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Does anyone know where I can find the baseplate/washer for a bathroom tap? The hole in the sink is too large and water leaks through. Photo attached.


I've tried all the usual places with no luck.







The pipe to tap does NOT seal on the bench top. Try some thread tape in the correct place.


If however, you mean that water that splashes on the bench top leaks through, use some silicone sealer. 


I think the silicon will stain.
What about a nice tile under the tap, with a correct sized hole thru it?

Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk


Looks like a round peg in a square hole..... is that a previous square cut hole?

 Not much seating for that tap at all, and with little effort it can easily find itself falling over.


You need to cloak the square hole. one option is to go and buy a stainless steel nut washer a tad bigger than the tap diameter. it will be seen but neat.

I wouldn't put any gunk around it as it will look a mess and still not provide a seating for the tap.


Another option is to get hold of the nylon/rubber washers that come with taps of this nature, even similar ones you get as part of the wc cistern accessories. For spares I have before gone and salvaged from the tapware from ex displays in the big box stores. My favourite place for free spares is Home Sukkapan.


Another way is to cut one out from some thick rubber. We just had a need to do that and were given an old broken inner tube protection ring for a truck tyre that was perfect, about 6mm thick in the centre and not very difficult to cut.


Most hardware shops will have a chrome dress washer to cover that as well as the large diameter 1/2" washer and rubber gasket to go on the underside. HomePro probably won't but other ones like Big Lots most definitely will. That's where I got mine to cover a larger diameter hole when I replaced kitchen sink mixer taps with single 1/2" water service.


Take that photo and a sketch of what you want along to your local hardware store, odds-on they will have something suitable "out back". Cost -> zero.


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Finding  washers here aint so easy BUT if  you  call this  company they should be able to provide you with a  massive selection of washers, get a stainless  one with a rubber one between top and  bottom to stop it  spinning  round later , only downside is they dont deliver and youll have to go there .its in BKK 



Failing that try the local stainless  steel gate  maker, they have a  range of bits and pieces and are "everywhere" in Thailand


perhaps you can find a similar product by taking this picture to your local home improvement stores or  order it via amazon


13 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Most hardware shops will have a chrome dress washer to cover that as well as the large diameter 1/2" washer and rubber gasket to go on the underside. HomePro probably won't but other ones like Big Lots most definitely will. That's where I got mine to cover a larger diameter hole when I replaced kitchen sink mixer taps with single 1/2" water service.

Thanks, where is "big lots" located? It's not coming up in any search.

15 hours ago, Anythingleft? said:

I found Boonthavorn to have the best selection of useful accessories

Cheers, I'll check them out.


So far I've come up short showing the photo at all the local places and asking for help.

8 hours ago, rob2013 said:

So far I've come up short showing the photo at all the local places and asking for help.

When you visit your hardware store you need the granny, she will know exactly what's in-stock in the darkest recesses, the whippersnappers know zip.


We have a place I call the "Magic Shop" they magically come up with exactly what I want, or a passable substitution. "Granny" seems to think I'm her pet farang and hustles the youngsters away when I appear. It's not as if I spend packets, I doubt our biggest transaction has been anywhere near 500 Baht.


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


The tap in the OP's photo looks knackered anyway. I also spent a day looking for a decent washer to do the same task, without any success, and in the end I found it easier and cheaper to buy a complete Hafele swivel tap which came with a matching brushed stainless steel washer.

The whole lot cost about 750B and looks much nicer than the cheap chrome rubbish it replaced, and it took all of 5 minutes to fit.

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