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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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Instead of making a glorious leap to independence, Britain will become a satellite orbiting the European planet, obliged to follow rules it will have no say in devising.
This is an exercise in damage limitation, not a bold break from the recent past. But the question is whether the British political system is capable of resigning itself to this least bad outcome.
Oscar Wilde’s Lady Bracknell did not quite say that when a government loses its mind it may be regarded as a misfortune but when the opposition does so as well, it begins to look like carelessness.
So no different to how it is now then. The Veto doesn't exist anymore so all decisions made by Brussels are implemented by the UK whether we like it or not.

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9 hours ago, candide said:

It's a shame but these students are not necessarily from the EU. Actually the country with the highest unpaid debt amount is Australia.


I repeat, E.U. Citizens owe the British tax payer 1.3 Billion £ +.

Regarding the debt from Australia, that includes British citizens, who after completing their University education then depart the U.K for warmer climates. Very similar to many University graduates, who come to live and work in Thailand. This of course is all down to the Question,should university education be free.

While I don’t condone want they do. I certainly think that once Again the British tax payers are being taken for a ride by the E.U.

And why are British tax paying citizens discriminated against? Just a fraction of this money could pay for the 100% +50% that British, Tax paying ex - pats must pay.

Please Candide, if you are British, think about the interest of your fellow citizens, first and foremost.



Edited by nontabury
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23 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

Utter rubbish, as usual.

But very informative of your views of independent media and well, hey!, If it's on RationalWiki it must be non-partisan, totally correct and beyond reproach. The factual analysis from this report is in fact a direct (and credited) quote of information from 'The Spectator' - or are they also a 'bat-shit' crazy, antisemitic rag?... :cheesy:



...and if so, what would you recommend browsing for fair, impartial and factual reporting - The FT, The Independent or The Guardian I guess, right!? ????

not or the Guardian but and ,  and now let's add the repentant Daily Mail to the list and of course TVF when we shall eventually Remain the 50 baht pound party will go on for days. I'll pitch in with a Makro box of Changs (nay Heineken from Holland for such an important date). God Save the Queen !

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1 hour ago, whatsupdoc said:

Why, oh why, do some Brexiteers have such an obsession with Selmayr? By the way, I find the Iain Dale statement very, very hard to believe.

Probably yet another Brexiteer getting so desperate that he feels the need to spread lies..... 

Desperate for distraction rather than face up to the issues on their own doorstep.

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19 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

not or the Guardian but and ,  and now let's add the repentant Daily Mail to the list and of course TVF when we shall eventually Remain the 50 baht pound party will go on for days. I'll pitch in with a Makro box of Changs (nay Heineken from Holland for such an important date). God Save the Queen !

I was listing them individually not as a group, so or is just fine per grammar. I could lump them in as being as biased and recalcitrant as each other, but I don't think that, so I won't. They've all become pretty dire, but to varying degrees and with varying regularity, IMHO. ????


...and Chang!!! C'mon, an IPA is more becoming surely? 

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In today's circumstances, only the arrogant would claim that the door to a variety of scenarios is not somewhat ajar, a bit wider on some than others.

With the MP's having had the weekend to contemplate, the fog may get patchy later in the day.

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Negotiation has only come to an end for Theresa May, got her head stuck drawing the line.


The line in the sand from Brussels stops short of ruling out a renegotiation, but effectively means that red lines would have to change for a substantially different deal to emerge.


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34 minutes ago, nontabury said:


I repeat, E.U. Citizens owe the British tax payer 1.3 Billion £ +.

Regarding the debt from Australia, that includes British citizens, who after completing their University education then depart the U.K for warmer climates. Very similar to many University graduates, who come to live and work in Thailand. This of course is all down to the Question,should university education be free.

While I don’t condone want they do. I certainly think that once Again the British tax payers are being taken for a ride by the E.U.

And why are British tax paying citizens discriminated against? Just a fraction of this money could pay for the 100% +50% that British, Tax paying ex - pats must pay.

