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Another warrant issued for Thaksin’s arrest


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13 hours ago, JAG said:

Maybe in the running for a "Calvin Klein award"?


So you believe Thaksin is innocent in this case?


He instructed the bank to use tax payers' money to provide a low interest loan to a military junta running a neighboring country so they could buy from his family business.


Please explain your reasoning for us all to saver.

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14 hours ago, robblok said:

Money money... 

So that's alright but you bleat on ad nauseum that Thaksin should be brought to justice. You have a warped sense of priority. 

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9 minutes ago, robblok said:

He won't the PTP supporters on this board hate it that the court cases against Thaksin are going on because these cases are far more serious and quite clear about the corruption going on. Its so hard to call that political so they try to ridicule me not really debating the real subject as they can't defend it. Just look at Prongpon, he quotes an article basically saying the same thing as the main article as a defense. 

I doubt you would find many dyed in the wool ptp supporters on this forum. Just many reasonable people that realise Thaksin is no more or less corrupt than all those came before and more importantly after his ousting. Generally the same people that can see this whole circus is really only perpetrated to shine a light away from the many things the junta continue to do daily which conviently they have given themselves total immunity for.

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2 minutes ago, robblok said:

Yes a honest mistake.. a cake box full of money to bribe the judges.. I often keep money in cake boxes its all so confusing. 


Plus the standard reasoning.. say something bad about Thaksin and automatically you get labelled a junta fanboy. 


Such black and white reasoning. I keep posting in topics on the junta condemning their actions but according to them I am still a junta fanboy. 

Lol how's the hypocrisy? You dare to talk about black and white when anyone on here that talks about Thaksin in relation to the Junta is automatically accused of being a rabid PTP supporter who backs killing people in the streets....that will do me. I'm out. What a joke 

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3 minutes ago, starky said:

Lol how's the hypocrisy? You dare to talk about black and white when anyone on here that talks about Thaksin in relation to the Junta is automatically accused of being a rabid PTP supporter who backs killing people in the streets....that will do me. I'm out. What a joke 

Could you show me where i said that anyone who backs Thaksin backs killing people in the street ? You take a lot of freedom here interpreting what i have said. Fact remains that like so often those in power (YL at the time) did not investigate things good did not try to stop it as she should. You do remember Charlem (great example of someone who should be in jail) said the protesters should go because he could not guarantee safety (while doing nothing). Same with the junta.. arresting pro democracy supporters while protecting those that went after the pro democracy supporters. In the topic of the junta i condemned that.. 

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15 minutes ago, starky said:

So that's alright but you bleat on ad nauseum that Thaksin should be brought to justice. You have a warped sense of priority. 

No its not alright is a big shame, but as far as I know he escaped during a democratic government. 2012 was when it happened. I want the red bull guy in jail just said that his money keeps him free ? am i wrong there. You seem to automatically assume i feel this is ok. In topics about this guy I have always said he should be in jail. I just don't see anything political here, just an other rich guy escaping justice.. just like that guy with the mercedes that killed the students. Read back how much I commented on that. 


These things have nothing to do with politics.. anyone sufficiently rich can escape justice here. 

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16 hours ago, robblok said:

Nice one, only they forgot to include in this story how Thaksin forced the bank to accept an interest percentage below the cost price.  (mentioned in the BKK post) So the bank was losing money 670 million.  Clear case of corruption even more so because the loan was used to buy services of Thaksin his companies.  I wonder if anyone cares to defend this clear cut case of corruption and start calling it political.


The was a reason Thaksin ran, this was one of the reasons this is a far more serious case and one that is easy to prove. Now he can still claim he is only convicted for minor things, if this conviction came through before he could not huge loss of face.


I don't think he will be arrested but I am happy that they go on with his cases maybe some of the red supporters here will finally open their eyes and see that the guy did commit some serious corruption. 

How about you tell me how much money prayuth has in his bank or what he is doing while he is not destroying Thailand?You can't tell,because if you ask to much you end up in prison for les majeste or computer crime or whatever else they have, to silence people who know to much.Better 100 Thaksins than  1 prayuth.Thaksin stole with style and open, and population in Thailand benefited from Thaksins doing.Now only Hisos,royalists,junta friendly a..lickers benefit.On top with Thaksin we had free elections,now we have nothing.Februar elections?What a farce junta reserved half of the seats already and the other half goes to the a..lickers

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4 minutes ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

How about you tell me how much money prayuth has in his bank or what he is doing while he is not destroying Thailand?You can't tell,because if you ask to much you end up in prison for les majeste or computer crime or whatever else they have, to silence people who know to much.Better 100 Thaksins than  1 prayuth.Thaksin stole with style and open, and population in Thailand benefited from Thaksins doing.Now only Hisos,royalists,junta friendly a..lickers benefit.On top with Thaksin we had free elections,now we have nothing.Februar elections?What a farce junta reserved half of the seats already and the other half goes to the a..lickers

Ah stealing with style is allowed.. funny weak defense. The junta is wrong and should be condemned too and if proven to be corrupt punished too. But that does not make what Thaksin did good. That is just the weakest excuse ever. Everyone who is corrupt should be punished.. junta PTP democrats.. bureaucrats.. whatever. Once you start saying that popular people can steal you undermine the basis of law and democracy. 

