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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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6 minutes ago, Rally123 said:

What, until they get the result they want?


Having a second vote because yous didn't win the first vote isn't really democratic is it? My side didn't win in the referendum in the early 70's but did we bitch until we got a second vote? Nah, we just  got on with what the democratic voters wanted. Job done.

The EU is not democratic but you don't seem to be calling for change on how they elect their leaders.

I would alternatively suggest that, having a second vote because what was promised in the first vote is not deliverable, is instead the epiphany of what democracy should be.

Edited by tebee
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History is an anathema to most Brexiteers......

We need to learn from history..... not WW 1 or  2 or even a simplistic view of English history.
We should be looking at the last big threat to a union and how they dealt with it.
That would be the American Civil war ... In which a small minority tried to leave the U.S. union and were brought back in line by the majority.


Take a look at Tory history too.....



blogger true tories are remainers.png

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8 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:





The stupid political class should have done what we voted for and started getting out the day after the referendum vote as they promised. You can't vote on the final deal as we either accept it or leave wiithout a deal then join a less political trading group which the Japanese said we would be welcome in.


The 'people's vote' second referendum in fact is nothing more than a ploy for the likes of George Soros Branson the failed Geldof and other billionaires to keep us tied to the undemocratic anti British block. The EU got Ireland to vote 3 times before they came to the 'correct answer'. If remoaners won will any additional vote we go for best of three?


They will try to cripple us as if they don't get a deal as they will owe us 7 billion a year in tariffs. As to their threats of no planes flying Spain economy would crash so would Portugal and we control most of the routes to the US so they would be screwed getting anywhere West, plus if we closed the 'land bridge' ( England) the Southern Irish economy would collapse over night as they couldn't get their produce to the EU quick enough. We need more Churchill and less Chamberlain in capitulation.


Are you in favour of Brexit?

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8 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

If people want another vote they have every right to call for one. 


To refuse this right is anti democratic authoritarianism. 

Of course!


Brexiteers could not believe their luck when the referendum went their way. They KNOW that would never happen again. They are terrified of another referendum.

Edited by Grouse
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8 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

The Irish border is a non issue, the Guards Irish police and customs regularly carry out inspections ther is a border, and why should we be controlled by the threat of violence if we were to take back our border, how did it work when we joined but Ireland wasn't a member? It's a non issue!! Conveniently accepted by the political EU loving class. Try living in my area full of EU citizens mosT from my experience claiming benefits, virtually no English spoken, it feels like ethnic cleansing by our globalist leaders.

Ethnic cleansing? Of whom? By whom? Where do you live? What are the predominant local languages?

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8 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

How many votes do you suggest we have ? If I don't like the result of the next one is it democratic to refuse that.


One will be enough to stop this moronic Brexit nonsense.


If a super majority had been specified, as is usual for constitutional matters, we would not be in this embarrassing pantomime of self harm. However, the referendum was not binding, regardless of any verbal assurances. I can post the original act if like?

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7 hours ago, adammike said:

I have started to feel there is a change in the air ,the brexiteers are being called out even by some of the brexit supporting media, not the daily telegraph of course or the daily express (that rag seems to exist in some parallel universe so please don't put up links from it) .There are even the no brexit option being written as a possibility! One thing I saw was the EU may say yes the UK can stay but lose the rebate and other opt outs,It's gonna be a long hard winter for some.

I expect the EU to modify the free movement of people pillar. Not just to remove that leg from the brexiters' stool but to release pressure inside the EU generally 

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1 minute ago, billd766 said:



Any expat who was entitled to vote in the UK general Elections was eligible to vote in the referendum, I live in Thailand and got off my arrsse and applied to vote where I was last registered. That was granted and I had a proxy to vote for me.


Now if I can do it from Thailand then ANY UK expat in Europe who was qualified could have done so.


Just another whining Remoaner.

Not if you have not been registered to vote at a UK address for more than 15 years.

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5 hours ago, tebee said:

I would alternatively suggest that, having a second vote because what was promised in the first vote is not deliverable, is instead the epiphany of what democracy should be.

The over-riding fact is the envisaged deal falls well short of what was pledged. If Leavers had not promised the earth in an afternoon then Brexit would have been done.  Simple as that.


Edited by mommysboy
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9 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"There is nothing undemocratic in calling for a second vote. I’m not calling for a vote on anything. 

Just disagreeing with the authoritarian position that there cannot be one."


NOBODY as far as I know is saying that there can never be another vote - just not before the first vote has been enacted!

A second referendum on Brexit is pointless since it would also be indeterminate in that it would merely be 1-1 if Remain won... best of 3, 5, 7?.  I'm happy to sit with the UK's decision to Leave as being a genuine expression of what people want.


Yet we are left with something that is in fact undeliverable because of the pie in the sky promises under which Leave was secured.  Brexit must be shelved.  That's what happens when things go wrong in our own lives, in business, in just about anything where real life shows us it is not possible or nonsensical to continue.

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17 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"There is nothing undemocratic in calling for a second vote. I’m not calling for a vote on anything. 

Just disagreeing with the authoritarian position that there cannot be one."


NOBODY as far as I know is saying that there can never be another vote - just not before the first vote has been enacted!

but if the first vote isn't enactable in any form that was envisioned then what can we do?


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3 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

The question on the ballot paper was 'Should the UK remain a member of the EU or leave the EU', and the options were very simple - remain or leave.


The unexpected result was 'leave', which IS "deliverable" - just not the preferred option of many, particularly politicians and the eu who then came up with 'soft brexit'/'hard brexit'.


I do agree that the electorate expected the uk and eu to negotiate sensibly and agree a reasonable (for both sides) trade agreement, which hasn't happened yet as the uk (for some obscure reason....) allowed this to be the last item on the agenda ????.

But a soft Brexit is deliverable - it's only the governments  red lines that preventing it and nobody voted on those 

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24 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"There is nothing undemocratic in calling for a second vote. I’m not calling for a vote on anything. 

Just disagreeing with the authoritarian position that there cannot be one."


NOBODY as far as I know is saying that there can never be another vote - just not before the first vote has been enacted!

No reason there cannot be another vote before brexit.

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1 minute ago, tebee said:

but if the first vote isn't enactable in any form that was envisioned then what can we do?


Conclude it can't be done and ditch it.  That is the obvious solution because that is what happens in life, happens in boardrooms up and down the country, happens in families millions of times a year.


Quite why Brexit is immune from the fundamental realities of life is beyond me- it's not the holy grail.



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3 minutes ago, vogie said:

But a soft Brexit is not Brexit. David Cameron said before the the referendum that it meant leaving the single market, everybody was well informed no matter what remainers believe was said.

Where exactly did he say this and was it official policy - I remember one of the major criticisms of the referendum being that the type of Brexit was undefined, allowing supporters to claim the freedoms of a hard  brexit with the economics of a soft one. 

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