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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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13 minutes ago, billd766 said:

I received this email from Petitions: UK Government and Parliament


The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “Stop possible second referendum on E.U. membership”.

Government responded:

A clear majority of the electorate voted to leave the European Union. We must respect both the will of the British people, and the democratic process which delivered this result.

The Government is clear that we will respect the result of the 2016 referendum, and that we will not hold a second referendum.

A clear majority of the electorate voted to leave the European Union in the 2016 referendum. Almost three quarters of the electorate took part in the referendum, resulting in 17.4 million votes to leave the European Union. This is the highest number of votes cast for anything in UK electoral history. This was the biggest democratic mandate for a course of action ever directed at any UK Government.

Parliament then overwhelmingly confirmed the result of the referendum by voting with clear and convincing majorities in both of its Houses for the European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill.

In last year’s General Election, over 80% of people then also voted for parties committing to respect the result of the referendum - it was the stated policy of both major parties that the decision of the people would be respected. The Government is clear that it is now its duty to implement the will expressed by the electorate in the referendum - respecting both the will of the British people, and the democratic process which delivered the referendum result.

The British people must be able to trust in its Government both to effect their will, and to deliver the best outcome for them. As the Prime Minister has said: “This is about more than the decision to leave the EU; it is about whether the public can trust their politicians to put in place the decision they took.” In upholding that directive to withdraw from the European Union, the Government is delivering on that promise. We recognise that to do otherwise would be to undermine the decision of the British people, and to disrespect the powerful democratic values of this country and this government.

The Government therefore continues to be committed to delivering on the instruction given to us by the British people: working to overcome the challenges and seize the opportunities this brings to deliver an outcome which betters the lives of British people - whether they voted to Leave or to Remain.

The people of the United Kingdom gave a clear instruction and the Government is committed to seeing that through. We will leave the European Union on 29 March 2019.

Department for Exiting the European Union

It would be rather worrying if the 'Department for Exiting the European Union' said anything else!

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9 minutes ago, kwilco said:

Jesus wept!





Remoaners actually put store by these sort of things.


Ask someone a question and they will usually answer it.



”Are you in favour of the death penalty” would probably have a similar result if remoaners were questioned.

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1 minute ago, Jip99 said:


Remoaners actually put store by these sort of things.


Ask someone a question and they will usually answer it.



”Are you in favour of the death penalty” would probably have a similar result if remoaners were questioned.

But pre decimal currency was all in 12s so really tricky to master, so Remainer's probably wouldn't want to do that.


I think the death penalty is much more popular than the figure suggested as well.

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How popular is Brexit.

The site - Brexit news -  held a poll that was so against them, theyI hid the poll and then closed the site completely.....




Meanwhile some Brexit heritage.....



Edited by kwilco
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33 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

But pre decimal currency was all in 12s so really tricky to master, so Remainer's probably wouldn't want to do that.


I think the death penalty is much more popular than the figure suggested as well.

You can hang all the brexiteers when it all goes tits up,bring it back and a bit of flogging never hurt anybody.

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7 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

I thought it would be about 99% for death penalty.


I wonder how many would support an end to pension payments to expats?  Scrapping the NHS?  Ending benefits?

Actually Chakkabarti a 'new British' who worked for Amenesty Int and Liberty, now works for Corbyn's Labour raised paying pensions to people who no longer live in the UK so don't think its not on their agenda! She said it was wrong to pay people not in the country when there is so much to do inside the country! (Paying more 'new British benefits most likely).

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Just now, adammike said:

You can hang all the brexiteers when it all goes tits up,bring it back and a bit of flogging never hurt anybody.

WOW That is sort of the Remainer view we grow to expect!


Lost the vote then turn to threats and violence

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27 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

I thought it would be about 99% for death penalty.


I wonder how many would support an end to pension payments to expats?  Scrapping the NHS?  Ending benefits?

Ending pension payments for people who no longer live at least 6 months per calendar year in UK, would probably pass as a democratic vote in no time if the leavers would be decide the issue. 

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So, about the Russian interference.


If it's likely that the Leave.EU campaign money came from Russia / Putin oligarchs, would you support nullifying the brexit vote as illegal and start over and have a new referendum?



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1 hour ago, oilinki said:

Ending pension payments for people who no longer live at least 6 months per calendar year in UK, would probably pass as a democratic vote in no time if the leavers would be decide the issue.

Yep your correct


But here's another reason why Brexit happened, trust in the political class not to have their noses in the trough and use arcane laws to supress what they get up to at our expence. It wasn't just a Brexit vote it was a protest vote.


Here's two very vocal remainer's protecting each others secrets. Vaz was with rent boys and offered drugs, Bercow is a bully protecting his chum as it appears there are are foreign trips paid for on taxpayers expenses.




This is why no one can trust the political class to do what people want and Brexit is in jeopardy

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6 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

when we leave the EU will start to fade into oblivion. So we don't need to worry about 20 years into the future as in its present form it will not exist.

What an arrogant and above all ignorant remark. If I was in the Leave-boat, I would want to get out just because of you being there too.......

