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U.S. protesters urge Trump to reverse immigration crackdown


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U.S. protesters urge Trump to reverse immigration crackdown

By Lesley Wroughton and Jason Lange


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Demonstrators protest the Trump administration's immigration policies as part of a "Families Belong Together" rally in Houston, Texas, U.S., June 30, 2018. REUTERS/Loren Elliott


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Thousands gathered in front of the White House on Saturday to protest the Trump administration's immigration policies, which have separated children from parents at the U.S-Mexico border and sparked plans for military-run detention camps.


Joined by protesters nationwide, people crowding downtown Washington waved signs and chanted "shame" as religious leaders and activists urged the administration to be more welcoming of foreigners and to reunite families.


"It goes against everything we stand for as a country," protester Paula Flores-Marques, 27, said of President Donald Trump's policies. Trump was out of town.


Trump says illegal immigration fosters crime and he implemented a "zero tolerance" policy in May to prosecute all immigrants apprehended for entering illegally. That led to the separation of more than 2,000 children from their parents, which sparked an outcry this month, even from some allies of the Republican president.


In a rare retreat on an issue that fires up his conservative base, Trump on June 20 ordered officials to detain families together.

Protesters also gathered in New York, Los Angeles and scores of other U.S. cities. In Chicago, thousands gathered to march toward the local offices of federal immigration authorities.


Organizers estimated 30,000 people had gathered in central Washington. The peaceful protest appeared to be the largest pro-immigration demonstration in the U.S. capital since at least 2010, when activists rallied to pressure then-President Barack Obama and Congress to overhaul the U.S. immigration system.


"We are here because children being held in detention don't have a voice," said Helen LaCroix, 40, a mother of two from Washington.


A federal judge has ordered families be reunited and the administration asked the military to house immigrant families, leading the Pentagon to mull the construction of soft-sided camp facilities. [nL1N1TU013]


Since taking office in 2017, Trump has overseen an increase in arrests of people suspected of being in the country illegally. His administration is also approving fewer family visas. [nL1N1O72JC] [nL1N1O51GS]


Immigration has been on the rise in America and across much of the developed world for decades, roiling politics in recent years across Germany, Britain and the United States.


Trump, who on Saturday was at a golf club he owns in Bedminster, New Jersey, criticized the handful of Democrats who have urged for an elimination of the U.S. agency that enforces immigration law, which is known as ICE.


"I have watched ICE liberate towns from the grasp of [criminal gangs]," Trump said on Twitter.


Immigrants made up about one in 20 U.S. residents in 1970. By 2016, their share rose to about one in seven, according the U.S. Census Bureau.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-07-01
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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

Absolutely. When the mother or father commits a misdemeanour. whiich is what most of these borders crrossers are being charged with, a misdemeanor like jaywalking  the justice system immediately acts to separate the criminal from contact with his or her children. Can't have children exposed to that kind of activity. Corrupting a child like that is unforgivable. What would a parent like that do next? Littering?

They can come to a boarder port,they won't get arrested

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Just now, bristolboy said:

Except  as has been pointed out countless times. border agents are actively blocking would be asylum seekers from crossing the border.

How can BA block them, the people  have papers

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1 minute ago, riclag said:

How can BA block them, the people  have papers

Trump keeps making it harder for people to seek asylum legally

It’s legal to seek asylum at an official border crossing. But border agents are blocking people from getting that far.



At the U.S. border, asylum seekers fleeing violence are told to come back later



Border Agents Turning Away, Blocking People Seeking Asylum: Report



Border Agents Are Using a New Weapon Against Asylum Seekers



U.S. Agents Blocked This Family from Seeking Asylum. Then Mexico Detained Them.


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6 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Trump keeps making it harder for people to seek asylum legally

It’s legal to seek asylum at an official border crossing. But border agents are blocking people from getting that far.



At the U.S. border, asylum seekers fleeing violence are told to come back later



Border Agents Turning Away, Blocking People Seeking Asylum: Report



Border Agents Are Using a New Weapon Against Asylum Seekers



U.S. Agents Blocked This Family from Seeking Asylum. Then Mexico Detained Them.


Then come back later

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2 hours ago, Get Real said:

In this case I must actually agree with, Trump. Not because I want to do it, but because he is right.

What is the difference in splitting up families that are doing an illegal act trying to enter a foreign country, compared to a father, mother or child in an ordinary family that commits a crime?

