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Trump tells Kim a 'terrific relationship' beckons as summit begins


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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

I did mean all the hostilities surrounding NK's quest for nuclear bombs .


But as Trump does, you actually made a wider claim. And even in the current version, it's not so much a fact as a comment on what may be.

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If the President had saved a thousand Christians from the lions the American media would run the headline, "Trump starves big cats."


I wonder what the headline will be in the media today or if we will get a separate topic here congratulating the peacekeeping efforts and breakthrough of the just finished Trump/Kim summit?  


I listened to the news conference from start to finish and CNN and I must heard 180 degree different things.  I heard at the news conference that Trump got a commitment from Kim to get rid of nuclear weapons and gave up war games in exchange.  CNN heard Trump got nothing and gave up the most important defense weapon in the American arsenal - war games. 

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1 minute ago, Morch said:


But as Trump does, you actually made a wider claim. And even in the current version, it's not so much a fact as a comment on what may be.

No, it was you who misunderstood .

The subject matter is about Trump & Kim , the USA & NK and that is what I was talking about .

   Yes, there are still other disputes in the regiona, Spratley Islands , Taiwan , Northern Japanese island among others 

   And I did nt suggest that all those issues had been sorted out .

You misunderstood what I meant , although it may be that you deliberately misunderstood what I meant .


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10 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Trump sending the U.S navy to the Korean peninsular is a fact .

Trump subsequently meeting with Kim is a fact .

Trump meeting with Kim has diffused the hostile environment , that is a fact .

USA & NK today signed an agreement for future peace and prosperity and security in the region , that is a fact .

   That seems to be what everyone wanted , everyones happy .

China , USA , NK , SK ,E.U., & Japan will all be content with that

The only unhappy ( with the outcome)people seem to be the anti Trump brigade

Those are facts .

Suggesting that it all may go wrong in the future is just a non factual prediciction

One hopes that the potential for conflict in the region is significantly reduced going forward as an outcome of the Summit. One assumes for the future Kim will still need to keep a cruel repressive regime in-place to stop the risk of society rebellion. If matters are kept stable it will be interesting to see how or more likely not the world addressing the crimes against humanity by N.K.


Trump promised to make Kim wealthier, even though it is estimated Kim has more than a billion dollars so what amount of US treasure needs to be secretly provided in the coming years. You can bet there will be numerous secret addendums to any agreement reached..


For me it was very disappointing that even at the after Summit press conference Trump couldn't stop spreading misinformation about Canada and other matters, doesn't look good.

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

No, it was you who misunderstood .

The subject matter is about Trump & Kim , the USA & NK and that is what I was talking about .

   Yes, there are still other disputes in the regiona, Spratley Islands , Taiwan , Northern Japanese island among others 

   And I did nt suggest that all those issues had been sorted out .

You misunderstood what I meant , although it may be that you deliberately misunderstood what I meant .



I don't think so. You made a general statement. It was commented on several times, and you just so fit to correct it. But as pointed out, your assertion still doesn't hold, even in its limited version.

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Did anyone watch the "trump" press conference in Singapore, his first full press conference in over a year? Many bizarre moments as expected. He basically bragged that with this one meeting (which objectively is only an agreement to START on a process) he personally saved thirty or forty MILLION people. Talk about WILD exaggeration. Once a narcissistic con man always a narcissistic con man. He's basically lobbying for that Nobel Prize. He didn't save anyone today and if this start actually amounts to something real, his numbers are still way way off any sober estimates of the casualty risks of conflict there. 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Did anyone watch the "trump" press conference in Singapore, his first full press conference in over a year? Many bizarre moments as expected. He basically bragged that this one meeting (which objectively is only an agreement to START on a process) to have saved thirty or forty MILLION people. Talk about WILD exaggeration. Once a con man always a con man. He's basically lobbying for that Nobel Prize. He didn't save anyone today and if this start actually amounts to something real,


Half the "con" talk is aimed at conning his own ego into maintaining the illusion he's da best.

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2 minutes ago, Morch said:


I don't think so. You made a general statement. It was commented on several times, and you just so fit to correct it. But as pointed out, your assertion still doesn't hold, even in its limited version.

You can think what you like :

When I wrote "all hostilities in the region" , I did mean all hostilities involving the subject and Countries who are involved in what we were talking about .

