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CNN says its correspondent was excluded from covering White House Trump event


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CNN says its correspondent was excluded from covering White House Trump event


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - CNN said on Wednesday that one of its White House correspondents, Kaitlin Collins, was excluded from covering one of President Donald Trump's events on Wednesday, prompting a complaint by the White House Correspondents Association.


Collins was barred from a Rose Garden event for asking questions at an earlier event about an audio recording of Trump purportedly discussing with his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, a fund being established to pay a former Playboy model, Karen McDougal, for keeping quiet about an alleged affair with Trump.


Collins asked about the audio recording in a picture-taking session in the Oval Office as Trump met with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.


CNN said in a statement that Collins was told by White House communications director Bill Shine and press secretary Sarah Sanders that her questions had been "inappropriate" and that she could not attend an event later in the Rose Garden during which Trump and Juncker announced a joint working dialogue on trade.


"This decision to bar a member of the press is retaliatory in nature and not indicative of an open and free press. We demand better," CNN said.


Trump has frequently complained about CNN's coverage of his presidency, saying he feels it is unfair. The White House had no immediate comment CNN's statement.


Olivier Knox, president of the White House Correspondents Association, denounced the White House decision.


"We strongly condemn the White House's misguided and inappropriate decision today to bar one of our members from an open press event after she asked questions they did not like," Knox said in a statement.


"This type of retaliation is wholly inappropriate, wrong-headed, and weak. It cannot stand.


"Reporters asking questions of powerful government officials, up to and including the President, helps hold those people accountable. In our republic, the WHCA supports the prerogative of all reporters to do their jobs without fear of reprisal from the government," Knox said.


(Reporting By Steve Holland; Editing by Toni Reinhold)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-07-26
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3 minutes ago, Kelsall said:

Sorry, Sir, but you've got it all wrong.  CNN is pure and has the moral high ground and must be allowed to offer its unbiased reporting!  After all, was it not CNN's Martha Raddatz, an unbiased debate moderator, who broke down and started crying when Trump won? Also they have Van Jones who is clearly factual and unbiased!

Which is related to excluding CNN how?

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1 hour ago, DoctorG said:

Why would he care if they boycotted him? Most of the MSM never write anything favourable to him anyway. They could just continue to do what they are doing now. Making stuff up.

Trump would just use tweets and FOX to reach his supporters.



Fox News massively outstrips CNN viewership.



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11 hours ago, ehs818 said:

The US Constitution guarantees a free press. After all of his lies, and those of  his spokespeople, it's time for the entire WH Press Corps to BOYCOTT this administration. Ignore his statements and report about his lies. Where are his taxes? Let's see more stories on what he is doing that is inconsistent with his Constitutional Duties. Boycott this trash.


There's a very good article in the New York Times yesterday detailing how Trump and his aides and attorney Guiliani  have blatantly and repeatedly lied on the whole Trump affairs issue, and they keep doing it because the American public is letting them get away with it, and not holding them responsible. Enough is enough!!!!


How Michael Cohen’s Audio Clip Unraveled Trump’s False Statements





Finally, the tape has become public. And it revealed the statements by Ms. Hicks and Mr. Giuliani to be false. The recording, which was broadcast by CNN late Tuesday night, shows Mr. Trump was directly involved in talks about whether to pay The Enquirer for the rights to the woman’s story.




Edited by metisdead
Edited as per fair use policy.
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2 hours ago, DoctorG said:

Why would he care if they boycotted him? Most of the MSM never write anything favourable to him anyway. They could just continue to do what they are doing now. Making stuff up.

Trump would just use tweets and FOX to reach his supporters.

There's been a bit of unfavourable stuff popping up on FOX lately as well. Even some of the people there are getting sick of his crap.

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3 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I've been very curious about the language the media has been using about Trump and Co's repeated lies.


But most of the time, the news reporting doesn't call them "lies" or say a person "lied."  But instead, you get terms like used in the NYT article of "false statements", "falsehoods," "misstatements."  Forgive me, but after all this time, it's pretty clear that Trump and Co. are simply "liars" and "lying."


Lie and lying being defined as "making an intentionally false statement" or to "present a false impression; be deceptive."  That's exactly what Trump and Co. have been doing for a long time, repeatedly on many fronts. Liars and lying. Not accidental. Not misquoted. Not vague language that can be misunderstood.


Curiously and ironically, AFAICT, the only time the NYT article actually uses any version of the term "lie" in relation to any individual are dual references to Bill Clinton and John Edwards, who are said by the NYT to have lied about their past affairs. But no such direct and specific "lie" reference to any of Trump and Co.'s lies!


IMHO, we're long past the time to clearly call Trump and Co. what they are and what they've long been doing -- liars and lying -- when the facts fit the definitions, notwithstanding it's the president of the United States.

It is considered impolite and unprofessional to call a liar a liar. But perhaps because of the blatant degree with which Trump lies, many news media now actually call him what he is, a liar, no more being polite.

But it is indelibly etched in my mind how during his campaign, he used to buttonhole many opponents with the word "lying so and so" in front of their name....... lying Ted ...... lying Hilary ...... lying Anybody.

But look who turned out to be the biggest liar of them all ..... lying Don.

This audio recording proves this lie. We all knew hundreds of other statements were lies.

But he obviously subscribes to "bullshit baffles brains".

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4 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

Good. CNN has no right to be there. Press releases and press briefings are for the American People, not CNN or any other misbehaved misanthropic news non-reporter.

Sent from my Star Trek Communicator.

Yes, no right to be there, other than the first amendment.

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13 minutes ago, neeray said:

It is considered impolite and unprofessional to call a liar a liar. But perhaps because of the blatant degree with which Trump lies, many news media now actually call him what he is, a liar, no more being polite.

But it is indelibly etched in my mind how during his campaign, he used to buttonhole many opponents with the word "lying so and so" in front of their name....... lying Ted ...... lying Hilary ...... lying Anybody.

But look who turned out to be the biggest liar of them all ..... lying Don.

This audio recording proves this lie. We all knew hundreds of other statements were lies.

But he obviously subscribes to "bullshit baffles brains".


I understand what you're saying, especially with regard to the etiquette traditionally afforded the president of the U.S., like standing when he/she comes into the room.  And you raise good points about Trump's own behavior during the campaign of repeatedly calling his opponents "liars" and "lying."


But, in the case of the NYT, they didn't seem to have any hesitation to say a former president (Bill Clinton) lied about his affair, nor in using the same direct language regarding John Edwards, a former vice presidential candidate. Just not about Trump or any of his lackeys.


Sanders was never said to have lied. Hicks was never said to have lied. Guiliani was never said to have lied.  But Bill Clinton and John Edwards lied, according to the NYT account. BTW, I hope the Trump disciples who constantly bash the NYT take note of the linguistic double standard the NYT is extending to Trump and Co. in the case of the terms lie and lied.


I certainly wouldn't use the words liar or lie lightly or without supporting evidence.  But Trump and his lackeys have so abused the fair notions of truth and reality, repeatedly, blatantly and on so many fronts, that IMHO it's time to stop giving them a free pass and call them what they are.  They've used and abused whatever benefit of the doubt or courtesy they might have been entitled to on the lying front.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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2 minutes ago, sikishrory said:

You can't just hide behind a facade of being "open and free press" when it suits you. 

CNN are biased and have not stopped trying to discredit Trump since before he was even elected. 


I don't accept your premise regarding CNN... But even if I did, presumably you're not OK with CNN, but you're perfectly OK with the behavior of entities like Fox New that every day, day in and day out, take bias and selective reporting to a whole new level far far beyond anything CNN has ever done.


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