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Put your cards on the table, EU makes last Brexit call to Britain


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9 hours ago, sandyf said:

Good info. Thx
Brexit will come., but nobody knows when it should take place and how exactly it looks like. Only the formal date is known, but there are no realistic plans and feasible timelines present. The UK is well advised first to agree a transitional period to keep the economic damage low. Realistic times for trade agreements are 5-7 years. And then there is even more stress from the orange clown from America who craves WTO rules. That the UK is able to solve all problems and open questions in 9 months is pure fantasy.

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4 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

But supply chains would only be affected for less than 20% of their market. And that's in a worst case 'no deal' scenario.

The moves to other places in Europe are for other reasons. The Slovakia plant was simply to increase production I believe. And that decision was made in 2015 - pre referendum.


China is the growth market for JLR sales. But it's convenient to paint their strategy as an anti-Brexit one.



We can believe what the directors of JLR say or we can believe some geezer on an expat forum spouting his own personal opinion. 



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3 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


I don’t know what you’re waffling on about, I’m not sure if you know yourself


*** There is nothing democratic or undemocratic about a referendum ***

Wrong, it is a democratic process, if you think it is not, please say why.


Everyone and his grandmother’s cat knows that a UK referendum is not legally binding.


Everyone knows that the government said in the advisory leaflet they sent to every household “ This is your decision. The government will implement what you decide”


Everyone knows that pressure was put on the government not to trigger article 50 without putting it to a parliamentary vote; they did this, after a high court ruling, which is democracy working perfectly, and everyone knows the result of that vote.


This is how democratic process works in the UK, I fail to see why you cannot understand that; you just keep claiming that anything you disagree with suddenly becomes undemocratic, without any logical reason why. This continually recycled wailing from remainers has become very tiresome.

Everyone and his dog knows that it is the Tory PM that does not yet have a negotiating position agreed within her own cabinet. 


The PMs Cabinet it must be observed contains lights  movement - people who two years after the referendum have yet to come up with a negotiating position. 



No wonder Brexiteers are becoming increasingly agitated. 


What an utter shambles. 


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2 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

Going back to the original headline:


"Put your cards on the table, EU makes last Brexit call to Britain"


The EU commission and negotiators reject out of hand every proposal put to them. They will continue to do this until the last knockings. 

They do this in the hope we will just give up and fall back into line.

They do this with confidence, knowing that Westminster is stuffed full of Remainers and that there is a concerted effort from MSM and billionaire globalists to scare the UK public.


Asking the UK to put it's cards on the table is a joke, and they are laughing into their expensive EU funded lunches.


PM May, who knows a good deal more about this than you, has agreed to come back with her 'cards' (the Government's Negotiating Position), but she also admits she doesn't have the UK's negotiating position agreed with her own cabinet. 


So while your post is full of emotion stirring stuff, the fact is the UK has not yet presented its requirements to the EU.



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5 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Perhaps you believe that company directors don't spin things. I'm not that naïve

You may not be that naive but clearly they know something about supply chains that you don't.

"But supply chains would only be affected for less than 20% of their market. And that's in a worst case 'no deal' scenario."


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3 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Well, the government at the time spent £9 million of taxpayers money, advising everyone in the country to vote remain, so you may well have a point 

They gave their best advice. 50P a pamphlet including delivery too much? What would you have them do? A pop up book maybe?

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3 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

Going back to the original headline:


"Put your cards on the table, EU makes last Brexit call to Britain"


The EU commission and negotiators reject out of hand every proposal put to them. They will continue to do this until the last knockings. 

They do this in the hope we will just give up and fall back into line.

They do this with confidence, knowing that Westminster is stuffed full of Remainers and that there is a concerted effort from MSM and billionaire globalists to scare the UK public.


Asking the UK to put it's cards on the table is a joke, and they are laughing into their expensive EU funded lunches.


And shoulder chips come out in force! Now it's expense account lunches (rather passé these days) and rich people and those with an education. Why don't you take the advice of people have done reasonably well or better. You may all get an expense account lunch yet ?

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2 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

I don’t know much about the Jersey option to be honest.  Which of these things would the Jersey option deliver if any?


- We leave the jurisdiction of the ECJ

- We no longer have to contribute billions to the EU budget

- No more freedom of movement

- We no longer have to follow EU regulations

- We can strike trade deals independently with other nations

- We leave the Common Agricultural Policy

- We leave the Common Fisheries Policy


If it delivers all / most of them, then it might be the right compromise.

If it delivers none / few of them, then it's not leaving the EU is it?


I notice that you miss out the most important issues.


I think a deal on "controlled free movement" can be achieved.


What EU regs do you wish to drop?


How would you like to see CAP change? It has already changed significantly and our farmers do well and produce well


I don't eat much fish

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16 minutes ago, Grouse said:

They gave their best advice. 50P a pamphlet including delivery too much? What would you have them do? A pop up book maybe?

Well considering that they got it completely wrong, and failed miserably to understand how the electorate felt about remaining in this nepotistic, decaying union, I would say it was far too much, far, far, too much

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Brexit was always going to mean either:


1. 3rd party relationship and the restructuring of large sections of the U.K. economy, or

2. Integrated relationship and the blurring (at best) of the red lines


Generational leadership fail that this has never been properly explained.



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12 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

Headline today from an insistent Theresa May after the latest Novichok incident "Salisbury is open for business." 

Pity the rest of the UK isn't.

Ho, Ho, Ho, yet another example of side-splitting humour from a remainer. Have you been all day thinking that up, or is it plagiarised

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1 hour ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Well considering that they got it completely wrong, and failed miserably to understand how the electorate felt about remaining in this nepotistic, decaying union, I would say it was far too much, far, far, too much

50p to tell you the government's feeling


Followed by a referendum to understand your feeling


What do want? Another pamphlet? 

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47 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Ha ha ha ha ha ha … you have certainly started cranking up the humour as you age old bean. That was the only significant concession that Cameron asked for, and Merkel and Drunker said  “ **** off Davey, your proletariat will never vote leave” …… you are so  funny at times, especially when you achieve it without any intention of so doing

Actually Cameron won a useful concession on free movement which was lost because of the referendum. I'm pleased you find this amusing. I don't, maybe because I understand the likely consequences?

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51 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

Headline today from an insistent Theresa May after the latest Novichok incident "Salisbury is open for business." 

Pity the rest of the UK isn't.

Amesbury is shut

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