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Aussie , aussie , aussie.................

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Just wondered why so many young drunken Austrians feel the need to shout out "Aussie , aussie , aussie" and want the rest of the bar to shout out "Oi oi oi" after them ?

   Not to mention them graffiting the walls in Thailand as to where they come from .

"Im Ausriaaaaaaiiin " we really dont care where you are from .

18 minutes ago, sanemax said:

"Im Ausriaaaaaaiiin " we really dont care where you are from .

You sure they're not Austrians?


None of the Austrians I know would refer to themselves as "aussie" that term is reserved for our antipodean friends.


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"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Yeah, I know, it's an epidemic. Honestly, I can't step out of my front door without hearing, Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi.


Whenever a pub full of Austrians (or Aussies) shout "aussie aussie aussie" reply at the top of your voice "oui oui oui"

It throws them off. 

Where do you drink by the way?  Khao San Road? 


It is because that is about the only song they know,i remember coming home from Sydney on the train after England beat Australia in the rugby world cup final,some Aussie started singing this in our carriage,they were duly drowned out by a full rendition of "Jerusalem" from the England supporters,it was the same in the stadium,their pathetic attempts to get a bit of "waltzing matilda" going where drowned out every time by "swing low" or "jerusalem" it's as simple as that they have no tradition of singing at sporting event's as another poster said about the Barmy army,who sing most of the day at the ashes.


Slightly off topic but i remember when i lived in Oz,my ex Father in law was going overseas for the first time,funnily enough to Thailand,which he insisted on pronouncing 'thighland' [he could have been half right there], and asked me did they speak "stralian' there,i asked if he meant English,he said no what we speak 'stralian', i told he spoke English,

  "you might you Pommie *&^$%#,i speak 'stralian" i gave up then and told him to enjoy his holiday in 'Thighland'.

On 7/15/2018 at 12:03 PM, marko kok prong said:

,he said no what we speak 'stralian', i told he spoke English,

Many years ago there was a book titled "STRINE' (being australian speak for australian) for everyone to understand what we say.

  • Thanks 1

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

On 7/14/2018 at 2:46 PM, sipi said:

Whenever a pub full of Austrians (or Aussies) shout "aussie aussie aussie" reply at the top of your voice "oui oui oui"

It throws them off. 

Where do you drink by the way?  Khao San Road? 

In a bar in CM , full of England football supporters watching the World Cup , quite a few other supporters there as well , all cheering on their respective teams .

    There was just a few Aussies in there , trying to get the "Aussie , aussie, aussie" chant going when Australia were not even playing and a few unaware people were joining in with the "oi oi oi".

   Spent the whole game being obnoxious and confrontational and trying to pick arguments with the football watching fans .

   Thankfully they were just ignored , although it nearly boiled over outside afterwards .

  Australians have a reputation for being nice friendly people , maybe the older ones are , but the younger Aussies can be rather obnoxious , mouthy Aussie supremacists  

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, sanemax said:

In a bar in CM , full of England football supporters watching the World Cup , quite a few other supporters there as well , all cheering on their respective teams .

    There was just a few Aussies in there , trying to get the "Aussie , aussie, aussie" chant going when Australia were not even playing and a few unaware people were joining in with the "oi oi oi".

   Spent the whole game being obnoxious and confrontational and trying to pick arguments with the football watching fans .

   Thankfully they were just ignored , although it nearly boiled over outside afterwards .

  Australians have a reputation for being nice friendly people , maybe the older ones are , but the younger Aussies can be rather obnoxious , mouthy Aussie supremacists  

Failed uni students all excited about their first plane trip and the taste of alcohol.  Finally cut away from Mummy's dominance.

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