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What's Wrong With My Neighbours?

Tony Clifton

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Very funny,very funny indeed.It is not that worse is it??At least it still looks clean,just a bad taste.

In a couple of years all the neigbourhood will decrease,and you would love to see it green.

Again just another thaiway to flair things up,you could also just close your eyes when drive by.But considering if you are driving ,I sure would watch out,cause maybe the other neighbour just got blinded cause of it and you lose your day at the police station....

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Wow, where do I sign up?

My dream is to have a house in some ritzy neighborhood where everyone of them, other than me, signs some "we agree to be drab and conformist" agreement, and my house, being exempt, because I knew the developer or such, is painted a wide, lighthouse-themed black and white spiral from ground to pinnacle where my purple strobe light will hypnotize the local insect population.

Then, parked in my driveway will be the zebra-striped Lamborghini, the huge dodge monster truck replete with chromed blower sticking through the hood, and the land will feature yard-long grass.

An army of lawyers will be at the ready to soundly quash any rebellion of the local all-too-snot-nosed residents, and life will go on.

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Was having my daily chat with the corner store owner (sits on village council) when he pointed (with the lips) at the spray painted fence, he's not impressed as well. He thinks the red spray paint artist has done so following a second complaint by the village headman to clear out , yet again, the sidewalk where he keeps broken down air-cons, refrigerators and scrap metal where his dog also hides to attack people walking and driving by at night. The shop he originally built, attached to the house, now serves as a temple for the car.

My wife thinks the junk pile and fence are an awful eyesore, has nothing to do with culture or beliefs while also having doubts about the sanity of the man's wife for letting him unleash his "creativity". :o

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it works like a landmark.

It's a lot easier to find your own house when you paint it with a distinct color.

not an easy task to do when one's sober in a crowded moo ban...

you might find yourself in someone else's house when you're tipsy

if your house doesn't have the flashy colors.

Edited by sensei
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welcome home teerak!

i paint the house and car while u working today, ok, you like?

Psychedelic! :D


She had a look and she... no like. I won't relay her extensive message to you in well spoken English but it ended with "Cheap falang". :o

I should add that she doesn't dress like that, works 9 to 5 and also runs her own business, her car on the picture.

Edited by Tony Clifton
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welcome home teerak!

i paint the house and car while u working today, ok, you like?

Psychedelic! :D


She had a look and she... no like. I won't relay her extensive message to you in well spoken English but it ended with "Cheap falang". :o

I should add that she doesn't dress like that, works 9 to 5 and also runs her own business, her car on the picture.

"I should add that she doesn't dress like that,'

You can't help bad luck.

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Meaning that earning a living for her doesn't include hanging on to a pole, serving beer under flashy lights and blaring music. :o

What do personal insults towards my wife have to do with this?

Keep an eye on your backpacks, I hear they disappear quickly in internet cafes. :D

Edited by Tony Clifton
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Seems a lot of posters misunderstood the issue. The main problem is such eyesores lower the value of all property in the area, never mind it looks awful. This is the reason most communities have rules against such colors. If you don't like such rules move somewhere outside a community or into one without rules.

For me it rather feels like most homeowners own their houses to live in, and not worry too much about the quick Baht the could make in selling it. About the "awful" looks - these are only colours !

eh, Dear Phil, pls. don't ask other posters to move houses, if they really want or have to, they will do it even without your permission.

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Seems a lot of posters misunderstood the issue. The main problem is such eyesores lower the value of all property in the area, never mind it looks awful. This is the reason most communities have rules against such colors. If you don't like such rules move somewhere outside a community or into one without rules.

Rules, rules, rules & more rules.

This is one of the big reasons why I left Oz. I'm sick to bloody death of all the control freaks & their rules.

I don't know about other people but I'd buy a house for the primary purpose of living in it...not for money.

Next thing people will be whining about the hairdos, lipstick colour, dress sense etc of their neighbours.

Go back to dullsville if you're not happy with a 'splash of colour'.

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If you study the unique colour schemes of Mark's houses, a work of art imho, you find your senses are dulled and the original house looks rather bland and boring in comparision. So I suppose if some people are used to the bright colours and pretty lights, well...

anyway, the lime green and fluro was on special that week

Edited by goldfish
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If you study the unique colour schemes of Mark's houses, a work of art imho, you find your senses are dulled and the original house looks rather bland and boring in comparision. So I suppose if some people are used to the bright colours and pretty lights, well...

anyway, the lime green and fluro was on special that week

That's colect, kind sir, and I lesent all these falang cliticisms of my fine ploducts.

Signed Stiritup Slapiton, Manager, Goden Dream DIY Store.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The chap with the pink wall liked your pink watch strap and copied you Tony :D

I sincerely hope you're not moving around here. That wall is fluorescent red and that's an orange "Long Live The King" bracelet. :o


Notice that he went nuts spraying the street sign post as well. :D

I think these are the probably the same tasteless people that use to wake me up at the hotel with their obnoxiously loud speaker trucks broadcastiing some foreign language crap. Probably foreigners also. I like your "Long live the King " bracelet. Elvis's Graceland mansion in Memphis, Tennessee is one of our nations most repected national sites.

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