Please Candide, if you are British, think about the interest of your fellow citizens, first and foremost.



the british taxpayers have been taken for a ride by the single mothers,alcoholics,DLA scroungers and the refugee's we lavished houses and goods on,none of which had anything to do with the EU,i will always remember about 15 years ago seeing a guy loading a van up with about 40-50 used hovers so i asked him where had they come from he replied they came from the homes of refugee's and he was taking them to tip as the refugee's had all received brand new one's,do they still work i asked yes bar a handful he replied,total madness and nothing to do with EU law,i dont recall seeing any hovers on show when the jungle in calais was in its prime,the french treat them correctly,give the f---ers nowt.

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30 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Well, some experts on boarder controls do in fact believe, a system can quickly be put in place. Just because you and other remoaners say it’s impossible, does not necessarily mean it’s true.

Is that the same “experts” that calculated the weekly NHS savings? Thanks, but no thanks. While I enjoy listening to Brexit-experts when I want to have a good laugh, when it comes to our borders, I prefer to go with someone reliable. But hey, go ahead and develop such technology. You’ll have some years time now for that anyways ???? 

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30 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Well, some experts on boarder controls do in fact believe, a system can quickly be put in place. Just because you and other remoaners say it’s impossible, does not necessarily mean it’s true.

We had a scrapped  12 billion NHS system you may remember a few years back all for nowt - nothing to do with the EU.  We have more chance of successfully landing an unmanned vehicle on Mars at Christmas than bringing off such a system. 

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11 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

In a nutshell that's it - let's call the whole thing off.

i never voted as at the time i could see points from both sides,what hit me within days/weeks of the vote is just what an absolute disaster the whole thing was.

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31 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:


4) Extension on Art-50 requested 

Enough time and resources have been wasted already on this circus. If the UK needs more time for implementation then fine, but for that, it should be a prerequisite that the UK agrees to a deal first. No more extension for going in circles please. 

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16 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Yeah well you can wave goodbye to the pound if he gets in. Blackpool for me if he does from now on - which ain't that bad and where I nearly hail from.

'Yeah well you can wave goodbye to the pound if he gets in.'


It left some time ago!

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I was listening to this debate, where it seems, that the brexiteer was thinking that the already negotiated deal can somehow be opened for a new round. 


I think EU has quite clearly said that this is the deal. There might be some very minor changes to be done, but nothing major. 


If brexiteers are really thinking like him, then it's likely that no-deal will be the final answer. 

At this point, I'm not too sure how willing EU member countries are anymore to allow UK to withdraw A50, which could be the possibility via People's vote. It's time to move on.



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22 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

Yes it would be extremely naive. The Germans, Dutch and Italians tend not to export to France via Calais.

My Thai  Calais ? .  Pit props ?

I was thinking Orly and all those high value super urgent parts needed ever so quickly . Anyway It's a good chance to find out if these JIT systems will still work .

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58 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Most probably the lack of man and women power plus a doubling up on material resources and the cost of starting and Army of xxx,xxx people and all the infrastructure that goes with it.


NATO HQ is in Brussels and to run 2 organisations with much the same targets and ideas will be expensive, There are only 5 countries contributing 2% of GDP into NATO now and to start a new EU military from scratch means that the 27 EU countries will have to stump up even more of their GDP.


Just assuming the plan gets off the ground, what will the new Army do all day that isn't already being done by NATO.


Putin must be laughing his socks off.

Brexit and Trump he's got his money back on a few hundred Russian geek programmers at sowing western chaos. 

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Anyway I think we all agree NO deal is disaster, the Deal is worse than what we already have ergo we remain. Job done let's get back to normal discourse such as where to get HP sauce in Pattaya and the like and how much does a Kwai cost (around 13.5k baht I think). See that wasn't difficult should have listened to Grouse all along. He deserves a 50 year old Macallan single malt for his sterling efforts to keep sterling ......errmmmm sterling and sound as a pound. 

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51 minutes ago, JAG said:

One of the features of this debate is what might be called "electoral gymnastics" - assorted convoluted manoeuvres designed to convince that the losing side (the one which actually and quite simply received less votes nationwide) really won...

Don't worry we've got Ollie on the case already - he's had two years to finesse the Whitehall wordsmithing it will truly be a work of art. 

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