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Trump tries to calm political storm over Putin summit, says he misspoke


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4 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:




The Russian operation to sway the election in favour of Trump occurred during the administration immediately preceding the Trump administration.


Brilliant deduction.





Wrong again Watson. The culprits were not trying to get Trump or Hillary elected. They were trolls trying to cause chaos on both the left and right. 


Sleep off that hangover and try again. 

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Oh I call bull s!!t he said in his grammar school command of the English language what he ment and in his private meeting he was getting pointers on how to create an autocracy in the USA he is a treasonous tody of Putin.after the midterms things will change surviving republicans won’t be afraid and if the dems gain majority look out Leavenworth is waiting Donald they will keep the light on for ya!

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57 minutes ago, alanrchase said:

I managed to get 7 minutes into his statement and it was 7 minutes of waffle. I had to give up. "The Queen reviewed her honour guard for the first time in 70 years"? After claiming he mispoke about Russian interference he didn't have the sense to get any facts checked before he gave today's drivel?

He just does not care. It means nothing to him. He is the pre-eminent authority on everything. He knows all. He is omniscient, omnipotent, and fully realized. Why would he have to fact check, when the entire universe is inside his head? 

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19 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

In 1950, the Republican party unleashed a period of terror called "McCarthyism", where thousands of decent,  loyal Americans were accused of being "communist sympathizers" and had their lives ruined.


Today, we see the hypocrites of the Republican party again sit by quietly as Trump does real and lasting damage to the nation. 


A tragedy.



Aided in part by Trump mentor/consigliere Roy Cohn.


How apropos.





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6 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

Trump should have said both sides spy, cheat and meddle as that's the truth. Silly mistake.


He's said as much quite often, including in the infamous Superbowl interview with disgraced Fox "News" host Bill O'Reilly






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4 hours ago, Carib said:

Backpedaling again, as usual.   ? True statesman. 

Next time vote for Kim kardashian, it will not make any difference. 


Compared with Trump she is too intelligent  and she is not able to lie as much as the Orange Monster :shock1:.

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4 hours ago, Carib said:

Backpedaling again, as usual.   ? True statesman. 

Next time vote for Kim kardashian, it will not make any difference. 


Compared with Trump she is too intelligent  and she is not able to lie as much as the Orange Monster :shock1:.

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1 hour ago, yougivemebaby said:

All this supposed meddling occurred during the Obama administration. Trump is trying to create peace instead of igniting a Cold War and the liberals are losing their minds. Without difinitive facts, why risk diplomacy? 

Yes. But then there would have been little point in meddling after the election now would there?

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Russia's political and media establishment heralded the summit as a victory for Putin in breaking down Western resolve to treat Russia as a pariah.


Regarding Trump's day-after backtracking and weazle-wording, what a total load of BS.


The message from his summit press conference wasn't made or lost based on him adding or not adding "n't" to one word. The overall message was clear throughout his comments -- he loves Putin and believes Putin over the U.S.


The inveterate liar is back to doing the thing he does best -- lying again.


Anyone who believes this latest explanation from Trump is surely denser than a brick!


Trump = Traitor

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

In 1950, the Republican party unleashed a period of terror called "McCarthyism", where thousands of decent,  loyal Americans were accused of being "communist sympathizers" and had their lives ruined.


Today, we see the hypocrites of the Republican party again sit by quietly as Trump does real and lasting damage to the nation. 


A tragedy.



In the McCarthy era, as you note, most of the accused were innocent of anything.


In the current era, Trump is the opposite -- he is in fact a Russia (communist) sympathizer over his own country.


Republicans of the past surely must be turning over in their graves.


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2 hours ago, attrayant said:

The problem with changing 'would' to 'wouldn't' is that this one sentence now stands at odds with all the other sentences in Trump's remarks at Helsinki.  It's so obvious that he's lying.  He said exactly what he meant to say.

Of course.


Does anybody really believe his retraction?

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2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


You can't teach an old dog new tricks.



'Counter to the plan': Trump ignored advisers' advice over press conference with Vladimir Putin, White House insiders say


President Trump's freewheeling Helsinki press conference in which he slated US intelligence agencies has handed Russian president Vladimir Putin a diplomatic triumph, White House officials are privately admitting.


Ahead of the meeting, staffers provided Mr Trump with some 100 pages of briefing materials aimed at laying out a tough posture towards Putin, but the president ignored most of it, according to one person familiar with the discussions, who spoke to the Washington Post on the condition of anonymity.


Trump’s remarks were “very much counter to the plan,” the staffer said.





Yep, that one, you kind of had to figure... Pure typical Trump, in all his worst on display for the world to see and mourn.  More evidence a guy like that has NO business being president of the U.S.


Russia certainly helped. But too many Americans were just stupid to be taken in and deceived. Stupid!



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2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Wag the dog time.


Trump to JCS, "So who can we lob missiles at today?"





It used to be a fictional movie, its now a factual documentary.

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Just now, Prairieboy said:

Being a 'very stable genius' he certainly lacks in tact and diplomacy!  An illiterate buffoon dressed in wrinkled suits displaying signs of early dementia! 

Early? It's in an advanced stage already.


PS. Is it me or are the usual apologists unusually quiet today?

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