  I didnt mean that Trump meeting Kim would resolve the China/Taiwan issue   

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Did anyone watch the "trump" press conference in Singapore, his first full press conference in over a year? Many bizarre moments as expected. He basically bragged that with this one meeting (which objectively is only an agreement to START on a process) he personally saved thirty or forty MILLION people. Talk about WILD exaggeration. Once a narcissistic con man always a narcissistic con man. He's basically lobbying for that Nobel Prize. He didn't save anyone today and if this start actually amounts to something real, his numbers are still way way off any sober estimates of the casualty risks of conflict there. 

What's wrong with him getting the Nobel peace prize? 

After all Obama got it for just being black. 

Seems like a step up to me. 


Or perhaps you can justify the Obama version for us? 

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4 minutes ago, ryane66 said:

Wow, suck up to a madman and kick you allies and real friends in the teeth. This will not finish well.

I wouldn't bet much that it would, but I still think it's positive they are talking and not fire and fury tweeting each other. 

There aren't great odds in believing his BS promises.

Like on health care in the USA which during the campaign he basically promised health care for all, cheaper and better.

Instead, he's made things MUCH WORSE.

I heard the same kind of pie in the sky BS con man rhetoric today in his press conference, you're going to be so happy.

Wait and see. No rational reason to believe him.

It's always possible good will come from this, but taking the word of "trump" as truth is for fools. He tells more lies by far than any president in history. 

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Did anyone watch the "trump" press conference in Singapore, his first full press conference in over a year? Many bizarre moments as expected. He basically bragged that with this one meeting (which objectively is only an agreement to START on a process) he personally saved thirty or forty MILLION people. Talk about WILD exaggeration. Once a narcissistic con man always a narcissistic con man. He's basically lobbying for that Nobel Prize. He didn't save anyone today and if this start actually amounts to something real, his numbers are still way way off any sober estimates of the casualty risks of conflict there. 

He announced that Kim committed to denuclearize of the Korean Peninsula and in exchange gave up American/Korean war games. 

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1 minute ago, Rarebear said:

He announced that Kim committed to denuclearize of the Korean Peninsula and in exchange gave up American/Korean war games. 


He announces a whole lot of things. What's your point?


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1 minute ago, Morch said:


He announces a whole lot of things. What's your point?


Jt asked in the post I responded to," Did anyone watch the "trump" press conference in Singapore."  I did and by far the most asked question by the news media and the question most answered by Trump was,

" Kim committed to denuclearize of the Korean Peninsula and in exchange gave up American/Korean war games.  JT didn't hear that.  He heard a bunch of stuff he made up.  I just wanted to tell him what an unbiased person heard.  

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14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Many bizarre moments as expected. He basically bragged that with this one meeting (which objectively is only an agreement to START on a process) he personally saved thirty or forty MILLION people. Talk about WILD exaggeration

Did Trump actually say that ?

Or when you said "a wild exaggeration" , was you referring to your own claims ?

Did Trump say " I personally saved 30-40 million people today "?

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Now, at the end of the summit, he has created another in a thousand lies. He says he has a great relationship with Kim! How do you develop a great relationship in one meeting? I mean this guy has no regard for facts, whatsoever. All we know, as of now is the following:


1. Trump said he would suspend the war games, with South Korea. The South Korean ministry said they have no idea where that came from, what it means, or the reason for it. China is wetting their pants in delight.

2. Trump said he would work towards bringing down the number of US troops stationed in the DMZ and in South Korea. China is again wetting their pants in delight.

3. He said he would work toward easing sanctions. Both Kim and China are wetting their pants in delight.

4. Trump said he would offer security guarantees to North Korea. Nice one for Kim. Terrible for South Korea. 

5. Trump said he would consider removing American nukes from Korea. Nice one for Kim. Terrible for the South Koreans. 


What did the so called master of the art of the deal get in return? A vague promise that we will work toward de-nuclearrization from North Korea. What else? There was no mentioning the previous US aim of "complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization." And Kim's commitments did not appear to go beyond what he already pledged to do in April when he met South Korean President Moon Jae-in along their countries' border.


Who got played here? Looks like Trump got played, just like he is getting played by the Saudis, the Israelis, the Canadians, and just about anyone else he engages with. This man is a horrific negotiator. He could not negotiate his way out of a paper bag. 


Tiny Don. The art of I cannot make a deal to save my life. 

