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WATCH: This video reveals one of the reasons why so many people die on Thailand's roads


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19 hours ago, KiwiKiwi said:


Another triumph for law enforcement in Thailand.


Here's a good exercise. In our village, there is a 'Police Box. adjacent to the main set of traffic lights.


Past the police box (every day) is a procession of driders without helmets, 3 or more on a m/c, phone-fiddlers while driving, red-light runners, and an estimated 80% without legal licenses to drive.


Nary a policeman to be found. Law enforcement (apparently) is not what they do.




A nearby village has the same - a mini police 'box' at the traffic light controlled intersection of 2 major highways.  Police are busy with their 'smart' phones - no time to enforce any laws!  Motorists and cyclists drive and park with impunity!

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2 hours ago, quadperfect said:

Honda has already developed the pcx to be self driving. It come out this year.

Self driving meaning it wont fall over at speed and a few other tricks but of coarse it probobly wont change lanes on its own or stop before impact.

But still great for 5 year olds and the elderly and smart phone junkies

I'm not so sure about this idea.

as it requires some level of intelligence to operate it.

So could be a non starter in Thailand


Edited by stanleycoin
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16 hours ago, DavisH said:

I don't have a problem with that. The problem is that there is a lack of consequences for making such poor decisions (apart from death and disablement). No helmet? No problem....but you won't be covered by insurance in the case of an accident.

Stepdaughter was riding with 2 friends, no helmets, and came off the bike. Badly fractured her wrist requiring surgery. Insurance paid the hospital bill, well 45k out of 50k baht.

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18 hours ago, Cranky said:

Have you ever tried using a phone while wearing a helmet?

Often see both Thais and farangs with the phone stuffed up the side of their helmets, instant hands free!

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22 hours ago, AlexRich said:

This phenomena is not just a Thai issue, it's happening all over the world, especially with car drivers. It is absolute lunacy.

It's selfish issue when driving a car - you're much safer, it's the pedestrians and other road users that are more at risk.



I'll use my phone occasionally (mostly GPS, but I can manage a few handsfree messages) in the car - but on a bike it's insane.


Helmets aren't a great issue, TBH, a very small percentage from the toll. You have a million of these morons, a few pisspots isn't going to help.


A few real traffic police and driving schools would help infinitely more.


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52 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

Sorry but that was uncalled for. We are talking about road safety not breeding

I actually agree. I wouldn't marry or breed with anyone like that. What other animals do you know that would risk their young like this? I'm sure Buffalo are better parents.

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5 hours ago, quadperfect said:

Honda has already developed the pcx to be self driving. It come out this year.

Self driving meaning it wont fall over at speed and a few other tricks but of coarse it probobly wont change lanes on its own or stop before impact.

But still great for 5 year olds and the elderly and smart phone junkies


You can bet, in light of what I just posted above, it won't be long before there's something like self-driving PCX's modified with little disco platforms and rigged lights seen on Thailand's roads. 

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13 hours ago, Foexie said:

100% correct. Last weekend there was a bad accident here in Belgium with somebody play on his phone during driving. Result: he was badly ingured.


Yes, but it is unusual enough to make the national news there. Same in the UK if there is an accident and people are killed, because it is so unusual. In Thailand it is a daily occurence.

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She could get a job in the circus or be arrested for child abuse in the UK along with at least 2 counts of dangerous driving. No hands while using and looking at a phone. Carrying a load on a vehicle not designed for it.

No one would bat an eye if the police stopped every one of these lunatics. Took their children and bike from them, convict and fine. Ban from driving. Only another 18000 to go this year. Decrease the surplus population. 

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Had to laugh just, was sitting down in the smoking area of the office building where I work and a policeman arrives on his bike, parks it illegally, goes inside to the shopping part, comes back out looking at his phone, gets on to the bike, throws his helmet on, unstrapped, continues reading whatever on the phone (I'd guess 'Fayboo') then sets off one handed, still reading his phone, helmet not fastened and goes the wrong way down a one way.................... just about sums it up! 

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2 hours ago, ben2talk said:

I actually agree. I wouldn't marry or breed with anyone like that. What other animals do you know that would risk their young like this? I'm sure Buffalo are better parents.

Sad day when we start comparing human beings to animals. This is Thailand, not America You are talking about a 3 rd world country here Ok each to their own 

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7 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I do not believe that not wearing a helmet, packing a child in front of the driver

as well as texting on a motorbike  is a world wide problem. Texting is for sure

a problem, but cars provide a bit more protection if an accident occurs.


All dangers aside, she has some seriously good riding skills.

Edited by tropo
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On 6/21/2018 at 12:29 PM, AlexRich said:

This phenomena is not just a Thai issue, it's happening all over the world, especially with car drivers. It is absolute lunacy. 

Yes, I never seen a car driver using a helmet. 

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On 6/22/2018 at 2:18 PM, travelman6 said:

The sad thing is that SHE and her daughter, will both be statistics and I feel NOTHING for her, she is beyond stupid, but I feel for her daughter, who is completely innocent.

What really gets me. You see 4 Thais on 1 bike. Usually mum and dad and 2 kids. Mum and dad have a helmet on but kids don't. So they obviously don't care for the kid's safety if they have an accident. Any decent cop and i say that lightly in Thailand because there are not many of them If he was doing his job properly he would pull that bike up. He would suggest to the main rider of the bike that is made to carry 2, not 4 Also, it is the law you must wear a helmet when riding a bike. Therefore I will book you for not wearing helmets, and in charge of a moving piece of machinery that is only licensed to carry 2 people which can cause grievous bodily harm or death I say this guys because I don't take pleasure on people being booked but if somebodies life can be saved by doing this then is it not worth it? That is what a good cop should do. Enforce the law to try and save people's lives in the process. 

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