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Polar bear killed Canadian man protecting his children


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22 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

The reason for this is simple. 


Back in the 70's many pinko lefty types decided that the culling/killing of polar bears was cruel and senseless as these cuddly animals that would never hurt anyone were facing extinction. Therefore a world protection order was put on them as an endangered species, what else could we do with the marketing star of foxes glacier mints and R Whites lemonade.


FACT: there were 5000 polar Bears in the 70's, now there are over 25 000 of the feckers.  Polar Bears need territory, that territory contains food and contrary to popular beliefs the amount of food per square kilometer up at the pole is not that much, even during the seal pupping season. The polar bears have therefore migrated and are now a common site in mainland Alaska and Canada, whereas before only bears of the brown and black type were ever seen. The polar bears are establishing their own territory as is their genetic drive and there are so many of them, they are spilling into many habitats populated by humans.


The Inuits (that is an Eskimo for Trump supporters) had a handle on all this. They killed the Polar Bears for food, warmth, clothing. They took what they needed and no more. The population of the Polar Bear had always been sustainable at around 5000, but now taking away their main predator for the last 10 000 years - man, they have been busy procreating and on the increase. The polar bears now in general live a desperate life with no food and endless fights for territory. Man has yet again screwed up the balance by allowing supposedly well meaning individuals who have never seen an animal in the wild (other than on "Planet Earth" with David Attenborough), to impose on hunting habits that had kept the balance of the ecosystem in check for thousands of years. Before, numbers were smaller and the bears were much healthier, now they encroach on human habitats and are much hungrier and much grumpier and children are a prime time snack target.


A solution would be to send Trump Jr and Eric up there and let them go shooting unarmed animals as much as they like, because unlike Giraffes, these critters can fight back. We just need to get rid of around 20 000 to keep the polar bear 'Polar" rather than becoming a White North American Bear.



The Inuits did not sustain the population at 5000, that was the number in the 1930's after the whalers and Hudson Bay Co. had already decimated the population, they wiped out entire colonies, there were taking 1500 per year by the beginning of the 20th century, it is estimated that there were over 100,000 just 150 years ago.  Also, not sure why you think there were never polar bears in mainland Canada before, one of the biggest populations in around Hudson Bay.


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20 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Well i think as you seem to be in to using logic....because not all animal species want to eat your children.


you also say:


Well the numbers were off the top of my head from years ago, but this is what Wiki says right now.

As for checking numbers in the 17th century, I simply don't have time, but if you do then that would be most interesting.


Right. So hunt all the carnivores and not the vegetarian animals!


Careful, that could be picked up by the loonies and turned into a new mantra.

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6 hours ago, vogie said:

I think only a small proportion of humans kill animals for sport, and that is not ok, neither is it acceptable for animals to eat humans for food, but did you really need telling that?

Is it acceptable for animals to eat other animals ?

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What a fool, and sad. In bear country and doesn't carry a gun. When I go into bear country I carry no less than a 357 Magnum revolver. I carry a 9mm daily.

When i was in Alaska the tourist magazine stated, if you go into bear country do not carry less than a 357. 


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37 minutes ago, sanemax said:

So , a dog can eat a chicken, but, I cannot ?

Sanemax, what are you talking about, are we on the same wavelength here, of course you can eat a chicken, why do you ask?

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On ‎7‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 3:31 PM, Andaman Al said:

Well clearly. The bear was eating the man so you seem to be giving the bear a pass. If the man would have been armed in order to protect his children you never would have read the story "Man shoots Polar Bear on remote island". I guess if a King Cobra comes crawling into your bed with you and your missus you will tell her not to panic and blame the snake, "it lives here darling, just give it some food and it will snuggle up next to us and sleep in perfect man and beast harmony. We will be at one with nature"



Bejeezus, we have a pre-happy hour Friday epiphany upon us.

Sad reply.

Snakes didn't come in my bed because I close the door at night.

I do give the bear a pass, as it is just doing what bears do. A bear doesn't decide to have "fun" by killing a lot of other species and hanging their heads on the cave wall to show what an hero they are.

I do ask why the man took his children into an area they could get attacked by a bear. That's child endangerment.

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