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2 minutes ago, Rarebear said:

Jt asked in the post I responded to," Did anyone watch the "trump" press conference in Singapore."  I did and by far the most asked question by the news media and the question most answered by Trump was,

" Kim committed to denuclearize of the Korean Peninsula and in exchange gave up American/Korean war games.  JT didn't hear that.  He heard a bunch of stuff he made up.  I just wanted to tell him what an unbiased person heard.  

I heard that.

Nothing in the signed agreement that is binding at this point.

I didn't make up his bragging about saving 30 or 40 millions people.
Stop lying.

The "funniest" part of the conference for me was when someone asked about timing with Kim softening on the hundreds of thousands of people in his gulags and how that is tied to the agreement and "trump" conveniently chose to completely ignore the question and answer it as IF the person asked about the nukes issue which "trump" had already answered. Which made it clear "trump" isn't going to push Kim on human rights at all! Which maybe some people think is defensible but "trump" won't openly admit that. Proof in that conference. 

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You have to admit, it's been a good show. Two hilarious cartoon characters.


NK has already demolished its nuclear test site which was apparently wrecked after the last test so either they now want to calm things down for a few years while they secretly redevelop it, or they have given up the nuclear confrontation ploy altogether on account of the cost.


If the US/SK keep up with their inflammatory war games, NK will redevelop nukes. If not, it's peace in our time.


In any case, I think we should keep Kim in place for amusement value.

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2 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Now, at the end of the summit, he has created another in a thousand lies. He says he has a great relationship with Kim! How do you develop a great relationship in one meeting? I mean this guy has no regard for facts, whatsoever. All we know, as of now is the following:


1. Trump said he would suspend the war games, with South Korea. The South Korean ministry said they have no idea where that came from, what it means, or the reason for it. China is wetting their pants in delight.

2. Trump said he would work towards bringing down the number of US troops stationed in the DMZ and in South Korea. China is again wetting their pants in delight.

3. He said he would work toward easing sanctions. Both Kim and China are wetting their pants in delight.

4. Trump said he would offer security guarantees to North Korea. Nice one for Kim. Terrible for South Korea. 

5. Trump said he would consider removing American nukes from Korea. Nice one for Kim. Terrible for the South Koreans. 


What did the so called master of the art of the deal get in return? A vague promise that we will work toward de-nuclearrization from North Korea. What else? There was no mentioning the previous US aim of "complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization." And Kim's commitments did not appear to go beyond what he already pledged to do in April when he met South Korean President Moon Jae-in along their countries' border.


Who got played here? Looks like Trump got played, just like he is getting played by the Saudis, the Israelis, the Canadians, and just about anyone else he engages with. This man is a horrific negotiator. He could not negotiate his way out of a paper bag. 


Tiny Don. The art of I cannot make a deal to save my life. 

 Engaged Kim and got a commitment to denuclearize.  (8 years of Obama never even close)


Don't like Trump but no one else has come close. 

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3 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Now, at the end of the summit, he has created another in a thousand lies. He says he has a great relationship with Kim! How do you develop a great relationship in one meeting? I mean this guy has no regard for facts, whatsoever. 

You are getting extremely pedantic .

Trump was quite clearly making a reference to their meeting today .

Trump is talking about the present "has" , Trump wasnt suggesting that he and Kim are happily married

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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Kim clearly got the better of the meeting as he was smiling as if he had won the lottery! 

Who cares.  The world is a little bit less tense tonight.  Peace is a little bit closer.  If it works great.  If not at least the guy tried.  If Kim wants a MacDonald's or an NBA Franchise give him one.  Samsung will pay for it under the table.  Isn't Kim staying close to the seven floors of Whores?  Why not smile with so many Thai women so close.

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21 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Could you upload a video to prove it ?

He said, "if this didn't happen you could have lost 20 million maybe 30 million....... " This being the agreement to denuclearize.  He meant to compliment everyone who was involved in making the agreement and thanked them all numerous times.  He said he didn't think another administration could have done it and since they didn't he's correct.  He got to first base they never even got to the ball park unless one of you wise people can point to a meeting between an American President and North Korean leader.  Can't?  Then give credit where credit is due.  



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I thought the play date went well. Donald showed Kim his special toy truck, They had some sit down colouring in time. They talked about their toys they have at home, but only Donald is allowed to keep his. And there is going to be another play date at Donald house.

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