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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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56 minutes ago, Grouse said:

And what has that to do with my point?


The case you quote will fail due to parliamentary privilege 

Brentford County Court "rather bizarrely" initially found against Mrs Keen when she failed to turn up for a hearing, the spokesman said.


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2 hours ago, vinny41 said:

Project Fear trying to scare everyone with No Food on the Table remainers hate it when someone comes up with an work around solution . I guess you could also go Grouse shooting if they are in season

I'm having a Marie-Antoinette moment...

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57 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

Is it not ruinous to be in a club with little financial control or accountability.


People have been ritiring to Europe long be for the EU do you think they will kick everyone out or stop new?


Is being in their puny army safe for us as only us and France have real military capabillity. Is it ruinous we shoulder a bigger part of defence than the Germans.


is it ruinous when their heads of state insult our biggest military ally accusing them of been a threat at a time of remembrance when they rescued Europe.


No my friend the EU will ruin us all!


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1 hour ago, vogie said:

Intellect, I'll have you know my IQ came back negative.????

right guys

all this talk about brains etc,


have a Danish gruk:


My intellectual horizon

is like a circle with radius zero

this I call

my point of view



carry on, next


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55 minutes ago, mogandave said:


I’ve got plenty of time.

All but number 3 are conjecture, and everyone knew about 3 going in.

That’s all you have, really?


I could go on if you wish


The list was specifically simplistic to help the casual reader, shall we say.

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45 minutes ago, adammike said:

The land border will be between the the republic and northern Ireland,the fact that there is free travel between England and the republic is not the point nobody expects that to change post brexit, the point is how is the border going to be policed? Post brexit everybody and everything that flows over the land border through the ports and airports will have to be controlled.By the way I am in the process of registering as an Irish citizen of foreign birth so less of the insults.P.S. born and raised in England of English parents one Irish grandmother.


I’m sticking by my country !

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4 hours ago, Stupooey said:

This is the $64,000 question, isn't it - do we elect MPs based on their principles, or go for the ones who are most likely to abandon their principles to improve their chances of being re-elected. Personally, I would vote for someone who I felt was better informed than I, and would authorise them to make decisions on my behalf. Perhaps this explains why nobody I have ever voted for has been elected (save one local councillor who managed to buck the party trend)!


Incidentally, there is no mention of any physical threats against Caroline Flint on the Internet (she mentions physical threats against early suffragettes in one of her speeches) - whoever has been doing it must have friends in high places.


So you don’t consider “ you’ll be swinging by a rope “ for your support for Brexit to be a threat, this one was made after she was interviewed on BBC radio 4. There have been many more directed at her by remainers, or should I refer to them as those anti democratic remainers.

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3 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

Your geography seems confused. There will never be a land border between Ireland and the EU unless Ireland leaves the EU and the UK re-enters.


The Common Travel Area pre-dates the EU, and it will post-date the UK's exit from the EU. I have confirmed this at least 5 times on this thread.


For personal travel exactly the same provision will be in force between the UK and Ireland post-Brexit as has existed since 1923 (apart from WWII when it was suspended). This is a fact, which no-one on this forum or any other is confused about except you and Oilinki. I suggest you do some simple research on this before you embarrass yourself further.


In addition to which it's clear that you have never travelled between Ireland and the UK. I wonder if you have ever even visited either.





While I feel honoured for you mentioning me on your post, I think it was a wrong call.


We should make a difference what happened prior the WWII and after that.



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3 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

I'm sure many people share these concerns.


But they seem to forget that "no deal" is not an end-point in itself; it's a beginning. It would be the fastest way for the UK to get to the point of finalising trade deals with non-EU countries, and probably with the EU too. It would also save the UK a huge amount of money which would more than offset the short-term disruption.



It's thinking outside the box, and not as mad as it sounds. I bet a few essential deals really would be done in an afternoon too!

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45 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

The issue with 16 year olds voting is the poor ones won’t, the rich liberals probably will, but the big issue is the torrent of pro EU stuff the left wing teachers make them digest.


How can they be objective after 12 years of pro left pro EU brainwashing?

The main problem with your analysis is that the left wing has traditionally been anti-EU. Think Corbyn. Also those two polar opposites, Tony Benn and Enoch Powell, who were both fiercely opposed to the EEC for, surprisingly, basically the same reason, the erosion of UK Parliamentary Sovereignty. They must be turning in their graves now, to think that Parliament abrogated its responsibilities and put this question to a plebiscite.

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The main problem with your analysis is that the left wing has traditionally been anti-EU. Think Corbyn. Also those two polar opposites, Tony Benn and Enoch Powell, who were both fiercely opposed to the EEC for, surprisingly, basically the same reason, the erosion of UK Parliamentary Sovereignty. They must be turning in their graves now, to think that Parliament abrogated its responsibilities and put this question to a plebiscite.

Historic or otherwise, the left is all-in for it now.
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