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Prayut denies political motive in site visit


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4 hours ago, bannork said:

Talk is cheap. The Thai people (and many other nations) expect the head of their government leader to be physically present at the site of a crisis or tragedy. Anything less would have been seen as uncaring.

And what is it with you repeating verbs and only writing on alternate lines? 

Drama Queen!


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2 minutes ago, Jonmarleesco said:

Prayuth invites a lot of negative criticism, but I doubt he was there for politics. 

You know if Prayuth stood for election 4 years ago he might nearly have won. Why might everybody ask? Because the Lady Pm was corrupt over this rice scandal. At the moment has anybody got any idea who would be a great Pm for Thailand? One is as bad as the other. He did the right thing going up there to those caves. Just because you get rid of one person who knows if the next person is worse or better. Judging by Thai politics go I doubt if the next person will be better. We have a system in Australia You can change the government but you won't change the people who make the policies. These people are public servants and they never stand for election. Besides if Prayuth goes who can you guys pick on? lol lol lol

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34 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

What a stupid comment, I don't see everyday Thai's wearing 20,000 baht Louis Vuitton scarfs, most older Thai's trying to survive on 600-700 baht per month pensions

I fear you are the one being stupid here, not Prayut.

In a society where there is little social welfare, as you allude to with the derisory pensions,  patronage, nepotism and connections rule. A boss who offers lifetime employment and the ability to keep the wolf from the door is respected and often shown great loyalty by his staff.

And patriotism is always a useful tool to maintain the loyalty of prai the working class.

And apart from that, what's wrong with showing some humanity?

Anyone who has ever had a child can understand the horror and pain of losing a child and wondering if they will ever come back, even if that tragedy has never happened to them personally.

In that sense we are all the same family, both Thais and foreigners, understanding the pain of the families in this situation. The price of ones's clothes mean nothing  here.

Prayut is not wrong in this case.


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17 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

This is a man who took over the country with his military might, slaughtered how many people (red shirts) and is going to have free and open elections, this year, next year, and of course is going to run for Prime Ministership, oh please, the oddur in the air is becoming rather smelly.

The head of a government has a duty to show public concern for that country's citizens. 

When he talks to those citizens who are suffering in a particular crisis or disaster, is it not human to express sympathy and empathy?

If you want to bring politics into it, Thaksin slaughterd 2,500 people in the drugs war, far more than Prayut killed at Rachaprasong.



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51 minutes ago, bannork said:

The head of a government has a duty to show public concern for that country's citizens. 

When he talks to those citizens who are suffering in a particular crisis or disaster, is it not human to express sympathy and empathy?

If you want to bring politics into it, Thaksin slaughterd 2,500 people in the drugs war, far more than Prayut killed at Rachaprasong.



Thaksin and Prayut are both weasels but the massive difference is Mr T was elected in free and open elections and even though his policies where violent and possibly criminal he had the authority of the people to lead and implement them...


Little P lied and lied and lied again, he repeatedly said he would not commit treason and steal democracy in a coup then promptly did just that...


He has continued to lie for the last 4 years and I reckon he will keep on doing it until his masters erase him from the equation or the people finally have enough, wont hold my breath for either as the complacency of the people here is mind blowing...


There is not an ounce of honesty, decency or empathy in the creature, he shows time after time that he is an ego maniac with delusions of grandeur but is also very, very dim


By his actions again in this time of national crisis he proves once more that he completely lacks any compassion or empathy for these people in their hour of need but also confirms that he completely lacks anything remotely resembling common sense or even a basic grasp on leadership..


To be expected really, Little P keeps proving he aint the sharpest arrow in the quiver but you would think after four years he might have learned to employ a PR adviser to stop him having to keep looking like a dick and having to constantly remove his flip flops from his mouth



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9 hours ago, Jonmarleesco said:

Prayuth invites a lot of negative criticism, but I doubt he was there for politics. 

