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Most Thais Think Economy Bad, Getting Worse


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On 6/6/2018 at 10:11 AM, Peterw42 said:

I can see @spidermike007 point, Its often hard to believe the official inflation figures when you see groceries and things going up, I dont watch prices to much but even I notice some significant price rises for the once a week groceries at the supermarket or basic Thai meal at the local restaurant. Things dont go up by 2-3%, its often 20-30%.. I can find 6-8 things, that I know of, at 7/11, that have gone from say 20 baht to 30 baht.

Our standard weekly shop use to cost 2,000 baht, its now 2,500.

I fully agree with you, I can see that even as a tourist, because I come to Thailand every winter for 2 months, and each time prices in the supermarkets are higher then the year before. Street food and simple meals were 30 baht, now the are 45-55 baht, beer has doubled in the last 10 years. Some items in the supermarkets are even more expensive then in Western countries, e.g. orange juice, milk etc. For the average Thai people live remains difficult, no "Happiness for the people" in sight, all empty promises, just look at the minimum salaries.

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1 minute ago, Brunolem said:

It sure is!

The welfare here is minimal, or even below minimal.

As for the warfare, Thailand is not constantly engaged in various and meaningless military conflicts.

Having an army is one thing, but deploying it all over the world increase its cost fivefolds!


Relative  to living  expenses versus funding  derived from taxation?   Thailand  has  a  very  effective  social  health welfare system. It  is  as expensive  relative  to  currency  value as  anywhere. Maternity  and  early  childhood   subsidies. Unsolicited income distributions  for  those  deemed poor. Disability pensions  for  less  than  disabling physical  injuries. Old age  pensions at admittedly  minimal  rate  but not  unrealistic  in  view  of  social/ cultural familial  situation. Agricultural subsidies for diversification  or redevelopment.

Compulsory  Military  conscription . ( despite  the  expense probably  the  singular  most  cost effective ). And  Thailand   has had  UN joint  deployments in peace  keeping   roles  globally   for  many years. Having an Army  is  not a  dictate  for   warfare. The meaningless conflicts  more  often  belong  to  the  warmongers who  tax  the  snot  out of  their  own and complain  about  objection to  non  participation by other   nations.


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The meaningless conflicts  more  often  belong  to  the  warmongers who  tax  the  snot  out of  their  own and complain  about  objection to  non  participation by other   nations.

Yes, much better to spend tax money on social programs and rely on the warmonger for protection.
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It always ends bad for the people when armies try to run countries. Has been proven in Latin America and even in Europe with the dictatorships in Spain, Portugal and Greece. To run an entire economy of a country is a far bit more difficult then to run an army camp.

Edited by AloisAmrein
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3 hours ago, mogandave said:


For every SME that opens 100 sh*t grade bars, restaurants and shops can shut down and the economy will still expand.

Tesco, Robinson, FN, McDonald’s, Burger King, Holiday Inn, Ford, Toyota, Big C, SF, Major all opening new locations in the last year or two just that I have traded with.



And these companies are all owned by Thais, right?

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15 minutes ago, mogandave said:


Some are some aren’t, what’s your point?


Erm  -  The thread is about:- 

"Most Thais Think Economy Bad, Getting Worse"

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10 minutes ago, AloisAmrein said:

The old age pensions in Thailand are a cheap joke, 17 US$ per month. But for the army it never can be enough, the Thai army is by far too big for such a country. And still unable to resolve the old conflict with the muslim minority in the south.

Yes. By  western  comparatives  of a  "pension" it  is a  joke. But  what is  missing  in the  perceptuonof it is  that thses  very same  "pensioners" who in the majority  who have never  paid tax  other than  VAT  are  still the owners  and recipients of  income from property  until  their  day  of   death even if it  is derived  from  their  children in waiting . Whilst that may not  be a lucrative  situation it is a  realistic factor of  Thailand  and its  social/cultural format.

The conscripts  of the Thai  military  are that percentage  who in the majority  actually  learn some self discipline unlike  the "lucky "  escapees who too  often test  their  stupid  "luck"  and end  up  at  least once  behind  bars,  destitute  in  bars,  or servile pawns  to  credit  kings or  all  of the   last  above.

The  issue   with  the  southern  Muslims is  an inherited  problem  due  to the  disputable  annexation of the   area.

