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U.N. refugee boss concerned over U.S. separating children from families


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2 hours ago, bushdoctor said:

Scott, the story doesn’t say why that happened. Maybe they deemed the child to be in some sort of danger, maybe the ‘father’ didn’t have documentation and couldn’t prove he was the parent. I’m sure you are aware that the media likes to sensationalize things. Either way this isn’t the norm. 

Are you sure about that?

The Government Has No Plan for Reuniting the Immigrant Families It Is Tearing Apart

In the past two months, the government has taken some two thousand immigrant children away from their parents...

No protocols have been put in place for keeping track of parents and children concurrently, for keeping parents and children in contact with each other while they are separated, or for eventually reuniting them. Immigration lawyers, public defenders, and advocates along the border have been trying to fill the void.


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1 hour ago, johnnybangkok said:

But just remember America once extolled "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free.' 

Immigration policy does not depend on some poem affixed to the bottom of a statue some twenty years after the statue was built. The statue properly is named "Liberty Enlightening the World," not "Liberty Inviting the World."

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1 hour ago, zydeco said:

Immigration policy does not depend on some poem affixed to the bottom of a statue some twenty years after the statue was built. The statue properly is named "Liberty Enlightening the World," not "Liberty Inviting the World."

Please give us your definition of "liberty".

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10 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

It's the oldest trick in the political book; get the working man to blame the immigrants for all the problems in their life even though the country is run by billionaires and corporations. It always reminds me of the joke; there's a billionaire a worker and an immigrant sitting at a table with 20 cookies. The billionaire takes 19 of them and turns to the worker and says ' watch out, the immigrant is going to take your cookie away'.

Yet you people can't see it.  You just continue to argue and fight for the scraps, blaming people who have little choice in their life but to try and find something better for all your problems. These immigrants are putting themselves and their children in harms way to try and eke out a better life but there's no sympathy from so many of you who think this is the real problem facing the US and the world. The billionaires and the corporations  are just sitting back and laughing about how much they are still getting away with everything and how no one is paying attention because you think a few families from El Salvador are the reason your life stinks. 

It's a helluva con and you continue to fall for it.


It's a very good analogy with a lot of truth in it. Unfortunately, the political party that used to look after the working man and the immigrant has now become the party that serves the billionaire. Now they want to get the immigrants in to displace the working man so that the billionaire can have 19 1/2 cookies.

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Furthermore, there is no need to enter the US illegally to apply for asylum.


There are 9 US consulates and 1 US embassy in Mexico where non US citizens can apply for asylum without any risk of being separated from their children.



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1 hour ago, bushdoctor said:

So so what did Trump do? Since the Democrats refused to help the children, he signed an executive order to over-ride parts of the Flores Act so that he can keep families together.

Yet, all Trump had to do is call the Secretary of Homeland Security to zero separating children and BABIES from their parents. 'Zero tolerance' and child separation was only a Trump policy. No Presidential Order was required, no new law. But there's no showmanship and glamor with a phone call (or tweet as that is how Trump conveys his orders).

Hopefully, two lawsuits (ACLU & NY State) against Trump's policy will go forward and his policy found to be unconstitutional.

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Grandi said governments in many rich countries had adopted "despicable" rhetoric on migration, ignoring their duty to help people fleeing war or persecution. UNHCR's annual report, published on Tuesday, showed the global number of refugees grew by a record 2.9 million in 2017 to 25.4 million, with another 43.1 million people forcibly displaced in their own countries.


Even at this late stage, why not find a way to treat the root cause instead of treating the symptoms? Today, is there ANY organization or country that is making an iota of an effort to prevent wars? Are increasing 'defense budgets' a sign of that?


These wars and the refugee 'business' is very lucrative to some and they are enjoying a top lifestyle with it - would they want an end to their paradise?

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7 hours ago, stevenl said:

The difference is in your previous post you forgot to mention that Schumer made his statement before Trump changed his opinion, and did decide to change the policy with one stroke of the pen, like Schumer asked him to do.


As I said, your post is a gross distortion of reality.

I’m not sure what you mean. Is that how you read it? I clearly said Schumer refused to back the republican bill, so what did Trump do? He signed an executive order.  


So who is trying to help the children? 

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7 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Yet, all Trump had to do is call the Secretary of Homeland Security to zero separating children and BABIES from their parents. 'Zero tolerance' and child separation was only a Trump policy. No Presidential Order was required, no new law. But there's no showmanship and glamor with a phone call (or tweet as that is how Trump conveys his orders).

Hopefully, two lawsuits (ACLU & NY State) against Trump's policy will go forward and his policy found to be unconstitutional.

Trump has no policy of separating children. The problem is if he prosecutes offenders and enforces the law, the Flores Act comes into play.

The Presidents executive order overrides that part of Flores and keeps families together. I expect challenges even to that. 

Edited by bushdoctor
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