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When your baht bus driver is crazy, do not cross him


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48 minutes ago, KneeDeep said:


You just don't like being told do you?

How many incidents have you had so far with baht buses?

You already admit to a prior occasion where you were threatened with violence..

Why do you think that may be?

I have an idea.

You should learn when to shut up and behave. If you can't, the eventual beat-down is coming and hopefully you'll post about it here.

Actually I haven't had any kind of scary incident with a driver for years now.

Again, read the OP, I have been preaching about avoiding conflict here for many years as well.

I slipped up temporarily. I know I did. I completely acknowledge that and I am happy to warn OTHERS not do the same.

Actually I have witnessed others pushing back against thuggish baht bus drivers (and the queue kapos at South Pattaya road). Sometimes it goes OK for them and sometimes it results in unpleasantness and even violence.



But somehow PREDICTABLY not good enough for the mean spirited HECKLERS always waiting in the lurches to strike out here.



Edited by Rimmer
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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah, that was the reason behind posting this story here.

I'm not sure though I would call his driving behavior as that small though. Forcing people to radically shift in their seats, again and again, clearly deliberately, clearly out of hostility, strongly suggesting the man is either criminally insane, on DRUGS, or BOTH to me is just a tad bigger than small. 

ok - that sounds like he is pretty nuts... worse than having a bad day.

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1 minute ago, kenk24 said:

ok - that sounds like he is pretty nuts... worse than having a bad day.


So the best thing to do is to aggravate him even more?

Then the problem shifts from an angry driver to the clown who decides to put the people left on the baht bus in even more danger.

Jingthing is not concerned about that. He was just in fear of a beat-down and that is why he has posted.

I would have been impressed if he had spoken gently to the driver in order to calm him down.

Instead all he did, deliberately, is to rile him even more.

Has he learned from it? Only in the way that he is afraid of a beatdown, as opposed to simply being a more socially aware person.

Just my opinion.


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