The  question that can  never  be  answered  is that  if   Malaysia  had  annexed  ahead  of Thailand would  it be any different in terms  of dispute. It  is not a religious Muslim issue  but a territorial dispute created by a Muslim faction who desire  independence for  the sake of  control. The  real aim of those behind  is to  become  the  "agents" thus  profit  in  trade between Thailand and Malaysia.

Which  is why   you  never  see  anything  more  than a  "tut  tut"  from   official   sources  in Malaysia. 

Thailand  is more  or  is  enclosed  by surrounding  socialist/communist countries with land borders..The working  Army  is  too  big? Why?   Is  it  suppressive on  the  social ground ?  Do  Army personell in  general extract tea money  from the  public as  part  of the  current duties they   perform ?

Idealism  put  ahead of  practicality is the usual political scam.

The   Junta  has  attempted  to  adjust  the   scale  of  the  scam downwards. That in despite of the   accusations made  to  discredit individuals' as a way to discredit the  objective.

What  is   remarkable  is not  the  negatives  of  this military coup but that  apart from economically surviving and advancing  has infrastructurally  improved  Thailand  impressively.

Not to  the satisfaction  of  the Bangkok elite subservient to  International Corporate wish but  achieved to some  degree  at  least.

Finger  pointing  Thailand  in  isolation  of  global events/ situations is a  futile act.

The nefarious everywhere   keep pumping  the idealistic   illusion of   democracy.

What  is it  reduced to now ?





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Personally, I would like to see the economy of Thailand collapse and the baht sink through the floor that would certainly improve my £s to baht exchange rates, as of the moment it`s crap.


Regarding inflation, each month I have noticed prices in the stores are going up by leaps and bounds. It`s becoming tougher paying our way in Thailand.

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2 hours ago, mogandave said:


Some are some aren’t, what’s your point?


 My point is the same as the point of the thread which is that "Most Thais Think Economy Bad, Getting Worse"



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1 hour ago, cyberfarang said:

Personally, I would like to see the economy of Thailand collapse and the baht sink through the floor that would certainly improve my £s to baht exchange rates, as of the moment it`s crap.


Regarding inflation, each month I have noticed prices in the stores are going up by leaps and bounds. It`s becoming tougher paying our way in Thailand.

Your problem ist not the TBH, but the £, due to the Brexit, it is loosing value.

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12 minutes ago, AloisAmrein said:

Your problem ist not the TBH, but the £, due to the Brexit, it is loosing value.

Maybe partly to blame, but if the price of something goes up from say 20 baht to 30 baht you can't blame that on Brexit!

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On 6/6/2018 at 5:38 PM, spidermike007 said:

Restaurants, hotels, gift shops, and travel agencies, that cater to tourists. All are saying the same thing, in the resort areas. I am not making this up.

I believe you are not making this up, but what do you expect if you increase the number of tourists by say 30%, and the number of tourist-based businesses by 300%.

Especially if there is a large number of those tourists that do no choose at will but are in package tours where the money flows in pre-arranged directions.

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It  is the slow season, right? So why are people surprised that business is also slow.

  I have heard that Hua in is quiet now, and if  it was not Summer in Canada, I would

enjoy the lack of crowds on the beaches or in the markets and stores. 

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I must have an above average Thai Family as they are all hard working people who work long

hours.  In the neighbourhood where I stay in Bangkok, I see a few lazy people about, but I would

say at least 90 percent of the people are hardworking honest people. When I hear some expat

say that the average Thai is lazy or uneducated, I know that this expat has some attitude. Negative

about Thailand and the locals.  My Thai family that lives north of  BKK are also very hard working

and do not get very good wages. On the subject of wages, how many of you expats had to have

sex with your boss to get a wage increase. Well that still happens to lots of the women you see

working in many businesses. It is an Asian thing I guess. Something for you to think about when

you put down the hard woring women you see around you, working in hotels, restaurants, and other

office businesses.

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5 hours ago, cyberfarang said:



Regarding inflation, each month I have noticed prices in the stores are going up by leaps and bounds. It`s becoming tougher paying our way in Thailand.

False exaggeration.  Leaps and bounds every month??

Not from my observation at all. 

Oh, sorry, if a person is a wino I know wine prices have gone up.


And, for some it is not getting tougher "paying our way" in Thailand.  With proper financial planning, inflation protection should be part of the investment portfolio.  It is just common sense planning.

