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Put your cards on the table, EU makes last Brexit call to Britain


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9 minutes ago, nontabury said:

You have to remember,that May flew over to Berlin the week before she presented her white paper to the cabinet, in order to take instructions from Merkel. I suspect that Merkel gave her plan a provisional approval,probably with a proviso that the E.U would come back with a few adjustments,and that May would then agree to these extra adjustment, declaring it a great deal.




Apart from the fact May had a meeting with Merkel, all the rest is pure fantasy.


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25 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Apart from the fact May had a meeting with Merkel, all the rest is pure fantasy.


Not fantasy, but I admit speculation. The fact is,will I be proven correct or not. Time will tell.

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2 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Not fantasy, but I admit speculation. The fact is,will I be proven correct or not. Time will tell.

How exactly will you be proven correct are not? Are you expecting the minutes of that meeting to be released some time in the future?

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26 minutes ago, tebee said:

Another Brexiter  changes his mind 

Chrome Legacy Window 7162018 54914 PM.bmp.jpg



Why do you struggle so much with English.


'' Not switching to remain '' is hardly changing your mind.


Besides, why are you posting twitter feeds from non-entities ? 


If you are going to post twitter feeds at least make them from someone who is semi - important.

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7 minutes ago, The Renegade said:



Besides, why are you posting twitter feeds from non-entities ? 


If you are going to post twitter feeds at least make them from someone who is semi - important.

He was one of the (few) intellectuals who supported Brexit and appeared many times on television supporting it 








He is right though - Government is incompetent, Brexiters are Mad - if you think we are  going to get any decent sort of brexit now, think again..

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On 7/15/2018 at 4:09 PM, nontabury said:


A typical reply from a remainer. What you should have mentioned is that there has been two completely different teams, working out the strategy for the U.K to exit the hated E.U.  One team headed by elected David Davis, who has tried to carry out the wishes of the British people. The second team, lead by remoaners, such as the unelected civil servant Oliver Robbins,have tried, and it would seem, successfully to ignore the wishes of the British people. 




I've read your opinion, but I do challenge the mantra 'wishes of the British people' which has been used to justify leaving the EU with any old deal the UK government can attain, when the emphasis should always be to inform the people that their 'wishes' have consequences that would or would not benefit them, and backed up with the government's published stats - even if that's disputed by Know-it-alls who have never been involved in the compilation.  And at the moment both no deal, maybe even Davis's alternative,  and TM's compromise plan are all fraught with disaster if Brexit is forced through on that one 'wishes' rationale. 


Additionally, it might not have occurred or ignored by the Betfreders, that 48% of the voters 'wished' the UK remained in the EU.  By no means is this mantra, 'wishes of the people' appropriate, IMO, and that's one reason TM has watered down her negotiating stance.


And when JR-M sticks in the knife, it's all going tits-up anyway. But hey, you can all eat fish. 





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  1 hour ago, tebee said:

Brexiters are Mad

1 hour ago, The Renegade said:

Given some of your previous comments.


That statement is hilarious



Oh I know I'm mad - I have certificates to prove It!


But I'm not one of the ones driving the country  off a cliff edge without a parachute........

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27 minutes ago, tebee said:

But I'm not one of the ones driving the country  off a cliff edge without a parachute........

Let us all into your secrets.


Who is driving the UK off a cliff edge ( Which is of course, a physical impossibility ) never mind without a parachute.


I knew you were taken in by Project Fear, but that really is the icing on the cake.

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3 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

Let us all into your secrets.


Who is driving the UK off a cliff edge ( Which is of course, a physical impossibility ) never mind without a parachute.


I knew you were taken in by Project Fear, but that really is the icing on the cake.

When pedantry and sarcasm replaces substance, can we assume that you have run out of 'valid' reasons to support Brexit?

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1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:


But after more than 2 years, all the Brexiteers have succeeded in doing is humiliating our country on the international stage. With less than a year till we depart the EU, those due to deliver it are still fighting amongst themselves like weasels in a sack, while the EU sits back and watches us consume ourselves. We keep hearing about an exciting new era of opportunity ahead of us but all we see is incompetence, vanity and self interest from the people charged with delivering the most fundamental change to our country in generations.

If you substitute TM, PH, Quislings and the Treasury for Brexiteers I would most probably agree with you. My one caveat...….It's not over until it's over.

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David Davis is a Brexiteer, he couldn’t deliver any part of what Liam Fox (Brexiteer) referred to as ‘the easiest negotiation in human history’.


Brexiteers now blame Remainers.


What we all need to understand is, this is the chaos of leaving, these idiots are still promising easy terms for the post-Brexit trade deals.


Fool me once!

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3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

David Davis is a Brexiteer, he couldn’t deliver any part of what Liam Fox (Brexiteer) referred to as ‘the easiest negotiation in human history’.


Brexiteers now blame Remainers.


What we all need to understand is, this is the chaos of leaving, these idiots are still promising easy terms for the post-Brexit trade deals.


Fool me once!

Must have missed the bloody news again. Got a link?

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6 hours ago, evadgib said:


Interesting comments by Nigel,I just wonder if the remainers have been prepared to watch it. If so they would have heard his accusations that in addition to the Government recommending remain,and in doing so spent £9,000,000 of taxpayers fund. He now comes out with the revelation that the remain camp also spent another £7,000,000,that they have tried to keep quite about. Then he goes on to mention George Soras, that pro British 5555 investor.

 He finally suggest that the establishment and their selfish backers will possible try to postpone Brexit next March. So no wonder Appeaser May refuses to acknowledge him,let alone speak to him.




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BREXIT has now descendied into pure farce.....if it wasn't for the fact that an entire nation was at stake Brian Rix would be proud of them.

Infighting by people who couldn't agree on anything past a referendum  an inept idea from inept peoplewhoidea couldn't organiwe a p_up in a brewerybit



And advice from the Orange one, it doesn't get more ludicrous than that...........Did you hear what he said about UK?


Daft as a brush




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12 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

When pedantry and sarcasm replaces substance, can we assume that you have run out of 'valid' reasons to support Brexit?

They have no reasons left, they just repeat the mantras "sovereignty" and "will of the people" and hope their deity will give them what they want, even though they have no understanding of why they desire it.


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4 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

That you refuse to hear, see or accept the hundreds of valid issues that have been voiced constantly then the issue becomes yours to deal with.


I think we can discard the opinions of someone who apparently believes that it is right and justifiable for Scotland to break with the UK Union, but somehow finds the idea very wrong that the UK would want to break with the EU Union.


Hypocrisy at its finest.




You are right that it is ours to deal with - a little over a third of the electorate is creating this catastrophe for the entire country to deal with.


You can discard my opinion if you choose - won't stop it happening though. 47% support for independence and rising with every new day of new Brexit incompetence - personally, amidst the chaos I am smiling. When I say thank you, I sincerely mean it. Tick tock.

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1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:

You are right that it is ours to deal with - a little over a third of the electorate is creating this catastrophe for the entire country to deal with.



That small 3rd you refer to is more than the even smaller amount that voted remain. If you have a gripe about the referendum, it is with the some 15 million that could not be @rsed voting.


3 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

47% support for independence and rising with every new day of new Brexit incompetence

Good. Get on with it. I will laugh my bricks off when we are all back in the exact same situation all over again.


Deaf, dumb and blind kids, cannot see reality.

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On 7/14/2018 at 5:01 PM, bristolboy said:

What a lot of nothing. They went ahead and did a monetary union without a fiscal union. Without a common budget, monetary union is nuts.

A statement from the heads of government may be nothing to you but it was what Edward Heath agreed to and what the people voted for in 1975.

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