case of the OP, very sad and tragic for all those involved.



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A close girlfriend of my wife was shot dead in the head by a rejected (married) lover.

However he "assisted the police" by admitting the crime and guiding to the dead corpse.

For this cooperation he was not jailed after paying the grieving mother B100k.

He walks the streets a free man today.

Finally where DO they get hold of all these guns? ?

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29 minutes ago, todlad said:

Lots of very simple statements here that are merely parroting what they think they know bout Thai men and, most of all, loss of face.

What we read here is shocking and indefensible and not in the least bit peculiar to Thailand. That does not in any way suggest that I excuse all such killings by Thai men or anything like it. I just did a search on this topic and easily found https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2017/07/homicides-women/534306/ and https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/real-life-stories/eighty-six-women-were-killed-7024881

Some men, some women too, simply cannot be rejected by anyone: it's probably due to the way they were brought up but not entirely.

I have watched several programmes/series on Netflix on this topic.  These stories are tragic and it is often the case that the ultimate victim has tried to enlist the help of the police but it does not always help, does it.

Forget your Thai bashing, your loss of face trope and your idle way of parroting what others are saying. This is a serious problem and it's a world wide problem.


It most definitely is a world-wide problem, and definitely NOT unique to Thais, but being honest is the best policy here. IMO it's fair to say that Thailand DOES have a specific problem with loss of face, more so than a lot of other countries, it seems to be more ingrained in the Thai culture than it is in others, for a variety of reasons. Not to say that our own western societies don't have similar and possibly even worse maladies to face. The gulf between global cultures in terms of 'loss of face' derived violent incidents is, I'd say, narrowing too. I'm not here to 'bash Thais' I know a fair few that are lovely, decent and gentle people - but I KNOW that if you asked them they would have a similar view to myself (my own view having been cultivated over years of personal experience) especially regarding the parenting issues faced in Thailand, loss of face triggering violence and vendettas and the 'greng jai' nepotism that so often alleviates personal responsibility and consequences for one's actions etc.


Just my opinion, but I'd say it's one that is grounded in experience and reality.



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I'm sure that the violent and gun filled evening tv series area major factor in creating a culture where this is seen as normal and reasonable behaviour.

Most of these series feature strong handsome men and beautiful fair skinned ladies in the richer high society segment.

These series with their violence and guns, murder and torture would not be allowed to screen at these times in most Western societies young kids and teens sit glued watching every shooting or stabbing.


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