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White House press secretary says asked to leave restaurant for working for Trump


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SHS might be the smartest woman Ive seen in recent time....shes got huge cojones....and gives as good as she gets.


This kind of shameful behaviour against someone trying to eat is just not on.


Shame on democrats.



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22 minutes ago, sirineou said:

I am an Atheist an I don't attribute any religious value  to the Ten Commandments , nothing that people could not and had not come upon their own.  I only mention them on the below context. 

It is not my opinion it is the opinion of the Supreme Court Of the USA

 "In narrow ruling, Supreme Court gives victory to baker who refused to make cake for gay wedding?



Conservatives could not have their cake and eat it too, Pun intended.

That was a very specific ruling, not generally applicable. Even the SC doesn't want to burn its hands.

Edited by stevenl
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10 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

SHS might be the smartest woman Ive seen in recent time....shes got huge cojones....and gives as good as she gets.


This kind of shameful behaviour against someone trying to eat is just not on.


Shame on democrats.



Do you have any evidence that the restaurant owner is a Democrat?

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2 hours ago, Voodoochile said:

In my opinion the owner of any buisness should have the right to not serve any costomer they want for any reason they want. At their own professional risk of course.


why not???

Because it opens the door to signs like "No Blacks" "No Muslims" "no midgets", "No redheads" allowed.

It's not right in society.

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19 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

If you can't see the hatred, anti immigrant, anti women, anti LGBT, anti muslim hatred absolutely pouring out of the Republican Party , you are blind! I disagree with this restaurant kicking her out as well for the same reasons.

I can't see it, but I don't have your special glasses, with a Trump activated derangement filter built in. Please show me the anti LGBT, Anti women, anti Muslim hatred pouring out of the Republican party. They do have a problem with people sneaking in to their country illegally, but that used to be a very normal position, before the liberals lost their minds.

Edited by canuckamuck
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5 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

You absolutely make me ashamed to be Canadian with your extremist right wing, narrow minded, bigoted views

Can you not find another word to rhyme with "muck"?.

all you need to b ashamed of being Canadian is Trudeau and his immigration policies. 

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2 hours ago, Voodoochile said:

Yes unfortunately. I am aware of that, I am saying how I feel it should be not how it is.

So you feel you should be able to discriminate based on race, religion, gender.

How sick is that?

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2 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

Yeah, that is so likely to happen. Hyperbole much.

 Not only is it likely to happen. It has happened in the past and MAGA is attempting to make it happen again. 

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6 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

Because it opens the door to signs like "No Blacks" "No Muslims" "no midgets", "No redheads" allowed.

It's not right in society.

If it is at their own professional risk up to them. Maybe society taught us wrong, wouldn't be a first now would it?

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Every business has the right to refuse and if the majority in the place were made to feel uncomfortable or nauseated by her presence so be it.

Daily she defends the indefensible so maybe this might make her realise working for a lying draft dodging wannabe despot has its downside.

Probably a godsend anyway to the fat heartless moral free cow.

She should be eating in salad bars. 

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2 minutes ago, Voodoochile said:

If it is at their own professional risk up to them. Maybe society taught us wrong, wouldn't be a first now would it?

As a society, we should be all past this crap, but you and Canuckamuck seem to think reverting back to the days of discrimination should be fine. What did society tell us was wrong?

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2 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

As a society, we should be all past this crap, but you and Canuckamuck seem to think reverting back to the days of discrimination should be fine. What did society tell us was wrong?

Are u serious???? I wouldn't know where to start...


you are not past anything you have just learned your lessons like good little boys and girls and repeat it without thinking.

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13 minutes ago, sirineou said:

 Not only is it likely to happen. It has happened in the past and MAGA is attempting to make it happen again. 

Crazy talk. Trump is trying to make it possible to deny people service based on race? Try to reduce the amount of Kool-aid you consume.

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The whole thing is simply petty.


It sums up the left. A series of intolerant and pointless gestures that do nothing to understand the opinion of the other side.


Vilification is so much easier than debate though... Rather than hear opinions, they shout "Nazi" "Homophobe" etc.... 


All this left and right stuff is all just opinions - and all opinions are valid - but the hyperbole and vitriol from the left is as astounding as it is self-defeating.


In short - a woman went to a restaurant and the co-owner decided to make a pointless gesture. A gesture that could be made with little thought and zero effort and certainly that will have no impact (except on her bottom line).


The world didn't change. The co-owner will pat herself on the back and go back to her middle-class life with all her comforts and be the belle of her ladies golf-group for a few weeks. Oh what a hero the left will no doubt claim. 


Meaningless people with meaningless lives making meaningless gestures. Living in a bubble.

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5 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

As a society, we should be all past this crap, but you and Canuckamuck seem to think reverting back to the days of discrimination should be fine. What did society tell us was wrong?

This is a story about liberals discriminating against conservatives.

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1 minute ago, canuckamuck said:

Crazy talk. Trump is trying to make it possible to deny people service based on race? Try to reduce the amount of Kool-aid you consume.

“Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

"in 1973, Richard Nixon’s Department of Justice sued the Trump family business for refusing to rent or negotiate rentals “because of race and color. A then 26-year-old Donald Trump was the president of the company at the time.”.


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3 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

Crazy talk. Trump is trying to make it possible to deny people service based on race? Try to reduce the amount of Kool-aid you consume.

 Not specifically but his rhetoric creates an  environment that makes it permissible.  

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5 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

This is a story about liberals discriminating against conservatives.

No this is a story of moral people discriminating against liars

Get your facts straight.


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