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Illogical pricing


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5 hours ago, sanemax said:

That was your fault and you should have paid for the damage that you caused , you probably picked the pack up by the end bottle and swung it around a bit, causing the last bottle to fall out .

   The breakage was caused by inability to pick up a pack of three beers without one falling out , so, you should have paid for it .

  BTW , rather childish of you to use the "If you dont like felangs , why work here" and it makes no sense at all to say that .

  7/11's are not shops for felangs and your disagreement with her had nothing to do with you being a felangs , you played the race card

Point taken, I'll look in the mirror and see if my thoughts about it have changed any, but I don't think so, the case was broken open and put in the fridge, I think I grabbed it by the center bottle, the lady was taking pictures of the case, and the other girls were smiling at me.  What I said was right for the moment, she had that look on her ace that was total disdain for foreigners......after my tirade, she turned around and tried to look busy, and the other girls were amused.  Sometimes you have to just let loose on people.it keep them in check.   Childish??  If she hadn't used Farang about 12 times in a few sentences, I would have not got my back up.  I continue to go to the store, and make it a point to go to her register if I see her behind the counter(now that may be childish)

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On 8/7/2018 at 2:39 PM, janclaes47 said:

Big C is selling for years already 6 donuts for 28 Baht, next to it is a box with 10 donuts, which has a sticker "save" pack 50 Baht.

about 40 satang a donut difference, not exactly what I would call a ripoff but I get your point. 

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On 8/8/2018 at 3:41 AM, tifino said:

what about 7-11 coffees? 


Currently in Australia, If I wanted $3 worth of hot coffee; I'd get three $1 individual serves - as it works out better value ($/100ml) than a $2 or a $3 single serve!



it's the small things that really matter ? 

I am often asked, 'why d you buy 7/11 coffee?? Because its cheap??  No, because it tastes good, and somtimes they even give me one for free.

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5 hours ago, hobz said:

And Swedish people are presumed to be strong in Math and that's why store owners in Sweden don't try this?

I still think it's more about that Swedes complain and Thais have mai pen rai. 


4 hours ago, hobz said:

Dude, you are preaching to the quire, you think I would start a discussion like this if I didn't study prices constantly? ? hehe

Swedes may be strong in math but also 'hooked on phonics".

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1 hour ago, TunnelRat69 said:

Point taken, I'll look in the mirror and see if my thoughts about it have changed any, but I don't think so, the case was broken open and put in the fridge, I think I grabbed it by the center bottle, the lady was taking pictures of the case, and the other girls were smiling at me.  What I said was right for the moment, she had that look on her ace that was total disdain for foreigners......after my tirade, she turned around and tried to look busy, and the other girls were amused.  Sometimes you have to just let loose on people.it keep them in check.   Childish??  If she hadn't used Farang about 12 times in a few sentences, I would have not got my back up.  I continue to go to the store, and make it a point to go to her register if I see her behind the counter(now that may be childish)

You can get away with behaving like that with 7/11 staff , but if you become abusive , confrontational and aggressive in other places , such as bars , cheap restaurants , or with Tuk-tuk drivers and various other places , the outcome is quite likely to be very different .

   If you get in some other peoples faces like that , its highly likely to end in violence .

    You went through all that disruption for the sake of 50 Baht , when you may have been at fault yourself .

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Simple calculation:


you buy ONE Bag of Chips = ONE bag and the chips

lets calculate the empty bag as 1 baht (deffo Farang Price but easy to calculate)


you buy TEN Bags of chips in ONE Box  =  TEN bags, ONE box and more chips.  

hence you have the value of 10 baht for the bags and another 3 baht for the handy Box.

Under the line you paid only 3 baht more for the big pack,  so you save 10 baht, don't you?


Kind of...   




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The illogical pricing is extremely common and it's kind of fun and keeps you on your toes when doing the shopping.


I think it sets a point to thai people to think more before they buy.


So many examples but my favourite is the 2 pack of deodorant 19 baht more than individual exact same item. So for example.  Single item 75 baht. Exact same item in double pack. 169 baht.


I thought maybe the extra cost was based on only having to pick up the double pack once and therefore saving you the hassle of having to pick up two singular items lol.

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10 hours ago, hobz said:

Means nothing? 

I think it's because Swedes love complaining and Thais are the opposite. "Mai pen rai".

This has huge impact on society, nothing gets fixed even though its obviously broken.

did you read the first part of my previous reply to you? Maybe it's not an error, and then there is nothing to fix

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12 hours ago, hobz said:

Another one that completely misses the point..

So In Sweden large bags of crisps are not convenient? And In Sweden new supplies coming in are never more expensive than older stock? 


You've answered your own question. Much as you consider Sweden to be the most advanced country on the planet, this is Thailand, and anything can and will happen here. Perhaps you'd do better back home where everything is so much more wonderful. 

Edited by stephenterry
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23 hours ago, sanemax said:

You can get away with behaving like that with 7/11 staff , but if you become abusive , confrontational and aggressive in other places , such as bars , cheap restaurants , or with Tuk-tuk drivers and various other places , the outcome is quite likely to be very different .

   If you get in some other peoples faces like that , its highly likely to end in violence .

    You went through all that disruption for the sake of 50 Baht , when you may have been at fault yourself .


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On 8/10/2018 at 8:53 AM, stephenterry said:

You've answered your own question. Much as you consider Sweden to be the most advanced country on the planet, this is Thailand, and anything can and will happen here. Perhaps you'd do better back home where everything is so much more wonderful. 

Lol completely missing the point again.

I much prefer mai pen Rai over Sweden. Everything has upsides and downsides. I'm curious about both. Peace be with you man. Sorry if I upset you. I was in a bad mood.

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Someone called it a idiot tax and someone called it a retail trick.


I think this does not make sense.


There is a reason that a good business will give a small discount for larger quantities. 

It gives incentive to customers to buy higher volume. Higher volume = higher net profit.


Higher volume.

Higher Profit. (!)


When you set the trick price for the idiot tax you take away the incentive from the rational customer to increase volume.


So the question is, how much do you win from rational customers increasing their volume as response to the given incentive.

Vs how much do you win from "idiots" when they fall for the trick pricing?


Are the idiots really making up for the rational customers?

Are there so few rational customers here? So many idiots?

Probably, it's usually such small amounts so who cares, we are in paradise etc ?


wheres my San Miguel light. With lime.






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On 8/7/2018 at 6:05 PM, hobz said:

I'm not worried about it. I just want to understand it. Let's call it curiosity. And yes, many things here defy logic. I chalk most of it up to incompetence. And that's fine. I don't have my panties in a bunch. ?

'Knickers in a twist' is the saying.

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