Or, do you not understand?




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Price keep rising under the military, they only know how to shoot people. No idea on economics and how to run a country,. Pork used to be 75 Bath a kilo now 150. cooking gas 150 a tank now 400, everything is expensive, 4 buck for a gallon of gas. This is what happens when people dont have clue on how to run a country is in control. They only know how to take care of themselves.

But keep on buying those submarines and bullet trains. The thai farmers are nothing but a bunch of vassals.

Pity the poor Thais.

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8 minutes ago, uffe123 said:

Price keep rising under the military, they only know how to shoot people. No idea on economics and how to run a country,. Pork used to be 75 Bath a kilo now 150. cooking gas 150 a tank now 400, everything is expensive, 4 buck for a gallon of gas. This is what happens when people dont have clue on how to run a country is in control. They only know how to take care of themselves.

But keep on buying those submarines and bullet trains. The thai farmers are nothing but a bunch of vassals.

Pity the poor Thais.

Your numbers are simply wrong, cooking gas was 390 a tank for a long time, then it went up 10 baht, it was a long time ago that it was 150 per tank.


Ditto pork prices, the price simply hasn't doubled in anything under many years, if yours have you need to change shops.


Finally petrol prices - these are determined by the price of oil, nothing to do with the Thai government.

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52 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:


Always good to get out of the Bangkok, Pattaya, Hua Hin, phuket orbit to see how real people live and what real people are talking about.  

Real people? As opposed too??

OK, whatever you say.....


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 My point is the same as the point of the thread which is that "Most Thais Think Economy Bad, Getting Worse"

The point of the thread is the article, and the point of the article may or may not just be to negatively influence people’s opinion about the economy and the administration.

Did you read the article and the details of the “survey”? Oh, that’s right, details were not provided. I wonder why?

I could conduct a survey and ask four people what they think of the economy. They could all say the economy is great. Three of the four think the economy is cooling down, while one thinks it’s heating up.

Using the results of the “survey” an author could write an article claiming 75% of those surveyed feel the economy is bad or getting worse, and only 25% felt the economy was improving.

And one of the best things about doing a survey is that you can keep asking different groups until you get the results you want.

All that said, Thais own 7-11, FN, B-Quick, McDonald’s, Burger King, Cockpit, Pizza Hut, Holiday Inn and any number of other businesses. Most Thais benefit from those businesses even though they do not own them.

Hey, let’s go to Pattaya Soi 6 and do a survey to determine what percentage of Thai women are prostitutes, what percentage of Thai men are transvestites, and what percentage of westerners think all Thai people are stupid and lazy?

Finally, I don’t really know whether the economy is doing well or not, but it seems to me that it is doing okay, and while I have little trust in governments, I have even less in “journalism”.

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25 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

Real people? As opposed too??

OK, whatever you say.....

Your job is to be a cheerleader ....  So if a press release comes out about how great it is, you are going to shake a rattle, hop around and crow about it. Natch.

As for the other comments. I imagine Thais are concerned about inflation too. But inflation is only a concern if you have a job and or secure in your job. Which is why there is muttering and whingeing but not halfheartedly at best. Good to see the expat clan has something to talk about ad nauseum. Gives them something to do.  You know I just did my morning run to Makro and I think the balsamic vinegar is up 15 Baht ..... Shock, Gasp, Horror

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10 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

Your job is to be a cheerleader ....  So if a press release comes out about how great it is, you are going to shake a rattle, hop around and crow about it. Natch.

As for the other comments. I imagine Thais are concerned about inflation too. But inflation is only a concern if you have a job and or secure in your job. Which is why there is some muttering about it but not much. Good to see the expat clan has something to talk about ad nauseum. Gives them something to do.  You know I just did my morning run to Makro and I think the balsamic vinegar is up 15 Baht ..... Shock, Gasp, Horror

You've got it back to front, inflation is a concern for people on fixed income, retirees and similar, people who have jobs get salary increases to compensate.

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Just now, mogandave said:

Name-calling, clever.

so it is not his JOB .... my mistake.

Learn something every day.

Oh I live in a city that supported the powers that be, the province supported the other side ...  when they start to turn, you sit up and take notice. I can uncderstand if you already have your sides delineated, then why take notice of anything besides the price a Leo. But hey, my opinion.




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