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10 minutes ago, robblok said:

Ah stealing with style is allowed.. funny weak defense. The junta is wrong and should be condemned too and if proven to be corrupt punished too. But that does not make what Thaksin did good. That is just the weakest excuse ever. Everyone who is corrupt should be punished.. junta PTP democrats.. bureaucrats.. whatever. Once you start saying that popular people can steal you undermine the basis of law and democracy. 

Almost funny you said all that knowing that the junta, elites and all their friends will never be punished. Still agree with your noble thoughts that all corruption should be punished but alas justice will never ever be meted fairly here and you know that. Reasons why Interpol never cooperate especially those political cases. As mrmic commented and relevant is that with Thaksin you get a chance to vote him out whereas the junta hold everybody hostage to their whims and fancies to allow an election. An election so rigged to give the junta the obscene advantage to elect a non-MP and the disgusting bent constitution that allows the junta appointed senators to be involved in the selection of the Prime Minister. 

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21 minutes ago, robblok said:

Ah stealing with style is allowed.. funny weak defense. The junta is wrong and should be condemned too and if proven to be corrupt punished too. But that does not make what Thaksin did good. That is just the weakest excuse ever. Everyone who is corrupt should be punished.. junta PTP democrats.. bureaucrats.. whatever. Once you start saying that popular people can steal you undermine the basis of law and democracy. 

Thailand and most southeast asian countries are highly corrupt since centuries.It's in their blood.Every government in Thailand was corrupt.Thaksin wasn't the inventor of corruption but he put it on a new level,a level what many thais accepted because Thaksin shared at least a bit [30baht,village loan,etc.]He got kicked out because he told the army to f... off,told the royalists to f... off and told the elite to f... off,and the population liked it,they even voted him for a 2nd term.So army,royalist and hiso elite had to worry they lose their grip on Thailand.And they still afraid of him,when Thaksin is coughing,the junta is shaking

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Then why don't the condemn the guy, I never see that happening. Just admit he is as corrupt as the junta and be done with it. Both sides are corrupt, at least I condemn the junta.. look at members like Eric Loh and Prompong.. never ever a bad word about Thaksin always defending the guy. I would say those are dyed in the wool ptp supporters.


I feel that anyone who is corrupt should be punished and removed from politics forever and the money made with their corrupt practices confiscated and preferably a jailtime. Regardless of what side they are one. I can't wait to see Suthep and Thaksin sharing a cel. I know both will never see the inside of a cel. But that is how it should be condemning the actions of corrupt people no matter what political side they are on.

The country would fall apart if corruption would stop from one day to another.Here is not USA or western Europe.Here they have a different thinking and understanding of the law."As long I'm happy you can steal as much you want,if you steal but I don't benefit from it you can f... off".Thats the thinking here

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9 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Almost funny you said all that knowing that the junta, elites and all their friends will never be punished. Still agree with your noble thoughts that all corruption should be punished but alas justice will never ever be meted fairly here and you know that. Reasons why Interpol never cooperate especially those political cases. As mrmic commented and relevant is that with Thaksin you get a chance to vote him out whereas the junta hold everybody hostage to their whims and fancies to allow an election. An election so rigged to give the junta the obscene advantage to elect a non-MP and the disgusting bent constitution that allows the junta appointed senators to be involved in the selection of the Prime Minister. 

I also know that Thaksin will never be punished but I still want him to be punished. Its called principles.. unlike you I don't care what party someone support to decide if he needs to be punished. Corruption should be punished always otherwise you will never get it under control. I don't agree with the junta and elites having protection and want them prosecuted too for corruption


But if your going to start saying because mr X is not getting his punishment Mr Y should not be punished either you could better scrap all laws. Its a favorite defense of people who get caught for speeding in my country.. why don't you go after real criminals they (insert a crime) dont get punished. 


Its funny that you don't believe in punishing corruption while you always talk about democracy and high ideals.. funny that those ideals don't apply once it applies to someone you like. 


From the start I have always stated i despise all corruption (never ever did I exclude the junta even when i thought they were good). You on the other hand are more flexible with your ideals. I just really dislike corruption as its stealing from the poor. 

