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Monk Who Predicted Thai Cave Rescue Hailed for ‘Intervention’


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5 hours ago, petermik said:

Headlines and long story on MCOT news last night...he,s more of a hero than the rescuers it would seem.....blaady ridiculous I say :blink:

And he doesn't want any money.....but a large donation so he can continue helping people would be welcome!

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

a local monk who had earlier predicted that the group would be found alive.


no.  he did not. he said nothing about them surviving.  he simply said they are still there, and would be found in "a few" days. 


had they not survived, he would have been correct.

had they made it out on their own, he would have been correct.

had the bodies washed out and been found a week or two later, he would have been correct.


it's the same as predicting that lottery numbers will be drawn soon.



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4 hours ago, akirasan said:

I am also a monk and I can reveal that you will find your key in the last place you look

I never  found mine so there is  no last place, I DEMAND a  full refund.....with menaces?

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4 hours ago, 300sd said:

Don't believe it either, but:


My aunt was a bit of a "fortune teller". Told my mom one day that she saw her in an accident, she saw her in the hospital with something around her neck but she was laughing. Also said she saw her in a new house.


The next day mom and dad were in a car accident. Mom sprained her neck, had to have a brace, and in the hospital she made good friends with a lady, and they were always laughing together....couple months later they bought a new cottage at the beach....hard to get that right, just saying. 

one born everyday......just saying

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5 hours ago, impulse said:

If his predictions were a comfort for the families desperately waiting for the outcome, kudos to the guy.


Edit:  Making the prediction may have been easy.  Achieving a status where anyone gave a hill of beans what he predicted was the mean feat.


That's why it doesn't matter that anyone on here could have made the same prediction.  Nobody cares.




Well said.

Thailand is a Buddhist country and in many ways it helps to promote positive thinking among its followers. There’s not a whole lot of

negative things one can really say abou it’s core teachings, unlike many western ideologies. I think that a lot of people on here could definitely use some of that given the amount of depressing viewpoints that are expressed in every thread.



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6 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

This could make flooding in Thailand a thing of the past.

If the dams start overflowing during the rainy season, give this fella a call ! :coffee1:

Who ya gonna call? Rainbuster! 

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11 hours ago, flyingtlger said:

I predict that the sun will rise tomorrow....Does that qualify me to be a psychic?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

As the sun is at the centre of our solar system and doesn’t actually rise or set...I’d say you don’t qualify. ?

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"At the end of October last year my wife and self were in UK.

One day outside the house we had rented, two dogs were going at it with their bums into the wind"




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15 hours ago, evadgib said:

Who's going to win the world cup?

Thailand has put the spotlight on a local monk who had earlier predicted that the group would be found alive.


he should be playing the lottery. what a load of crap.


i had some thai lady telling me this, i told her dont be so stupid. these people believe this stuff, unbelievable. 

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Here we go again.


They aren't even out safe yet and every Tom, Dick and Harry is being lorded. Praising a monk for making a lucky guess sums this country up.


Will anything really be learnt from this? I would have to side with no. 

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Pity he did not predict them all entering the cave in the first place, then he could have intervened to stop them........Oh, sorry, that would not get him any publicity would it......It is amazing how low some people will go to garner fame on the backs of other peoples suffering, and what makes it worse is that he is using young children to do it.......Disgusting.....:bah:

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5 minutes ago, BobbyL said:

They aren't even out safe yet and every Tom, Dick and Harry is being lorded. Praising a monk for making a lucky guess sums this country up.


Will anything really be learnt from this?

The only worthwhile takeaway I can see is that it's lauded, not lorded. 

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14 hours ago, bluesofa said:

Me for one! Why did you rent two dogs?


Please read this again, 

At the end of October last year my wife and self were in UK.

One day outside the house we had rented, two dogs were going at it with their bums into the wind

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He braved the monsoons.....

He predicted they would be found in one or two days....

Are these believers the same ones saying the cave was haunted?  The same cave that represents a lover who committed suicide because her lover was killed by her father.  That if you stand back and look from a distance you can see her image.


So to my knowledge and from experience (I am mostly ignorant to what they are supposed to be) a Monk is a man of simple ways and some sort of spiritual enlightenment.  He represents the community and hope etc.  Peaceful, humble, calm and honest.......This is, to my knowledge, somewhere near what he is supposed to be, whether reality tells me otherwise or not is irrelevant.


So.......since when did he become Nostradamus in a <deleted> cape!


Some local sees a bit of publicity for himself and gets lucky with a, let's be honest, crap prediction.


If he told these cretins that believe him that the moon is giant white Thai fish ball they'd believe him. 

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16 hours ago, poohy said:

What utter tripe :coffee1:

can he do anything useful?


lottery tickets

exchange rates hedging 

stocks and shares tips

horse racing bets


oh for starters i have lost my house key...tis where?

For the house key, ask your wife.. Everything else, ask the monk.. ?

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20 minutes ago, Ron19 said:

Please read this again, 

At the end of October last year my wife and self were in UK.

One day outside the house we had rented, two dogs were going at it with their bums into the wind

Thanks. The OP and I seem to have coped with the fact there was a missing comma, which you have added. That was the reason for my comment, just adding a little humour.


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