On the other hand, I think he was probably there *only* for the optics. But then I don't trust the guy one inch so I expect that's a disclaimer of sorts.

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10 hours ago, bannork said:

The head of a government has a duty to show public concern for that country's citizens. 

When he talks to those citizens who are suffering in a particular crisis or disaster, is it not human to express sympathy and empathy?

If you want to bring politics into it, Thaksin slaughterd 2,500 people in the drugs war, far more than Prayut killed at Rachaprasong.



Yes he spoke to the Thai people with bullets (slaughter), I suppose you can call that sympathy and empathy, as for drugs since Thaksin was ousted, you have had an epidemic on drugs, and the sooner all governments, and I will use your word (slaughter) drug dealers, the world will have less crime, but obviously there is too much money to be had, and who is getting the corruption money, all the way to the top, bring politics into it any time, my eyes are wide open, so are the deputy prime ministers as he can tell the time 25 times over with very expensive watches that were not declared, and we know that know one is going to touch him.

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35 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Yes he spoke to the Thai people with bullets (slaughter), I suppose you can call that sympathy and empathy, as for drugs since Thaksin was ousted, you have had an epidemic on drugs, and the sooner all governments, and I will use your word (slaughter) drug dealers, the world will have less crime, but obviously there is too much money to be had, and who is getting the corruption money, all the way to the top, bring politics into it any time, my eyes are wide open, so are the deputy prime ministers as he can tell the time 25 times over with very expensive watches that were not declared, and we know that know one is going to touch him.

I borrowed slaughter from you -post 40

Whatever his personal failings, and I certainly wouldn't defend Prayut on that account, he had the duty as the head of the Thai government to visit the site of the rescue. Any leader of any government would have done the same.


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24 minutes ago, bannork said:

I borrowed slaughter from you -post 40

Whatever his personal failings, and I certainly wouldn't defend Prayut on that account, he had the duty as the head of the Thai government to visit the site of the rescue. Any leader of any government would have done the same.


If he was the "elected" Prime Minister, I would give him that, but I won't, he is just putting himself in the limelight looking to secure more votes come election time, and he will fail, like a landslide does !

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19 hours ago, tomta said:

This post takes the prize for the most incoherent bit of nonsense I've ever seen on Thaivisa


1. He had every right to resign from the army and stand for elections 4 years ago so your proposition might have been tested. He didn't. He doesn't really like elections. He likes giving orders.

2. Did he need his microphone at the caves?

3. A great PM for Thailand would be one elected by the people. Much better than one elected by himself and his military friends.

4. Government changes in Australia have often meant radical changes in policy. Perhaps you'd prefer the army to take charge there? Clearly changes in government in Thailand have also meant radical changes - universal health care being one. These changes sufficiently upset the power elite to instigate two coups and to hamstring elected governments at every turn.

4, Prayuth as a general was a public servant.

5. In any system, there will never be a shortage of people to criticize and more people should be oopen to criticism in Thailand than is currently the case. Prayuth has no monopoly on being criticized

Why thank you for your comment Another fence sitter who has no ideas on how to write his own mind As I can see your mind is very small so i will help you a bit Q1 I was suggesting if he stood for election as leader of some party NOT ARMY get it he might have had a chance of winning But he choose the coup ok

Q2  Sorry I did not see the microphone but that is petty ok Maybe he wanted the people at the back to hear him instead of yelling

Q3 Another pie in the sky from you. I was just suggesting If he was elected as leader of some party and we all know he was not he might have been one of the better PMs of Thailand  That we will never know but judging by what Pms Thailand has had before he would have been right up there with them. Quality was not great don't you think from past Pms

Q4 Did i say I wanted the army to take charge in Australia Lol  Now read carefully The policies that politicians use are made up by public servants who still have the same job when a new government comes in or do you think" hey we will sack all these public servants and get new ones" Eg The governor of reserve bank was put in by the Lib Party His monetary policies will still be the same as he would use under a Labour gov 