In both cases the families are going to be placed apart from eachother. Does all the protesters hate the american people so much, so that they put a higher human value on illegal immigrants? It certainly looks like that!

Crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor.


Can you give me an example of another misdemeanor that results in children being forcibly separated from their stents and/or whole families being arrested and interned?

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4 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

What happened to this?:

"How can BA block them, the people  have papers"


I didn't know the BA was telling them to come back later,even though they have papers.Seems reasonable to me, to be asked to come back later 

Edited by riclag
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Just now, riclag said:

I didn't know the BA was telling them to come back later,even though they have papers.Seems reasonable to be asked to come back later 

But you said they couldn't block them? Now you're saying it's reasonable. Warped thinking much?

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1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

But you said they couldn't block them? Now you're saying it's reasonable. Warped thinking much?

I have no idea what your talking about other then insulting me

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2 minutes ago, riclag said:

I have no idea what your talking about other then insulting me

Sorry if that seemed harsh. But first you claimed that the border agents can't block them and now you say it's okay if they do because they can come back again.

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44 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor.


Can you give me an example of another misdemeanor that results in children being forcibly separated from their stents and/or whole families being arrested and interned?

I can´t care less if it´s a misdemeanor or a felony. If it is, then it really would be justified to make it a felony instead.


Here you have some reading:

Criminal Penalties for Improper Entry

For the first improper entry offense, the person can be fined (as a criminal or civil penalty), or imprisoned for up to six months, or both. This is considered a misdemeanor under federal law (18 U.S.C.A. § 3559).

For a subsequent offense, or a reentry (or attempted reentry) after exclusion or deportation, the person can be fined or imprisoned for up to two years, or both. (See 8 U.S.C. Section 1325, 1326, I.N.A. Section 275, 276.) This is considered a low-level felony under federal law (18 U.S.C.A. § 3559).


I guess even a thing that is recorded as a misdemeanor can mean prison time. If we not separate people, that will mean we have to build family-cells. Or if it´s just up to you, illegal immigrants can just run free all over the country. 

As a second thought, you do not have a clue if the separated persons have one or more illegal entries before. In that case it is a low level felony, right?

Edited by Get Real
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2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Absolutely. When the mother or father commits a misdemeanour. whiich is what most of these borders crrossers are being charged with, a misdemeanor like jaywalking  the justice system immediately acts to separate the criminal from contact with his or her children. Can't have children exposed to that kind of activity. Corrupting a child like that is unforgivable. What would a parent like that do next? Littering?

Directing you to post #17. Have a nice day!

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33 minutes ago, cooked said:

A point that is being missed is that about 10 000 of the 12 000 kids separated from their parents were accompanied by people not their parents. These will range from people trying to get across using a kid as an alleviating factor to people smugglers. Many kids are very much sought after by paedophiles and this is another reason to be cautious.

Most of the people trying to get across illegally will at least  have been approached by drug smugglers.


"A point that is being missed is that about 10 000 of the 12 000 kids separated from their parents were accompanied by people not their parents."

I tihnk what you mean to say is that of the 12000 minors detained, 10,000 were not traveling with their parents. But that's not what this thread is about. It's about children who were separated from their parents. It's about this:

Thousands gathered in front of the White House on Saturday to protest the Trump administration's immigration policies, which have separated children from parents at the U.S-Mexico border and sparked plans for military-run detention camps.



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1 hour ago, cooked said:

A point that is being missed is that about 10 000 of the 12 000 kids separated from their parents were accompanied by people not their parents. These will range from people trying to get across using a kid as an alleviating factor to people smugglers. Many kids are very much sought after by paedophiles and this is another reason to be cautious.

Most of the people trying to get across illegally will at least  have been approached by drug smugglers.


That's as clear as the nose on everyone's face,but you don't often hear much of that from the other side,cause it doesn't support their narrative that PT is the villain and is evil,just because he wants boarders to be  legal entry

Edited by riclag
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3 minutes ago, riclag said:

That's as clear as the nose on everyone's face,but you don't often hear much of that from the other side,cause it doesn't support their narrative that PT is the villain and is evil,just because he wants boarders to be  legal entry

Well he also calls them criminals and rapists and blames them for being a danger to America citizens.

