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Old Brit Accused Of Driving Drunk, Killing Rayong Girl

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2 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

If it was Thai killed Thai, then a solid Wai and some baht to compensate would be all...

This guy however, is gonna get a roasting, which if he was drunk then he fully deserves !!

No excuse for it but then no excuse for double standards either ?

Surprised .....not

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1 hour ago, overherebc said:

It is entirely possible a bit of jail time and maybe a flight home is heading his way.

I guess that was the understatement of the year! Big Fine & Long Jail Time, sounds more like it will be. 

However, I can not for my life understand that the world allowes people over 75 or maybe 80 years old to continue driving.
Here it was related to alcohol, so it would probably not been happening otherwise, but normal reactions that are needed in traffic is simply not going to be there one day. The question is if the person that have been driving all his life should decide that individually, or if it should be an age that stops people from driving any longer.

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I agree with the responsible comments...if the news reports are true, then there's no excuse, and he will pay for his actions. But those who say the man is obviously some idiot drunkard blow-in don't know him. I do. He's been a respected teacher in the Rayong area for many years, now retired. Condolences to the girl's family, and hope those of you who throw out unwarranted aspersions will think twice next time.

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39 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

No wais and cremation payment for him... 

How do you know?


If he's relatively minted, he'll pay the family and police and it will all be over. But that won't be reported and nobody really gives a hoot anyway so we can all move onto the next similar 'shocking' news thread and the hang 'em high brigade can post 'scum' and other time-worn and frankly quite boring epithets while the 'one law for all' and 'no double standards' protagonists wail and gnash their teeth.


12 minutes ago, robblok said:

Talk about being an apologist, he tested for high blood alcohol... that is over the limit.  Once you drink and drive your automatically guilty that is how the law usually works. Once you drink and drive you lose most of your rights.

Hold on! Look out the window right now! What country are we in?


Thailand? OK? Now start again...

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Just now, transam said:

You puff today then you are drug driving tomorrow, drink today you probably ain't drink driving tomorrow....That is fact...Grass stays fooling around in your system waaaay longer...


Going back quite a few years, 70-80's, many people were caught driving over the limit the next day, or rather later the same day. People would go to night clubs drinking till 2.00 am and then home by taxi or walk. Get up early the next morning and drive to work still over the limit. 


I know idiots who've been convicted more than once. Bans, vastly higher insurance, social stigma - they just don't care. And these are "professional" people who criticize the police for "nothing better to do". I stopped one clown from trying to drive home with his wife after he'd consumed most of a bottle of champagne once. He couldn't see the problem - luckily his wife could!


People who drink and drive will do it anywhere,  and come from all social strata. Many should know better, but as we know, alcohol diminishes the capacity to reason and make judgments.

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4 minutes ago, khunjimbo said:

I agree with the responsible comments...if the news reports are true, then there's no excuse, and he will pay for his actions. But those who say the man is obviously some idiot drunkard blow-in don't know him. I do. He's been a respected teacher in the Rayong area for many years, now retired. Condolences to the girl's family, and hope those of you who throw out unwarranted aspersions will think twice next time.


Thank you for your comments. It's rather a shame then that all that hard earned respected has been thrown away. And an even bigger shame that an innocent young person's life has been lost due to criminal actions. Decide to break the law, you become a criminal.

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22 minutes ago, greenchair said:

He might not have been drunk. 

It just says he had alcohol in his reading. It doesn't say how much? 

And just because he had had a drink does not mean he caused the accident. 

The other driver may well have been overtaking on a corner and caused the accident himself. 

It needs much more investigating. 


I get your point... the crash could have been caused by the actions of the other driver driving dangerously... However, the British Man was driving drunk, he tested positive for Alcohol - thus its clear he should not have been on the road in the first place. 

This may not absolve the other driver of any fault, but there is no proof of fault in the other driver. The only proof is that the British man was driving under the influence of alcohol and a collision occurred. 


IF witnesses were to come forwards and suggest that the 'other car' lost control and spun into the Brit then of course, they crash may be the fault of the 'other driver', however, the Brit was still DUI and should be charged accordingly. 


I agree - more investigation is required as with any accident. But there is no absolution for the brit who is proven to have driven while intoxicated. 



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drink driving does need cracking down on a bit. i saw a guy few days ago leave a restaurant near mine and was so drunk he kept falling off his bike. he couldn't get it upright. do you think anyone advised to maybe take a taxi or walk. nope. they helped him steady the bike off he went at high speed. i doubt he made it home

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2 hours ago, colinneil said:

What a pathetic comment, older people have been around longer, have seen more, so should know better.

For every old driver who drives drunk there's 50 young ones guilty of the same thing. Just because someone is old doesn't necessarily endow them with any more sense than anyone else. If you were an idiot when you were young you are probably going to be an old idiot.

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12 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Thank you for your comments. It's rather a shame then that all that hard earned respected has been thrown away. And an even bigger shame that an innocent young person's life has been lost due to criminal actions. Decide to break the law, you become a criminal.

Absolutely. I'd think his biggest payment will be living with the knowledge of the girl's death. 

