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Pattaya club raided in middle of night, 36 suspected drug users found

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23 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Mandatory rehabilitation? That's hysterical. Why don't they come out and tell the truth? What they mean is 60 days in jail. And there isn't any rehabilitation, only degradation. The whole damn lot of them will be bang on it again, as soon as they get out and go partying with their friends. It's time Thailand admitted it has lost the war on drugs and come up with a better approach.

The Filippinos are happy with what Duterte is trying to do. Shoot the dealers.

14 hours ago, timendres said:

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I smoked weed every day of my life for 15 years in the US. Held very serious jobs, made a good income, had 3 homes and 2 cars, paid all of my bills, saved for my retirement, sent my sons through university, and never once had a problem. Came to Thailand 8 years ago, and stopped smoking the day I arrived, and never smoked again. Weed is far more forgiving and manageable than alcohol.


"none of addicted people can have a normal life" Guess again. You are surrounded by people who are addicted to various drugs, and many of them have a relatively normal life, although they constantly walk the line of losing control. And, often, they inevitably trip over that line and are forced to seek help. Each addition has it's attributes, and each person is differently equipped to handle their addiction. I would never want to be addicted to heroin, or meth, or even alcohol. I doubt that I could handle those drugs.


The war on drugs is lost. Was lost from the beginning. And more often than not, it is the very drug dealers created by the current drug laws that are the very reason many people start using harder, more addictive drugs. It is in the drug dealer's interest to hook you on the most addictive drugs. Controlling access, educating people, and providing medical and psychological assistance when people need it, is the best answer to the problem, and the current laws are not helping with any of those things.

yes you lucky you could control yourself and only smoke weed but sorry I not live in a bubble just looking of your own country so meny crack addict people without no control over themselves 

where do they get the money from 

Stealing, killing people 

So war on drugs will never end just imagining so crack addicted people breaking into your home find your family sleep what happens?  

It will not be fun 

Weed are a plant 

meth is chemical 

can't compare 

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