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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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6 minutes ago, sandyf said:

There wouldn't be much speculation if the government honoured its promise of lifetime votes for expats.


The biggest decision for the UK in recent times was based on 1.38 percent of the electorate. "Margin of error" is not in the brexiteer vocabulary.


1.38 % of electorate? Not much.


How you go about arriving at that figure?

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35 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Still trying to find a way out.

"Now maybe now you can explain to us why deceitful actions by the EU are so much more important to brexiteers than deceitful actions by the UK government."


Way out of what?


Pages ago you posted this:


  On 9/25/2018 at 9:41 AM, sandyf said:

The future path of the EEC/EU was laid out at the leaders meeting in Dec 1969 and the UK parliament would have been fully aware of that path when they voted to join the "Community" on 28th Oct 1971.

Obviously Heath and Junker were on the same page, just that no one has brought out a quote by Heath.

Those that want to hang the EU out to dry should be looking a lot closer to home.


Just because a course of action is not laid out in detail does not make it the wrong course of action.


= = =


I provided a quote from Heath to show his deception. Your question re "deceitful actions" was added in a later post and I have not said those by the EU are more "important" than those of the UK.  

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For some reason May keeps reiterating the EU line that Free Trade agreement requires a border in the Irish Sea. Well "There is a technical solution to keeping an open border in Ireland after Brexit, a customs expert has suggested. Lars Karlsson, a former senior officer in Swedish customs, was giving evidence to the Commons Brexit committee." This is the basis of what Johnson and Rees-Mogg have proposed.



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On 9/26/2018 at 2:35 PM, CG1 Blue said:

"we as Eu members can vote to maybe accept you again . at our terms and condition"

You clearly don't know the British people if you think we would agree to be even more subservient to the EU.


"Britain alwys stoppedEu from moving forward"

I'm interested to hear how you want the EU to move forward now that Britain will no longer be holding it back. Do you want a United States of Europe led by Juncker or his successor?


"Britain is not so important , like it thinks"

Please tell us about your important country, and what it has contributed to the world.


On 9/27/2018 at 10:35 AM, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

He/She's probably Belgian ???? . 

Well yes, jolly good Beer, smashing choccolate and, er...er...yes, jolly good beer!

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2 hours ago, tebee said:


it's only pro EU from your viewpoint, most remainers see the BBC in particular as being pro leave


Thanks for the lead in to the BBC. Mods please forgive.....this is completely off topic and I didn't know where to put it but it is a stunning BBC commercial I wanted to share. I am sure many will enjoy.

<http://www.youtube.com/embed/ auSo1MyWf8g?rel=0

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5 hours ago, rixalex said:

Just more of the usual patronising stuff from you about how all the people who just happen to hold the same opinion as you, are the informed, well-read ones who have a balanced and intelligent view of the world, and all those whose opinion is different from you, are the old, misinformed, biased, brainwashed hasbeens.


If you really are as open minded as you claim, reading from sources that contradict your own viewpoint, it doesn't show from your utter lack of understanding and respect for those with a different opinion to you.

respect is something you earn - if you believe in something a daft as Brexit, you'll find it hard to get respect.

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1 hour ago, kwilco said:

respect is something you earn - if you believe in something a daft as Brexit, you'll find it hard to get respect.


And if the EU had earned the respect of the British, we might not be wanting to leave it, eh? 

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19 minutes ago, sandyf said:

If around 634K had voted the other way it would have been a different result and the electorate is over 45 million.


There's no doubt that Leave won. Even now there has not been a change of heart. In my view, a second Brexit referendum is out of the question. Even with all the ifs and ands, the best that could be achieved by Remain would be another stalemate.  We're best off dealing with this stalemate really. 


One point of agreement might be that Brexit can not go ahead without a deal/ acceptable deal- to do otherwise would reward incompetence and duplicity in my view.







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3 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

Agreed on that much! The establishment learnt in 2016, to their chagrin, that the public don't always do as they're instructed. Last time us bottom-feeders will get to decide on anything ever again.


A sort of "Benthic Brexit" then?

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23 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

get on with it, we had the vote


Ah you see, getting on with it is the stumbling block...may I ask where you have been?????


Do you mean get on with it with no deal? a Norway deal? or do you prefer to just get on with it in a nebulous, non defined, you know just get on with it sort of way?????

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8 hours ago, nauseus said:
18 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

Another major global company expands it's UK presence 'despite' Brexit....


Long-suffering UK savers could soon see higher returns, as one of Wall Street's swankiest banks boosts its presence on this side of the Atlantic.

Goldman Sachs is well-known for its investment bank in London, but from Thursday it will also offer a savings account to members of the public.



Stay away then! ☠️

Mine was meant to be a pro-Brexit comment.  Misunderstanding?


GS are expanding their offering in the UK.  And MSM always like to use the word 'despite' before Brexit

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3 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Mine was meant to be a pro-Brexit comment.  Misunderstanding?


GS are expanding their offering in the UK.  And MSM always like to use the word 'despite' before Brexit


I mean I would steer clear of GS, Brexit aside. 

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4 hours ago, kwilco said:

respect is something you earn - if you believe in something a daft as Brexit, you'll find it hard to get respect.

Respect isn't about not having beliefs, it's about how your beliefs lead you to treat people who disagree with you. My self respect guides my morals, respect for others guides my manners...…..but I can see where you are coming from.


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3 hours ago, tebee said:

Boris Johnson’s ‘SuperCanada’ proposal is super flawed




All deals are essentially flawed since the EU will say no, and Labour and some rebels would very likely vote it down.  Our Brexit politicians don't seem to realise that.  And I'm not sure JC does either.

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