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9 minutes ago, damascase said:

What an arrogant and above all ignorant remark. If I was in the Leave-boat, I would want to get out just because of you being there too.......

Typical remainer remarks and one who doesn't realise the EU will be finished when we leave that's why they are trying to lock us in. 


The EU in its present form will be no more in 20 years time! I hope it disintegrates very quickly indeed in fact collapses into its own swamp and gets swept away on its own gravy chain. Hopefully you will want to catch that boat?


o is that a snowflake?

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39 minutes ago, tebee said:

Doesn't it seem stupid that the government is being so secret about brexit it's refusing to share information with its own ministers ?



I guess the advice most likely either says one or more of these;


They can whistle for their 39 billion no legal basis for it


We can revoke article 50 at any time (before March)


There needs to be a full vote on leaving.


the good Friday agreement will be breached.


In fact when we were lied to about the good Friday letters and found out Blair had given comfort letters to murderers we should have tipped it up then and there.



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8 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

Typical remainer remarks and one who doesn't realise the EU will be finished when we leave that's why they are trying to lock us in. 


The EU in its present form will be no more in 20 years time! I hope it disintegrates very quickly indeed in fact collapses into its own swamp and gets swept away on its own gravy chain. Hopefully you will want to catch that boat?


o is that a snowflake?

What has the EU done to you that you want to see its disintegration so badly? You want to leave, fair enough, but can’t you just leave it at that?

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8 minutes ago, damascase said:

What has the EU done to you that you want to see its disintegration so badly? You want to leave, fair enough, but can’t you just leave it at that?

Are you serious or a troll?


They have grandstanded throughout the article 50.


Done everything yo slow down the process


Tried everything to screw our ecconomy.


and Ireland an absolute discrace we bailed them out in 2009 when no one else would and they have treated us like something off the bottom of a shoe.


Unfortunately, for them they are going to start doing themselves real ecconomic harm




We should walk out of talks revert to WTO rules and make the 10 billion a year they would have to pay in tariffs.


kf that was what we told them it would get them to beg for a deal, as they can't run without Londons financial systems. For example 1300 EU companies are begging for London to give them banking and other FS licences.


Their is a big group now no matter what goes on in the negotiations to disrupt the Irish using our land bridge to get to Europe their dairy and farming will collapse within weeks taking their ecconomy down. We are angry and will do whatever we can to destroy the EU by all legal means.


You really don't get the real anger now from the people in both our political class and the EU gravy chain.


Do I want the EU destroyed - Yes please as soon as possible.


o your previous troll post about getting out of the boat. Well we will have lots of boats as we will be the only one fishing. The EU say we will face tariffs so what there are 200,000 tons of herring the Dutch fish which is ours and China is crying out to buy it from us.


They might try to be clever and humiliate us but we can take them down as you can see very quickly. And I hope we do.

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25 minutes ago, damascase said:

What has the EU done to you that you want to see its disintegration so badly? You want to leave, fair enough, but can’t you just leave it at that?

Here you go fishing we will ruin the EU for all their hatred to us.




The quicker the EU is disintegrated  the better! And we with help can do it

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1 hour ago, tebee said:

Doesn't it seem stupid that the government is being so secret about brexit it's refusing to share information with its own ministers ?





Not like you to bother to post links well done you have discovered the copy button.


Where did you find that link it is full of grammatical errors is he a real expert or a faux?


Here you go from real economists, not someone who can't get a job as an economist so teaches in the socialist further education world of non reality and dope, in fact he looks like a dope.




Read it and learn what true economists say.


Now if we have anouther millionaires vote, you can make the informed decisions and vote leave!


You can now have a great day folding up your EU flags for goid. Or you can send them to me and I will burn them for you on you tube?


Well done for your conversion to a Brexiteer - Well done that man 

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Project fear. It seems to be a Brexiteers argument based on the premise thatof these things are purely speculation. At least we agree that if they did happen that would be bad.

Unfortunately it isn't speculation, it is calculation and evidence


It WILL happen and IS ALREADY happening in many cases. Expansion is turning to shrinkage.


They voted leave and in the case of many companies that is exactly what is happening.





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1 hour ago, Patriot1066 said:



Not like you to bother to post links well done you have discovered the copy button.


Where did you find that link it is full of grammatical errors is he a real expert or a faux?


Here you go from real economists, not someone who can't get a job as an economist so teaches in the socialist further education world of non reality and dope, in fact he looks like a dope.




Read it and learn what true economists say.


Now if we have anouther millionaires vote, you can make the informed decisions and vote leave!


You can now have a great day folding up your EU flags for goid. Or you can send them to me and I will burn them for you on you tube?


Well done for your conversion to a Brexiteer - Well done that man 

Yet another example of Brexiteer ignorance, it is quite clear you have know idea who economists for free trade are and how ridiculed they are by economists.

You really need to learn how to analyse sources and their messages.....if ever there was an agenda ( Brexiteer cliche) there is one with this org.


Here is whata Jacob Rees Mogg - working class hero and main force behind EFFT - has to say about the UK economy after Brexit. 

50 years to recover....how old will YOU  be then?



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