Q5 No comment does not deserve one

Q6 This is my best answer Save the best for last they say. If you read what i wrote it was a bit of humor which u obviously lack. It was just having a dig at people on here who criticize him all the time I really don't care if they do. He is fair game and if he goes they will have to find someone else in high places to criticize  I meant nothing by it really  I read with humor what people in here write about the government Does not offend one bit and most of it prob true what they write  I am not taking sides ok I just showed a different angle on what could of been but it did not happen that way.  A very sad day for Thailand in 2014


So i hope that eases your mind and a challenge for you Mr fence sitter you write an article on something and I see if i can pick the bones out of it and maybe u can win a prize also Have a nice day

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35 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

Q2  Sorry I did not see the microphone but that is petty ok Maybe he wanted the people at the back to hear him instead of yelling


No, I don't think so. He used a microphone as one might use a speaking stick, to show that he's the guy to listen to and that he has the volume to drown out the mere serfs.


This is a thoroughly unpleasant, belligerent and bullying man, almost everything he says or does aligns with that. I understand that a population gets the government it deserves, but all the Thais did was be under-intelligent (by government figures) and compliant. Surely they deserve better than this guy?

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1 hour ago, KiwiKiwi said:


No, I don't think so. He used a microphone as one might use a speaking stick, to show that he's the guy to listen to and that he has the volume to drown out the mere serfs.


This is a thoroughly unpleasant, belligerent and bullying man, almost everything he says or does aligns with that. I understand that a population gets the government it deserves, but all the Thais did was be under-intelligent (by government figures) and compliant. Surely they deserve better than this guy?

Here is a clip of Prayut talking to the relatives of the missing boys.Prayut arrives at 3.30



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4 hours ago, KiwiKiwi said:


No, I don't think so. He used a microphone as one might use a speaking stick, to show that he's the guy to listen to and that he has the volume to drown out the mere serfs.


This is a thoroughly unpleasant, belligerent and bullying man, almost everything he says or does aligns with that. I understand that a population gets the government it deserves, but all the Thais did was be under-intelligent (by government figures) and compliant. Surely they deserve better than this guy?

Trouble isKiwi they all have good intentions until they get into power Then the rot sets in

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On 6/30/2018 at 7:06 AM, rooster59 said:

Prayut denies political motive in site visit

What's he mean below then? Just wondering!!!!!!!


On 6/30/2018 at 7:06 AM, rooster59 said:

“All of you should help, no matter when, even after the election. There will certainly be an election,” Prayut said.


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13 minutes ago, 300sd said:

What's he mean below then? Just wondering!!!!!!!




He is doing what he always does, what every Thai does first and foremost - he's saying what he thinks the audience wants to hear.


Being seen as being truthful is always secondary to being seen as a good guy. Make no mistake, Prayuth does not want an election and is only having one because countries that buy stuff from Thailand insist on it, and because if they stop buying from Thailand, then his paymasters won't love him any more.

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6 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

Why thank you for your comment Another fence sitter who has no ideas on how to write his own mind As I can see your mind is very small so i will help you a bit Q1 I was suggesting if he stood for election as leader of some party NOT ARMY get it he might have had a chance of winning But he choose the coup ok

Q2  Sorry I did not see the microphone but that is petty ok Maybe he wanted the people at the back to hear him instead of yelling

Q3 Another pie in the sky from you. I was just suggesting If he was elected as leader of some party and we all know he was not he might have been one of the better PMs of Thailand  That we will never know but judging by what Pms Thailand has had before he would have been right up there with them. Quality was not great don't you think from past Pms

Q4 Did i say I wanted the army to take charge in Australia Lol  Now read carefully The policies that politicians use are made up by public servants who still have the same job when a new government comes in or do you think" hey we will sack all these public servants and get new ones" Eg The governor of reserve bank was put in by the Lib Party His monetary policies will still be the same as he would use under a Labour gov 