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4 minutes ago, riclag said:

That's as clear as the nose on everyone's face,but you don't often hear much of that from the other side,cause it doesn't support their narrative that PT is the villain and is evil,just because he wants boarders to be  legal entry

Not clear at all. The protests are about the 2000+ children separated from their parents. Not the unaccompanied ones or those accompanied by people not their parents.

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5 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Not clear at all. The protests are about the 2000+ children separated from their parents. Not the unaccompanied ones or those accompanied by people not their parents.

The protest isn't about the 2000 kids that got separated because their parents came in illegal or they were accompany by a stranger when they came.It's a pro immigration dem.  

Organizers estimated 30,000 people had gathered in central Washington. The peaceful protest appeared to be the largest pro-immigration demonstration in the U.S. capital since at least 2010, when activists rallied to pressure then-President Barack Obama and Congress to overhaul the U.S. immigration system.

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1 hour ago, Get Real said:

Directing you to post #17. Have a nice day!

What is there about post 17 that you consider compelling? Because people can be jailed that means they should be jailed? The most salient point is whether or not it's a victimless crime. You mean when an undocumented immigrant treads on the border all citizens and legal residents feel pain?

And if you're such a stickler about laws being broken, why aren't the Feds imprisoning people who sell marijuana. It's a clear violation of Federal Law. Marijuana is classified by the Feds as being as dangerous a drug as heroin..


2 hours ago, Get Real said:

I can´t care less if it´s a misdemeanor or a felony. If it is, then it really would be justified to make it a felony instead.


Here you have some reading:

Criminal Penalties for Improper Entry

For the first improper entry offense, the person can be fined (as a criminal or civil penalty), or imprisoned for up to six months, or both. This is considered a misdemeanor under federal law (18 U.S.C.A. § 3559).

For a subsequent offense, or a reentry (or attempted reentry) after exclusion or deportation, the person can be fined or imprisoned for up to two years, or both. (See 8 U.S.C. Section 1325, 1326, I.N.A. Section 275, 276.) This is considered a low-level felony under federal law (18 U.S.C.A. § 3559).


I guess even a thing that is recorded as a misdemeanor can mean prison time. If we not separate people, that will mean we have to build family-cells. Or if it´s just up to you, illegal immigrants can just run free all over the country. 

As a second thought, you do not have a clue if the separated persons have one or more illegal entries before. In that case it is a low level felony, right?

And that second thought is also a worse thought. The goverment keeps records of those they catch including fingerprints. So those caught a second time will have a record. And before you go on about those who weren't caught, despite Trump's wish otherwise, there is such a thing as due process.

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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

What is there about post 17 that you consider compelling? Because people can be jailed that means they should be jailed? The most salient point is whether or not it's a victimless crime. You mean when an undocumented immigrant treads on the border all citizens and legal residents feel pain?

And if you're such a stickler about laws being broken, why aren't the Feds imprisoning people who sell marijuana. It's a clear violation of Federal Law. Marijuana is classified by the Feds as being as dangerous a drug as heroin..


And that second thought is also a worse thought. The goverment keeps records of those they catch including fingerprints. So those caught a second time will have a record. And before you go on about those who weren't caught, despite Trump's wish otherwise, there is such a thing as due process.

Okey, okey, Mr Bristolboy. We can stop there. I already realize that if the crime is victimless, it´s totally irrelevant to you.

Just for your information. A victimless crime does not exist. It´s called a crime because it indirectly or directly hurt somebody.

No the country feel the pain, and it´s citizen. Yes, I hope they can put marijuana at the sam level as heroin too. According to me,a person how enters a country illegally, have totally lost his or hers right to due process. 

No more to dicuss, Thank you! Have a nice day!


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5 hours ago, bristolboy said:

"A point that is being missed is that about 10 000 of the 12 000 kids separated from their parents were accompanied by people not their parents."

I tihnk what you mean to say is that of the 12000 minors detained, 10,000 were not traveling with their parents. But that's not what this thread is about. It's about children who were separated from their parents. It's about this:

Thousands gathered in front of the White House on Saturday to protest the Trump administration's immigration policies, which have separated children from parents at the U.S-Mexico border and sparked plans for military-run detention camps.



I'm sorry if trying to get to the facts confuses you. The other 2000 or so kids came with their parent(s) but tried to come across illegally. Parents go to detention, that's the law. You want to put the kids in jail as well?  Of course if you mean that people that come across illegally with their kids should just be allowed to go, why not just say so. 

Try that in Thailand.

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