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Hunt for man whose photo drove woman to suicide


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Yes, rape does happen everywhere, but I feel that it's easier for some men here. I mean, in how many other places in the world do people fear village headmen?


On another note, this qoute highlights another societal problem: it's easier to commit suicide when you believe you're coming back.


On 7/26/2018 at 7:24 PM, snoop1130 said:

she apologised for embarrassing her parents and hoped to be born as her twin sister in her next life. 


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this case really has got to me.... I know this school director who works outside of Udon thanni  she fears her safety if staying alone in her house which is just out of ear shot from many homes.. and she says she must not dress sexy as if this invites the chance of rape.. She refuses to live in a small town (village nearest her school for fear of men)...  I know a nurse  South of Korat who told me to day she wishes she could open her window on the nice nights.. but her situation is she lives in an apartment  that houses low wage factory workers from other countries.  All these stories of violent acts in Thailand makes me want to stay here in my safe neighborhood.  

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14 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

I have lived within a Thai rural community for decades and I am on good terms with the head man of our village.


They are elected in every 4 years. Although they do hold a certain amount of power, headmen are more influential than powerful and do have a lot of clout with higher government officials.  They could be described as a type of leaders of a residents association, and are there to oversee the smooth running of a community.


In Thai culture, it is considered inappropriate for a married woman to be unaccompanied in a home or elsewhere with another man, especially a hotel room, although in today`s Thai society they don`t strictly adhere to this old cultural rule, but still many do, especially the younger women.


Even without the ALLEGED rape, a young married woman visiting a man in a hotel room will set tongues wagging in the local community, gossip and rumours will fly around at lightening speed. 


Thai people are not so gullible, naive and subservient as you might believe. Even headmen of a village must withhold a certain respectability and reputation in order to maintain their high status within a community. They cannot operate without community support, unlike the police or high ranking government officials



I don't disagree with you.


There will be a spectrum of village headmen from the outright thuggish and scary to the approachable and reasonable. We don't know where this guy lay on that spectrum.


Also, as you say, I am sure it is well known that this village headman likes young girls. However, the community may place little weight on that and say nothing if a) he does his bureaucratic duties and/or b) nobody cares about his womanising and/or c) people are terrified of him and his thugs.


You have capitalised "alleged". We don't know the level of coercion. I am sure if the girl was coerced, then he would have got away with it had he not posted pictures online.

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Disregarding the fact that she was married and an ethnic minority, what did the victim seek to gain from having a liaison with the local puyai? Since Thailand is still very much a feudal patriarchal society, even more so in the more remote regions, unlike some who claim to "have lived within a Thai rural community for decades", I am not overly surprised that this may have happened.


With regard to Thai men and women being seen together in public, the suggestion that these days, younger women may have less qualms about sleeping around and thus "they don`t strictly adhere to this old cultural rule" is simply blaming THIS victim. In other words, nice, young Thai women, especially married ones, don't go to hotel rooms with other men, regardless of the social status of either party, otherwise they are simply a slut and deserve all, that's coming to them.


The thing I find harder to comprehend is what did this puyai seek to gain by posting after-the-fact, incriminating pictures on social media? He allegedly already had his way with the victim. Why did he feel the need to blackmail her? What could a puyai possibly want so badly from a young ethnic minority woman that he needed to further coerce her this way? Maybe he wanted a repeat liaison... or maybe whatever the victim was led to believe she would be 'rewarded' with after the first liaison was withheld?


Maybe, ultimately if was just a 'roll in the hay' for both parties. But again, why his need to shame her on social media?

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On 7/27/2018 at 12:16 PM, tryasimight said:

Really depends on where he is in the hierarchy


Thanks for the details, I did learn something from your post. However, my stance was only meant to be funny, not accurate.

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