Q5 No comment does not deserve one

Q6 This is my best answer Save the best for last they say. If you read what i wrote it was a bit of humor which u obviously lack. It was just having a dig at people on here who criticize him all the time I really don't care if they do. He is fair game and if he goes they will have to find someone else in high places to criticize  I meant nothing by it really  I read with humor what people in here write about the government Does not offend one bit and most of it prob true what they write  I am not taking sides ok I just showed a different angle on what could of been but it did not happen that way.  A very sad day for Thailand in 2014


So i hope that eases your mind and a challenge for you Mr fence sitter you write an article on something and I see if i can pick the bones out of it and maybe u can win a prize also Have a nice day

Q1: He had zero chance of winning an election. No need for agnosticism here. ZERO CHANCE.

Q2: Meh.

Q3: Might have been one of the better ones? Nope. Almost certainly would have been the worst. If he is a dud with no opposition, oppressive media censorship, a rubber stamp parliament, a rubber stamp judiciary, attitude adjustment camps and section 44... I think even those amongst us with minimal intelligence already know the answer as to how he would function in a free democratic system (actually the only certainty is that he would not have been a PM at all if elections were to be involved - see Q1)

Q4: Wrong. "Back in 1996, John Howard dumped six departmental heads - one third of the total - immediately on taking his position as prime minister".

Q5: Your best response to date

Q6: Jimmy Fallon made the same mistake with Trump you have made with Prayuth - normalising someone that, for the good of society,  should not be normalised 



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On 6/29/2018 at 8:15 PM, bannork said:

Prayut was damned if he went (making political capital) and damned if he didn't (uncaring PM).

And this crisis has gripped the Thai nation from Chiang Rai to Songhkla.

So he had to go. 



Along with all of the media. He could have gone without as much fanfare. The word would have gotten ut he cared enough to be there without making sure it was so well....documented.

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11 hours ago, pornprong said:

Q1: He had zero chance of winning an election. No need for agnosticism here. ZERO CHANCE.

Q2: Meh.

Q3: Might have been one of the better ones? Nope. Almost certainly would have been the worst. If he is a dud with no opposition, oppressive media censorship, a rubber stamp parliament, a rubber stamp judiciary, attitude adjustment camps and section 44... I think even those amongst us with minimal intelligence already know the answer as to how he would function in a free democratic system (actually the only certainty is that he would not have been a PM at all if elections were to be involved - see Q1)

Q4: Wrong. "Back in 1996, John Howard dumped six departmental heads - one third of the total - immediately on taking his position as prime minister".

Q5: Your best response to date

Q6: Jimmy Fallon made the same mistake with Trump you have made with Prayuth - normalising someone that, for the good of society,  should not be normalised 



Ok you win because guys like you are never wrong. I don't come here to argue just express a point of view. That is what a Forum is. Am I wrong? You have your views I have mine. Oh, who the hell is Jimmy Fallon? Must be an important guy. Have a nice day Oh Howard sacked 7 dept heads not 6 get it right ok

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It was nice that he took time out of his busy schedule to go there and give his support. He has been making great efforts to be neutral to all parties and assures everyone that he will not take sides.

His  motive was to put aside politics for a moment and send well wishes to the lost team. Then he turns up with his entourage all wearing a yellow shirt and blue hat. As my mum says. 

Actions speak louder than words.  

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Fairly standard procedure for PM or President to visit such sites.


the difference is this PM is so disliked and not trusted that no matter what he does for whatever reason people do not trust him and do not like him.


no matter how many visits he makes or what promises he makes or what his motives are , he will still be disliked or trusted

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1 hour ago, greenchair said:

It was nice that he took time out of his busy schedule to go there and give his support. He has been making great efforts to be neutral to all parties and assures everyone that he will not take sides.

His  motive was to put aside politics for a moment and send well wishes to the lost team. Then he turns up with his entourage all wearing a yellow shirt and blue hat. As my mum says. 

Actions speak louder than words.  

That is his job He is the Pm of Thailand at the moment. Even Fidel Castro would of done that if he was still alive

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