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1 minute ago, mugaly said:

He may not have much cash left once he gets the hospital bill!

not going to be nice in a thai jail at his age. well any age obviously. but he killed a kid whilst drink driving. he deserves what's coming to him

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2 hours ago, colinneil said:

What a pathetic comment, older people have been around longer, have seen more, so should know better.

Being around longer means nothing if you don't learn from it, and not everyone does.

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17 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


I get your point... the crash could have been caused by the actions of the other driver driving dangerously... However, the British Man was driving drunk, he tested positive for Alcohol - thus its clear he should not have been on the road in the first place. 

This may not absolve the other driver of any fault, but there is no proof of fault in the other driver. The only proof is that the British man was driving under the influence of alcohol and a collision occurred. 


IF witnesses were to come forwards and suggest that the 'other car' lost control and spun into the Brit then of course, they crash may be the fault of the 'other driver', however, the Brit was still DUI and should be charged accordingly. 


I agree - more investigation is required as with any accident. But there is no absolution for the brit who is proven to have driven while intoxicated. 



And 'if' the other driver swerved and the expat was sober maybe he could have reacted and got out of the way.

Just sayin'

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16 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

is that right. they take hair or something?

Nooooo, they have a wipe, the possible naughty bloke must put his tongue out, the police wipe the gooooh off the tongue, wait 10 minutes and all is revealed....Think it finds grass and cocaine...

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1 hour ago, Pat in Pattaya said:

There really are some inbreds on here.

You somehow assume that being old should absolve you of making any mistakes. Hopefully you learn from them as you age, but some people keep on repeating them. Hopefully you may grow up and learn instead of calling someone an inbred because you don't agree with their comments.

Edited by giddyup
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55 minutes ago, billd766 said:


But it is still a generalisation.


If I said that most Thai car drivers drink and drive, most Thai bikers don't wear helmets etc it would be a generalisation and not true. People would be having a go at me for Thai bashing and quite rightly so.


Some or many Thais do but many do not.


My neighbour doesn't wear a crash helmet nor does her daughter. The first thing my son does before he gets the scooter key is to put his helmet on as I taught him and when he gets in the car he puts his seat belt on.


Catch them young and train them well.

No it's not, learn how to read properly. He didn't say "most old expats", "all old expats" or anything of the sort. He said that there are a lot of old people who act like this. That is not a generalization.


If he had said "most old people act like this", that would've been a generalization, but he didn't.

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2 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:

Being old is an aggravating factor, young people are more likely to take risks because they less understanding of the consequences of their actions but as we grow older we gain a greater understanding and so should be behaving more responsibly.

Hope you don't mind a slight edit, "should " would be better appearing after  - as we grow older we "should" ...

Edited by Artisi
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It seems to be quite normal for these guys to have the attitude it's only Thailand, everybody does it coupled with 'it won't happen to me.'
I know quite a few retirees who regularly drink 5 to 10 beers and drive home thinking that if they are stopped by police it will be 500 baht and carry on. It might be in some cases but when/if they kill someone for sure 500 baht won't work. It is entirely possible a bit of jail time and maybe a flight home is heading his way.
I think it's normal for them to be alcoholics.
Priorities are accordingly.

Other people's life's is at the bottom of the list.
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49 minutes ago, Get Real said:

I guess that was the understatement of the year! Big Fine & Long Jail Time, sounds more like it will be. 

However, I can not for my life understand that the world allowes people over 75 or maybe 80 years old to continue driving.
Here it was related to alcohol, so it would probably not been happening otherwise, but normal reactions that are needed in traffic is simply not going to be there one day. The question is if the person that have been driving all his life should decide that individually, or if it should be an age that stops people from driving any longer.

Is that something like how a few people here can't understand how some posters are allowed to continue posting ….? 

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24 minutes ago, giddyup said:

You somehow assume that being old should absolve you of making any mistakes. Hopefully you learn from them as you age, but some people keep on repeating them. Hopefully you may grow up and learn instead of calling someone an inbred because you don't agree with their comments.

What are you prattling on about? Do you even know who or what my comment was referring to? I doubt it.I don't 'hope' anything for you. Now off you trot.

Edited by Pat in Pattaya
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Thai officials now caught drink driving not only lose their job, but head to prison (not even killing anyone). The last few farang I have known who have drunk driven just paid a small fine. It is amazing how members on this forum think farang get such harsher treatments than what a Thai would get. Could be drink driving, neighbourhood issues or being served after a Thai at a 7/11, they will play the victim whatever the situation. Must be hard living here for them.  

More often than not, the family of the victim (if someone has died) are happy just to accept a payment and leave it at that. They do not seek justice like we do back home. It can be as something as simple as stealing a phone, if the person can pay compensation then that is the end of the matter. All parties are happy. 

Many families here wouldn't even understand how to seek what we consider justice. Many also would consider financial justice more useful to them than prison time. If the family is satisfied, and if the police are satisfied all parties are compensated/punished financially, then so be it. It is a different culture, some things we cannot change. 

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I don't have anything against a drunk driver popping his clogs against a lamp-post or a tree, but it's pretty objectionable when they survive and kill innocent people in the process. Maybe someone could supply him with a nice length of rope whilst he's stewing in his cell.

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