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SURVEY: Was Trump disrespectful to the British Monarch?


SURVEY: Was Trump disrespectful toward the British Monarch?  

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9 hours ago, jayboy said:

Britain held off the Nazis entirely alone while the Russians were allies of Hitler.Contrary to legend it would have been difficult for Germany to invade since the Royal Navy was hugely powerful.Roosevelt was sympathetic but given isolationism in Congress did not commit troops until after Pearl Harbour.Prior to that America had provided material support to Britain through Lend Lease but on usurious terms which nearly bankrupted Britain in her time of need.The Americans though initially raw and inexperienced made a big difference and had superior generals to the British.Overall the quality of German soldiers and officers easily exceeded anything the Americans or British had to offer.In the larger scheme of things by far the greatest contribution to victory was made by Russia with a sacrifice in blood that is still almost unimaginable.

Why was Eisenhower made 

Supreme Commander of the allied forces and not a British or Russian general?

 Seems to me, the Americans were running the show.



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On 7/15/2018 at 5:23 PM, alocacoc said:

Actually it was a honor to the royals to get visited by the Trumps.


Why else they would invite him?


And the anti - Trump protests are not only disrespectful against Trump, but also against the queen.


However, that's the UK. They can do what they find appropriate. Good luck.


Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.







However, that's the UK. They can do what they find appropriate. Good luck.


To quote your words.


Why does he insist on sticking his nose into every other country's political agenda and other issues?


Theresa May invited him. 

It was a diluted invite for several reasons. 

Mainly Trump wanting more time to do other things.

Scottish golf courses etc.

It certainly wasn't a state visit. 

So any royal family attendance was a bonus. 

Trump always wanted to meet with the Queen. 


Maybe he wanted to sit in her chair as well as Winston Churchill's?

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32 minutes ago, PhonThong said:

Why was Eisenhower made 

Supreme Commander of the allied forces and not a British or Russian general?

 Seems to me, the Americans were running the show.



They had more toys!

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13 hours ago, jayboy said:

Russians were allies of Hitler.

Yeah they went into Poland as well but many Russians always knew that the Nazi regime would turn and attack them when the time was right.

It turned out to be the Nazi biggest mistake.


13 hours ago, jayboy said:

Congress did not commit troops until after Pearl Harbour.

To get America to fight Churchill had a message overheard allegedly by the Emperor of Japan about a lot of boats being in one place.


13 hours ago, jayboy said:

In the larger scheme of things by far the greatest contribution to victory was made by Russia with a sacrifice in blood that is still almost unimaginable.

Yes figures range from 20,000,000 to 35,000,000 lives lost. 

Edited by Kwasaki
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20 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:


To get America to fight Churchill had a message overheard allegedly by the Emperor of Japan about a lot of boats being in one place.



I don't understand this.Can you elaborate please.

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4 hours ago, PhonThong said:

Why was Eisenhower made 

Supreme Commander of the allied forces and not a British or Russian general?

 Seems to me, the Americans were running the show.



Statement withdrawn 

Edited by Grouse
Scott's warning
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12 hours ago, AYJAYDEE said:

No, not everyone is like that

Everything everyone does is selfish. You can kid yourself and ratinalize otherwise, but it is true. I could almost prive this, but it is beyond a thaivisa post. We evolved to be selfish for very specific reasons, selfish meaning looking out for our genes; ourselves and family. Get it through your head, everything you do, including your response to this post, is selfish. Just because you don't want to admit it doesn't make it untrue. 

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9 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Wow. Why is that an acceptable trait in a president? A bartender sure but a president? Come on now.

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Because if he was actually a halfway decent person, which i personally don't think he is, I think a president like that could get a lot of good stuff done. Maybe not, maybe it would be a detriment, but at least we know where people like that stand.


Who do you like and respect? The guy who smiles in your face and calls you names when you turn your back, or the guy who calls you the same names to your face? 

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5 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

Everything everyone does is selfish. You can kid yourself and ratinalize otherwise, but it is true. I could almost prive this, but it is beyond a thaivisa post. We evolved to be selfish for very specific reasons, selfish meaning looking out for our genes; ourselves and family. Get it through your head, everything you do, including your response to this post, is selfish. Just because you don't want to admit it doesn't make it untrue. 


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2 hours ago, jayboy said:

I don't understand this.Can you elaborate please.

If " Scott " will allow my last comment related to ww2.


It's one of the many conspiracy theories that are brought up like from the beginning of time either serious or just in a joking manner.

Churchill tried many times to get America into the war and as of today with Trump it's hard to stop or get America to do anything.

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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:

His comments regarding his "trip" included this whopper...



Trump wrongly says queen reviewed guard for 1st time in 70 years

President Trump claimed Tuesday that during his visit to England, Queen Elizabeth II reviewed her Guard of Honor for the first time in 70 years -- but she's only been queen for 65 years. And as any royal-watcher knows, reviewing the guard is something she's been photographed doing many times over the years.


"We met with the queen, who is absolutely a terrific person, where she reviewed her Honor Guard for the first time in 70 years, they tell me," Mr. Trump said at the White House Tuesday. "We walked in front of the Honor Guard and that was very inspiring to see and be with her. And I think the relationship, I can truly say is a good one. But she was very, very inspiring indeed."


The queen's coronation was in June 1953. Reviewing the Honor Guard is a frequent part of her royal duties. She did so with President Obama during his visit to Buckingham Palace in 2011.





He obviously misspoke!


Not uncommon so I hear.


It is the current discrete term for lying bastard...

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1 hour ago, Kwasaki said:

Yes our Queen could teach Trump many a thing but I guess she wouldn't want to. 

I'm sure there are many who could teach him how to fasten the buttons on his jacket and how long a necktie should be.  But to learn, you need to be able to listen so unlikely to happen.

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