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4 minutes ago, mrmicbkktxl said:

The country would fall apart if corruption would stop from one day to another.Here is not USA or western Europe.Here they have a different thinking and understanding of the law."As long I'm happy you can steal as much you want,if you steal but I don't benefit from it you can f... off".Thats the thinking here

another weak defense.. anyway I don't disagree that that is how people think here but i disagree that without corruption the country would fall apart. Without corruption the poor would have a far better life. Its never the poor that benefit from corruption. No corruption would mean more money for hospitals and poor. 

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16 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Seriously, who in parliament isn't in it for themselves, at least he gave to the needy, as did his sister, no all for self, like others. I despise all politicians, there are no good ones, only the dead ones.

How come the Thai farmers got poorer and Takisin's and Yingluck's friends got richer on the rice scam for example!? As the selling price go higher , the price on land, fertilizers and so on became higher too, and I have talked with more than one farmer that thought that the rice scam was giving him more money but in the end it turned out that they earned less because of the rising costs. Who made the biggest profits?! The big fertilizer and agro chemical companies, the rice rice mills and the rice exporters.

Even my friend (former MP, and he knows both of the siblings in person... he even asked me if I could coach Yingluck in speaking English after the "Thank you 3 times" incident...) told me that Taksin is the smartest Thai alive but sadly he used all his knowledge to make himself and his family richer and not to help Thailand. And that's from someone that have been a MP for the PTP party while Taksin was Prime Minister!!!

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18 minutes ago, robblok said:

I also know that Thaksin will never be punished but I still want him to be punished. Its called principles.. unlike you I don't care what party someone support to decide if he needs to be punished. Corruption should be punished always otherwise you will never get it under control. I don't agree with the junta and elites having protection and want them prosecuted too for corruption


But if your going to start saying because mr X is not getting his punishment Mr Y should not be punished either you could better scrap all laws. Its a favorite defense of people who get caught for speeding in my country.. why don't you go after real criminals they (insert a crime) dont get punished. 


Its funny that you don't believe in punishing corruption while you always talk about democracy and high ideals.. funny that those ideals don't apply once it applies to someone you like. 


From the start I have always stated i despise all corruption (never ever did I exclude the junta even when i thought they were good). You on the other hand are more flexible with your ideals. I just really dislike corruption as its stealing from the poor. 

You need to slow down and not let your hate Thaksin emotion get the better of you. Thaksin is living away from the family, half his assets of around 34B has being seized, his family members intimidated and his sister live in exile. Is that not punishment? What that you talking about “never be punished”. That phrase should be referred to the junta and their cronies. Be sensible Rob. 


Crime, Punishment and justice should be fairly dispensed which is the principle that I subscribed. Democracy allows punishment to be accountable and transparent not during junta rule wherebcomment on military corruption are silence by strict laws and intimidation. Junta is never good and he need to rinse that thought of your mind. 

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1 minute ago, Eric Loh said:

You need to slow down and not let your hate Thaksin emotion get the better of you. Thaksin is living away from the family, half his assets of around 34B has being seized, his family members intimidated and his sister live in exile. Is that not punishment? What that you talking about “never be punished”. That phrase should be referred to the junta and their cronies. Be sensible Rob. 


Crime, Punishment and justice should be fairly dispensed which is the principle that I subscribed. Democracy allows punishment to be accountable and transparent not during junta rule wherebcomment on military corruption are silence by strict laws and intimidation. Junta is never good and he need to rinse that thought of your mind. 

No Thaksin would never really get punished for what he did.. no jail time. That is what I am talking about. His sister different story she made her own choices became a puppet and failed to stop the corruption in the rice program even after being told there were fake g2g deals amounting to 30billion. She is not innocent, court of justice proven that the facts prove that. That being said she is less guilty then many. 


Yes justice should be dispensed evenly I agree, but that does not mean that when it is not you should leave criminals run free. If one murderer escapes does that mean we should not go after other ones.. just imagine what that would lead too. Same applies for corruption. 

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3 minutes ago, brucec64 said:

How many arrest warrants now? 


I heard the same court has sentenced him to be hung, shot, electrocuted and be administered lethal injection.

It does not matter he will never ever see a day in jail just like all the other privileged people. 

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4 minutes ago, brucec64 said:

How many arrest warrants now? 


I heard the same court has sentenced him to be hung, shot, electrocuted and be administered lethal injection.

You need to stop listening to those voices, they're not real.

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17 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Seriously, who in parliament isn't in it for themselves, at least he gave to the needy, as did his sister, no all for self, like others. I despise all politicians, there are no good ones, only the dead ones.

"at least he gave to the needy"


Yeah, a regular little Robbin' Hood

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These warrants and requests for Interpol assistance are a bit like having sex after a vasectomy:  Sure, you can still go through all the motions, but in the end you're just shooting blanks. 

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